
Baja Xmas dog story

vacaenbaja - 12-15-2007 at 11:23 AM

Dias antes de la Navidad,los ninos trajeron regalos para las maestros. El hijo del florista le trajo flores.. La hija del Sr. que tiene una dulceria,le dio una bonita caja de dulces. El hijo del que tiene una licoreria le trajo una caja muy pesada. La maestra la alzo y noto que estaba regandose un poquito, ella toco una gota de el liquido con su dedo y lo probo. Es esto vino? ella pregunto, no dijo el muchachito, esto es un perrito!

docsmom - 12-15-2007 at 11:30 AM

for the language handicapped among us (is it only me?) is there an english version?

Dog Story

Loretana - 12-15-2007 at 12:30 PM

In the days before Christmas, the school children brought gifts to their teachers. The son of the florist brought flowers, and the daughter of the gentleman who owns the candy store gave a nice box of candies. The son of the liquor store owner brought a box that was quite heavy. The teacher picked up the heavy box and noticed it was leaking a little, so she dipped her finger in one of the drops of liquid and took a taste. "Is this wine?", she asked, "no", said the little boy, "it's a puppy"!!!

This is a perfect little cuenta to translate with dictionary in hand. My students always got a kick out of "getting" a joke in espanol, and is a great way to learn the language. :yes:

Paula - 12-15-2007 at 12:44 PM

:lol::lol: en espanol

:lol::lol: in English

vacaenbaja - 12-16-2007 at 12:10 PM

Not only a funny joke, but it is an example of how people jump to conclusions;often misinterpeting a minimum amount of data.

Kell-Baja - 12-16-2007 at 01:23 PM

Soo cute