
Kidnappings in Rosarito?

MexicoTed - 12-11-2007 at 01:01 AM

I'm not trying to alarm anyone, just looking for the facts.

Has anyone heard about two prominent businessmen being kidnapped in daylight in Rosarito in the last few days?

I received an anonymous email from someone who didn't give a name, but they said I should know that criminals kidnapped the owner of Baja's largest liquor store chain in daylight on Benito Juarez and that also the owner of a Chinese restaurant was kidnapped near the police station.....

Any of you in Rosarito or Tijuana hear about this? Not sure about the email source, but I do receive a lot of them with all sorts of info on Baja.....


[Edited on 12-11-2007 by MexicoTed]


tehag - 12-11-2007 at 08:08 AM