
Mexican TP

bajajudy - 12-17-2007 at 01:02 PM

Stopped by Mega to pick up some toilet paper because we were out, I didnt have time to go to Costco and this brand was on sale.
When I got home I noticed that it was "Facial Quality"
Am I missing something here?

Isnt that the wrong end?

Cypress - 12-17-2007 at 01:17 PM


capn.sharky - 12-17-2007 at 01:18 PM

And while we are at it, why do they put a scent on toilet paper. Roses or flower scent of some kind. I have noticed that most of the toilet paper in Mexico is of the no frills type. Not especially soft and sometimes only one ply.

DENNIS - 12-17-2007 at 01:35 PM

I use it with my electric sander.

fdt - 12-17-2007 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by bajajudy
When I got home I noticed that it was "Facial Quality"
Am I missing something here?

Isnt that the wrong end?

It's two faced.

rdrrm8e - 12-17-2007 at 02:06 PM

I think it depends on where your head is.....:lol:

Faces and Feces ?

MrBillM - 12-17-2007 at 02:07 PM

While I haven't seen any Mexican Toilet paper other than in bulk without labeling, IF this is the first time someone has seen Toilet Paper advertised as "Facial" Quality, it does indicate a lack of attention.

That "facial" labeling has been common on U.S. tissue for more years than I can remember. 20-30-40-50 ?

CaboRon - 12-17-2007 at 02:38 PM

I picked up something recently that said facial quality and nearly got paper cuts from it. Really donīt know what kind of faces it was made for. :lol::lol::lol:


[Edited on 12-17-2007 by CaboRon]

bajajudy - 12-17-2007 at 03:52 PM

Someone U2U-ed me and suggested that I use it on my face first.
I havent decided whether to share this advice with Mrbill or not.:biggrin:

Good one pomp and lobo

Loboron - 12-17-2007 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Pompano

p.s. anyone recall John Wayne toilet paper?

An Indian walks into a trading post and asks for toilet paper. The clerk asks if he would like no name, Charmin, or White Cloud.

"White Cloud sounds like good Indian toilet paper," says the Indian. "How much is it?"

"$1.00 a roll," the clerk replies.

"That seems pretty expensive," responds the Indian. "What about the others?"

"Charmin is $2.00 a roll, and no name is 50 cents a roll."

The Indian doesn't have much money, so he opts for the no name. Within a few hours, he is back at the trading post.

"I have a name for the no name toilet paper," he announces to the clerk. "We shall call it John Wayne."

"Why?" asks the confused clerk.

"Cause it's rough and it's tough and it don't take no crap off an Indian

Ken Bondy - 12-17-2007 at 04:05 PM

Make sure you avoid the sheets with knotholes.

Can't complain.

BMG - 12-17-2007 at 04:22 PM

When we were in French Polynesia they only had TP that looked, felt and worked about the same as the paper they use here to decorate pinatas, only in brighter colors.

Wingnut - 12-17-2007 at 04:54 PM

Bajajudy, I think they call it facial quality because the inspector had his head stuck up his nether region. Or maybe he forgot to shave that day. I just love these trivial lines about Baja life!!:tumble::tumble::tumble:

Oso - 12-17-2007 at 06:28 PM

Still and all, arguably better than printer's ink on your bum from thoughtfully provided squares of newspaper, or possibly worse, half a lemon. Still, "peor es nada". Reminds me of Belize City in the early 60's. The gov't (still Brit at the time) provided little outhouses on the end of piers over the bay in neighborhoods where the sea level was too high for backyard privies. But, you were on your own for paper or lighting, so the wise always carried a few sheets of newspaper and a box of matches, the latter to check for scorpions, accidents, etc. after dark. Newcomers were alway startled their first time when the water erupted below them. Saltwater catfish in the bay, the city's primary sanitation system. It was illegal to fish for them (if anybody would want to) but, when you think of it, that would be the ultimate infinite recycling system...

Facial Quality and usage

MrBillM - 12-17-2007 at 06:32 PM

Better to use it on your face first than the other way around.

bajadock - 12-17-2007 at 06:36 PM

I just was discussing "Top Ten" lists among my observations of year end absurdities. But, this "thread" is cutting edge. Makita, Dennis?

DENNIS - 12-17-2007 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by bajadock
I just was discussing "Top Ten" lists among my observations of year end absurdities. But, this "thread" is cutting edge. Makita, Dennis?

Old style made in Mexico TP was, maybe still is, more abrasive than absorbant. You had to be there.

Sharksbaja - 12-17-2007 at 09:01 PM

Yep, that covers about every subject......twice!:lol:

Paula - 12-17-2007 at 10:00 PM

toilet paper in Baja?

Well, Vogue is good when you're feeling elegant and upscale. Adorable (pronounce it a-dor-á-bley) you can cuddle up with when you've misplaced your teddy bear. 123 always tears nicely on the perforations.. easy as 123. And Petalo-- comes in handy when you're missing the key ingredient for rose petal ice cream or quail with rose petal sauce. Just tear it into small pieces, substitute equal amount... But stay away from the Blue Weather!!!! Like someone left it out in the rain!

Almost forgot Angel Tissue and it's in season now.

All available from time to time at Pescador in Loreto.

[Edited on 12-18-2007 by Paula]

Just saw this article.

BMG - 12-19-2007 at 08:25 AM

Maybe this is why you need facial grade TP.


NEW YORK (AP) - Here comes the bride, all dressed in white ... two-ply, extra soft toilet paper. Lovebirds Jennifer Cannon and Doy Nichols of Lexington, Ky., plan to get hitched Wednesday in a public restroom. She'll be wearing a gown fashioned from glue, tape and Charmin Ultra Soft and Ultra Strong toilet tissue.

The intricately detailed dress was designed by Hanah Kim, winner of the 2007 Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest, sponsored by

The wedding ceremony, to be attended by family and friends, will take place in Times Square at the Charmin Restrooms - temporary, free public restrooms, a company spokeswoman said Tuesday.