
Crossing at Tecate on 12/27

austin - 12-13-2007 at 05:30 PM

Planning on a trip to Alejandro right after Christmas.
We (my girlfriend and I) were going with another couple that have recently been to Baja and have more experience than us, that just backed out. With all the happenings going on in TJ I think we would feel more comfortable crossing at Tecate maybe in a group…Is anyone headed down that way on 12/27. Does anyone want to chime in on general safety of the area? I’ve been reading a lot of stuff about assaults and car jackings. We are fired up to go, but don’t want to make a stupid and potentially harmful mistake.

I’ve been to Baja a few times (although it’s been years) and we have traveled through Costa Rica and mainland Mexico together…We’ll be coming form Santa Cruz, spending the night at the CA state campground close to the boarder on 12/26 and hope to make it to Cativina that first day.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. We’re fun people, easy going and great campers.


djh - 12-13-2007 at 06:11 PM

Welcome Austin,

Likely a safer (and nicer) drive from Tecate to Ensanada. Lots of wine country to drive through!!

I am flying down to Loreto, but DRIVING back to San Diego on 1/5 and 1/6 ~ in case you're interested in driving N. together.

You'll get some good insights and suggestions here.... the Baja Nomads are a great group of folks.

djh / David

Al G - 12-13-2007 at 06:12 PM

You got several great responses on your post crossing at TJ...why in the world would you blow that??? You got any clue how difficult is is to make a 3-4 caravan connection........:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

oxxo - 12-13-2007 at 06:36 PM

Crossed at Tecate yesterday morning at 0830 all by my lonesome - no caravan......Oh I was in my Dodge Caravan. Needed to renew my FMT which took all of 10 minutes. The Mexican border guys even moved some pylons so I would have a place to park while getting the Visa. The trip through Tecate, the wine country, Ensenada, and points south was peaceful, quiet, and uneventful. You WILL NOT have any problems by yourself. You do not need a caravan......just don't drive anywhere in the Baja after dark for a number of reasons, all of which have been discussed on this Board in detail before.

austin - 12-13-2007 at 07:34 PM

thanks everyone for all the help!

can anyone tell me how much time if any we would be giving up by crossing in Tecate? and an estimate on how long it will take to get to Cativina?

Al G, i was thinking that Tecate would be safer and maybe a better drive???

thanks for the welcome :)
we will be coming back around that time, maybe we could hook up?
i've been reading up a storm on the posts and have started a binder of all the good info...

[Edited on 12-14-2007 by austin]

austin - 12-13-2007 at 10:57 PM

thanks everyone.
i got some great responses on time and whatnot in the Baja Q&A section.

if anyone wants to drive down together for fun, we're game. if not we are going to head on down by ourselves.