
Last Night in Tijuana

Gypsy Jan - 12-12-2007 at 04:50 PM

We were leaving the doctor's office. When we were outside, we noticed an idling, unmarked Suburban parked right in front of us, with driver inside and several serious looking men standing around it with lumps under their jackets and several other assorted vehicles (sedans, small pick up trucks, etc.) marked "Policia" parked up and down the block.

There is a government office building located across the street from the doctor's building.

We left the doctor's parking lot and moved to the end of the block for another appointment.

In that period of time, whoever the Suburban was waiting for came out and got into the vehicle. The Suburban roared away, passing by us, followed by at least a dozen Policia vehicles and a what-appeared-to-be armored panel van, also marked Policia, that had been parked around the corner. The panel van pulled a U-turn and joined the caravan in the tailgunner spot.

bajaboolie - 12-12-2007 at 05:01 PM

What a sight! I think I'd want my doctor's appts away from the government buildings!

Sharksbaja - 12-12-2007 at 05:09 PM

Did you say a prayer?

Gypsy Jan - 12-12-2007 at 05:12 PM

Always! Armed escorts or not. :)

ELINVESTIG8R - 12-12-2007 at 05:27 PM

I do not know if this is related. I found that someone under the name of anonymous in one of the comment sections of one of the local Tijuana on-line newspapers indicated that there is some super secret government operation in the Tijuana area called “Commando Blanco.” They are supposedly going after those involved in organized crime. They wrote a 4,924 word article on the matter. As it was in a comment section of one of the news stories I did not report it. Here is a little sample in Spanish what he wrote.

Un grupo de fuerzas especiales trabaja contra el crimen organizado. “Comando Blanco” “Levantan” a miembros de bandas de secuestradores, de células del narco y otros grupos delictivos con el fin de “limpiar” la ciudad de Tijuana de violencia e inseguridad. Es un ataque frontal del Gobierno hacia la base de la estructura del crimen organizado, aunque de manera encubierta. Aún negado por el Secretario de Seguridad del Estado de Baja California, Víctor de la Garza Herrada, se ha confirmado la presencia de un grupo especial contra el crimen organizado operando por lo menos en Tijuana. Un “Comando Blanco”. Confirmado a tres miembros de diferentes corporaciones, e incluso por integrantes del sector empresarial, este grupo especial de ataque contra el crimen organizado, es una copia de estrategias que se han llevado a cabo en otros estados como Sinaloa, donde el anterior gobernador Juan Sigfrido Millán, utilizó equipos especiales y anónimos para bajar a cero la estadística del secuestro.La participación de este grupo elite de fuerzas especiales también coincide con las intenciones del Gobernador Electo, José Guadalupe Osuna Millán, de echar a andar un proyecto de esta naturaleza para acabar con ejecuciones y secuestros principalmente. El objetivo principal es limpiar la calle de delincuentes menores que contratados por las mafias pretenden convertirse en secuestradores o sicarios. Desestabilizar la estructura de las células de narcotraficantes y de las bandas de secuestradores. El “Comando Blanco” lo integra personal traído del interior de la República, sin intereses económicos en la zona, capacitado para controlar situaciones de crisis y repeler agresiones del crimen. No se decidió incluir agentes policíacos locales debido al grado de infiltración y corrupción que se percibe en las corporaciones federales, estatales y municipales en Baja California. Debido a esto, los elementos de este grupo especial tienen una carencia: No conocen la situación real de Tijuana, tampoco a sus residentes y no saben distinguir entre quienes ostentan por tener un trabajo legal y quienes lo hacen como producto del crimen organizado. Esta condición los ha llevado incluso a detener personas por equivocación. Sin embargo, prefieren continuar con este actuar ya que no confían en los agentes federales integrados al Grupo Coordinación en la ciudad fronteriza, quienes han sido denunciados por “bajar” dinero a narcomenudistas y otros grupos criminales. De hecho las policías bajacalifornianas también son tema de investigación. Se informó de la presencia de este grupo especial, y cómo agentes infiltrados en altas esferas gubernamentales estatales, habrían proporcionado esta información a los miembros del crimen organizado. De ahí se desencadenó la violencia que dejó muertos, balaceras, desaparecidos y muchos secuestrados.

[Edited on 12-13-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

Bajajack - 12-12-2007 at 05:57 PM

This is the exact same thing they did in Acapulco year's ago, sent in the Special Police to end the Murders and Robberies.

After the local bad guys were either shot or left town they then settled in and took over.

As long as there are mexicans in mexico it ain't gonna change.

bajaguy - 12-12-2007 at 07:52 PM

Wonder if I can get an escort from them???


tehag - 12-12-2007 at 07:57 PM


Care to elaborate on that last sentence in your post?

bancoduo - 12-12-2007 at 08:03 PM

Originally posted by bajaguy
Wonder if I can get an escort from them???
I think you can, but she will probably be one of their "butt- ugly" sisters. You can do better in zona norte.

bajaguy - 12-12-2007 at 08:18 PM

Ah.......not that kind of escort.

Was thinking of the guys in the Surburban, cars and armored van....hopefully with guns of various assorted calibers (hopefully very large)........maybe this will discourage the toll road trolls........

larry - 12-12-2007 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by tehag

Care to elaborate on that last sentence in your post?

Do we really need an elaboration. Let's just leave it as a racist aside that would possible be found on OFF TOPIC, but hopefully not even there.

It would be good if the moderator would delete it.

rayfornario - 12-13-2007 at 09:29 AM

I was in TJ yesterday evening and noticed an extremely large police presence in town on Revolucion and on the side streets. I saw many surburbans with windows blacked out and a large number of unmarked and marked police cruisers. I am always amazed at the variety of police cars with different insignia down there. One must wonder how many diffrent police agencies are in TJ :cool: