
Baja and the Texas Panhandle

Skeet/Loreto - 12-14-2007 at 05:42 PM

For you Hook!
And any Friends I may still have on this Board!

As i set here in the Great Panhandle of Texas, the Trees are covered with a 1/2 Inch of Ice. BEAUTIFULL!! The Roads are "Slicker than Greased Owl Snot"!!
I was in a local Market downtown this moring when in walked a Young women in her Short Shorts!! Temp was 28 Degrees.
Now as I ser and Watch the NFR{National Final Rodeo} my wonders to that Wondrful Baja Sur, Loreto, the Sea, my dreams of yesteryear catching an 800 Lb. Shark, watching a Mile of Yellowtail boiling on Top of the Water, diving to 35 Feet and getting the company of a Hammerhead Shark cocoming close!!, catching 2 180 Lb. Grouper at Delfonso, building a Papala at San Nicolas, building Rancho Sonrisa at Loreto where my wife and I Planted over 200 Coco Palms.
The Fishing trips with Alvaro Murillo,still my Best Friend, for so many years.
Having a Family Meal at Rancho Bueno Vista with Ray Cannon at the Head of the Table after catching 3 --55 Lb. Pez Gallo that Day.
Landing my little ole Cessna 170 B at Santa Ynez, knowing Senoria Josepina an 80 yr. old Lady, that i fell in love with at first Sight!!

So many Memories of the Texas Panhandle, which has not changed much. The Ice on the Trees sometimes makes me want the Warmth of Loreto!

I have been avery Lucky man in my Life.

I wish Merry Christmas to all on this Board. May God Bless you and keep you Safe and Happy.

Sure hope I don't get "Banned"


DrTom - 12-14-2007 at 06:08 PM

keep the wheels down and check the pireps for icing

Skeet/Loreto - 12-14-2007 at 08:03 PM

Dr.Tom: Just went out to feed the Horses and heard a Plane headed for Amarillo Airport. Visibility 900 Feet, Icing, 28 Degrees Temp. Not a good day for an Approach at 3,156 Ft/ Altitude.

Merry Xmas Skeet

baitcast - 12-15-2007 at 06:21 AM

About five six years ago I had just bought my first PC and was just learning how make the thing go,having retired a few years earlyer and moving north for what I thought forever it became clear to me I was missing Baja already.

One day while messing with this thing I ran into the old Amigo site,I was thrilled Baja is not that far away,so some more messing around and I made my first posting not having any idea what I was doing and tho and behold I got a reply and guess what Skeet it was you,I,ll never forget that:biggrin:

We chatted from time to time about fishing,the old days and such always enjoying each encounter,so with that in mind Skeet here,s wishing you a very merry Xmas the only guy here older than me and maybe Neal:lol:

Robin AKA Baitcast

capt. mike - 12-15-2007 at 06:56 AM

hey Skeet!!
right back at ya...............but can i hear some more 'bout that gal in the short shorts??!!;);)

Skeet/Loreto - 12-16-2007 at 08:21 AM

Thnaks to All!

Capt. Mike: She Had good strong Legs-Firm and Powerful! When I said to Her" You gotta be out of your Gord" She smiled Swweetly and Wiggled her Butt as she walked into the Store, Admired by all the "Older" Guys setting at the Coffee Table!!
Always double check and make sure your "Wheels are Down and Locked"

Made my Day!!

Baitcast: I too remember our first Contact- Feeling is Mutural!

Pomp: Will be in Mulege in April: Don't catch all the Yellowtail>


Mexitron - 12-16-2007 at 09:40 AM

Merry Xmas Skeet from Northeast Texas. A few months ago we went camping at Caprock, south of Amarillo about an hour--beautiful country out there on the escarpment!

capn.sharky - 12-16-2007 at 09:54 AM

Skeet----old guys rule. You know you are okay when you still check out the chicks in short shorts. Merry Christmas to you too, old buddy.

Paladin - 12-16-2007 at 01:04 PM


Glad to hear you will be in Mulege in too.

When are you coming to Fresno???

Dont forget lunch is on me anywhere you chose

Paladin aka Terry

Skeet/Loreto - 12-16-2007 at 04:02 PM

Great Day! Was 13 Degrees when I got up. Spent the 2nd Day at a Clinton Anderson Clinc. Thought that with a Clincs in Baja he could produce some Great Horseman out of some of my Mexicano Friends.

Meeting some Friends in Mulege as it will be their First Trip. Around the last of April, after Semana Santa.

Not sure about Fresno yet Depends.

Would you like to invest in 10 Acres, New Mobile Home and Pad for 2nd Home about a mile from Dos Palos Terry???? Also have a large Commerical Building in Los Banos, make you a Whale of a Deal.
From the sounds of things the Yellowtail season will be good this year. Hope you guys leave a few for me.

Stay Loose, Keep Happy, an Remember that Girls in Short Shorts can be Dangerous. Sure hard to getum Off in a Fit of Passion!!


Paladin - 12-16-2007 at 04:32 PM

Dos Palos???

Skeet, way too many Mexicans in Dos Palos

I'm looking for 10 acres and a mobile home in Baja though

Remember what Jimmie Houston said..

"Set the hook!"