
Baja Spirit

Osprey - 12-15-2007 at 09:05 AM

The Spirit Overtakes Me

In this little corner of Baja California Sur the winter winds come regular and unbidden every November. The sea temperature is still in the seventies and moderates this unwelcome winter visitor. Still puts a chill on me and sometimes robs me of my regular seasonal high.

But this place, things around me have conspired to lift me back up, plant a small winter smile on my kisser. Sometimes I’ll catch my dog Tino napping on my bed; as I walk into the room he acknowledges my presence with a wag of the tail. Guess that’s why we love mascots – just the sight of me brings him a little joy. For all my failings I somehow elicit a smile in the voice of a friend on the phone as I call just to say hello – my wife, at times, shows me the same kind look when she glances up from her book as I come onto the patio.

She has placed the glistening Christmas tree in its place of prominence, surrounded it with blazing Buena Noche; two unmistakable symbols of cultures united around a seasonal celebration of life and good will.

As we shopped the other day for the many things we need for our big Christmas day dinner for 20 or more of our friends and neighbors I caught the smiles and nods of Mexicans and gringos in the stores and got a little lift from that. No bonanza has erupted here; life continues to be a struggle for the people of the land but if they are fighting back tears, it doesn’t show. What does show is a healthy, happy glow about the people and the place.

Here’s hoping this year’s spirit, made stronger by its jousts against the fear and worry of wars, terror attacks and hate crimes, will be irrepressible and swift – that it finds you accessible, available. It is contagious – like a friendly virus that must run its course (no cures, no vaccinations) and if you have it or if you get it you have my permission to give it to everyone close enough to touch.

Good thought

tortuga - 12-15-2007 at 09:11 AM

Thanks Osprey ,
Good thought for the season . Feliz Navidad Amigo. Enjoy your time in B.C.S.

Ken Bondy - 12-15-2007 at 09:27 AM

Buen dicho Osprey. Mil gracias. Feliz Navidad,

bajajudy - 12-15-2007 at 09:34 AM

You hit the nail(I wont say rusty) on the head again.
It is one of the many things that I love about living here. Christmas is a time of good cheer.
Our first employee came by last week to tell us that his house had burned to the ground and that he and his family had nothing left but the clothes on their backs.
My friends at Buzzards on the east cape sent out a mailer to their customers and the people have responded very generously to help this family.
I went with a friend yesterday to deliver some things and the look on these people's faces brought tears to my eyes and joy into my heart. For this is truly what Christmas should be, sharing, being thankful enough for what we have to give some of it away to those less fortunate.
So a very Merry Christmas to you, your family and all the Nomads.
Keep the spirit alive and well!