
My Baja Friends,

Baja Bernie - 12-21-2007 at 09:25 PM

I can only offer you one thing to, perhaps, light your way through your lives. Pay attention to those you love and truly notice what is happening to them, and you, each and every day. Know that as we age terrible things happen and if we are not careful we will miss the signs that call for even more love to be poured upon those we love to nurture and support them in times of stress or illness.

We are much like parents who do not really see their kids grow because we are with them always and yet when grandma comes to visit she exclaims on how fast they are growing.

Remember it is those tiny things that bring smiles…………..One of my larger ones were the smiles of others who noticed my life and I holding hands no matter where we walked in this life we were together even after 53 years.

So pay attention to those you love, smile upon them and know that love will grow clear up to the clouds and beyond……………It is so sad that we can seldom make this final journey together.

bajaboolie - 12-21-2007 at 11:09 PM

Thanks for the reminder, Baja Bernie. Always important to remember this good wisdom.

Sharksbaja - 12-21-2007 at 11:51 PM

53 yrs? Wow Bernie that's twice as many as us. That is a lifetime for many. Merry Christmas and may health smile upon you and yours.