
Important info on travel documents

Al G - 12-11-2007 at 07:51 AM

From BWO...If you just lost them, I thought this might help with documents...
Secure Legal Documents - Two of our students, a German woman and son, were robbed in Cabo last weekend of all of their possessions, including passports, visas, driver's license, German ID's, all money, credit cards - everything. They had their things in their rental car when they went to the beach. Only the car keys were spared because she had the keys with her. Even though the car was locked, suitcases were in the trunk, things were in sight inside the car for the robbers to see. Breaking in was easy, including the trunk. a common mistake.
When they got the police report, they drove back to La Paz for help which has led us to this discovery: The airline, bank and government offices did not accept a fax of copies of the original documents nor paper copies of their official documents. They all accepted "scanned'"and emailed documents of passports, visas, ID's, etc. She had scanned their documents before leaving and they were on her computer back in Germany. Once we waded thru the maze of information with her, (thank God we speak perfect Spanish) the husband back in Germany had only to attach the documents to emails sent to the bank, airline and government officials to be able to get them out of the country and back to Germany.

A security tip: Scan official documents and put them in your personal email file for safe keeping. If something happens, get to a computer and open up your email account and send them off to where they need to go. Make sure that your virus protection is up to date and your computer is backed up. We talked about this with students in school last week . Everyone thought it a tremendous idea so we offered our scanner so that they could get started backing up their documents. 'Tis the Season. - Juli Goff,,, 612-122-7763, La Paz

Bruce R Leech - 12-11-2007 at 08:00 AM

really good info Albert, the kind that is going to save some people a lot of grief.

thanks Al you are the man of the Day

Marie-Rose - 12-11-2007 at 08:20 AM

Thanks for passing that on Al.
The BWO (Baja Western Onion) is a wonderful source of information, especially for those who visit, or live around the Todos Santos area. I encourage everyone to in the area to take a look at it.:yes:

Al G - 12-11-2007 at 08:55 AM

Thanks...Bruce and Marie-Rose...yes there are times I'm not being silly...I promise not to make it a habit:biggrin:

DianaT - 12-11-2007 at 08:58 AM

Thanks Al,

Scanning is a great idea---we have copies of everything, but scanning and e-mailing is a great idea.

El Jefe - 12-11-2007 at 09:04 AM

Having a scanned copy of my FM3 was what saved my bacon when I lost the document on a summer trip to the states. I was able to print up a really good copy which satisfied the nice man at Guererro Negro imigration. Then I had it to use at the office in Cabo when I went to get the replacement. BTW, it was not a difficult thing to replace. I just needed to have more photos taken, provide bank statements, proof of residence and a letter stating that I lost the original. Oh, and pay a small fee at the bank. Easy, no stress.

Al G - 12-11-2007 at 09:15 AM

"A security tip: Scan official documents and put them in your personal email file for safe keeping"
I think this is very (I use Gmail) them to yourself so they are not on your computer, so if your computer is lost or stolen with your documents, you can retrieve them anywhere online...just another added level of security:cool:

bajajudy - 12-11-2007 at 10:06 AM

Great information
I am scanning as I type

Secure Information

MrBillM - 12-11-2007 at 10:07 AM

For those concerned about having sensitive data ON the computer, FREE 128-Bit encrytion software is available from "Cryptainer" (recommended by PC World) which offers you the ability to create an unlimited number of 25MB secure "Vaults" (Folders) on a hard drive, flash drive, etc. For larger requirements, they offer various versions with higher levels of encryption, but 25MB is a LOT of spaceif you're only interested in the most sensitive info.

I use it on all my computers and have backups on two Flash Drives.

The password to that file is the one that you will HAVE to remember. There is no way to retrieve it. Unless you're a Hacker, of course.