gringorio - 12-26-2007 at 10:27 PM
Have any Nomads done this:
I'd like to learn more about it!
TMW - 12-27-2007 at 08:21 AM
I haven't done it but a couple of years ago I was headed north into Rosarito and I saw several people walking. At the time I thought it was a nature
group maybe hiking into the San Borja mission. Sounds like a fun thing to do. At least you don't have to carry a 75lb backpack.
I'm in!
John M - 12-27-2007 at 10:18 AM
Geez, if you find more details please u2u me with them, or post 'em.
John M
Oso - 12-27-2007 at 04:55 PM
Cool, but I can't help it that the announcer's exaggerated trill reminds me of the old joke about the Scottish waitress:
Waitress: "Aye SoRRRRRRR, and Wha' aRRRRRRR ye oRRRRdeRRRRRin' this foin day?
Customer: "My, you certainly do roll your "Rs".
Waitress: "Achh, it's these high heels I'm weaRRRRRin'"
fdt - 12-27-2007 at 06:57 PM
gringorio - 12-27-2007 at 11:20 PM
found more:
[Edited on 12-28-2007 by gringorio]