
Home or lot in Todos Santos

Nicole - 1-1-2008 at 12:22 AM

We are looking for a home or a lot in Todos Santos. Electricity and water a must. Minimum 500m2. Would prefer walking distance to town. Please U2U with details.

Von - 1-1-2008 at 10:16 AM

If I were you Id get a lot then get a trailer or a little bungalow whatever tickles your belly......good luck with the crime its just getting worse down there from the look of things.

todos santos lot

baron - 9-14-2009 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Nicole
We are looking for a home or a lot in Todos Santos. Electricity and water a must. Minimum 500m2. Would prefer walking distance to town. Please U2U with details.

We have alot in TS just north of town maybe a mile. Secluded, palapa on slab, septic, water and power on the street

Martyman - 9-14-2009 at 11:22 AM

Someone described Todos Santos to me as "Berkeley South". I bet we won't see Skeet walking down the street with a bowl of granola.

gnukid - 9-14-2009 at 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Von
If I were you Id get a lot then get a trailer or a little bungalow whatever tickles your belly......good luck with the crime its just getting worse down there from the look of things.

Do you mean, more crimes are being prosecuted and reported so that's bad (for criminals) to hang out in TS?

Bajahowodd - 9-14-2009 at 01:34 PM

My present concern for Todos Santos is that they are just finishing the highway project that connects with La Paz four lanes all the way, including the section from the Highway 1 junction that resembles a freeway. Just invites more traffic. And it dumps onto the narrow streets of Todos. Anyone know if there's any plan for a by-pass road to divert all that commercial traffic headed for Cabo?

danaeb - 9-14-2009 at 02:40 PM

I was in TS yesterday and there was NOBODY there. Restaurants closed, no tourists on the streets. I've never seen it like that. I realize it's still Baja summer, but the merchants might welcome a little more traffic.

Bajahowodd - 9-14-2009 at 04:20 PM

Was it a local holliday?

BCSTech - 9-14-2009 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
My present concern for Todos Santos is that they are just finishing the highway project that connects with La Paz four lanes all the way, including the section from the Highway 1 junction that resembles a freeway. Just invites more traffic. And it dumps onto the narrow streets of Todos. Anyone know if there's any plan for a by-pass road to divert all that commercial traffic headed for Cabo?
Yes, there are plans for a bypass road. My understanding is that the money has been approved but it won't happen right away. Must admit I prefer the four lane and find myself going to LP a lot more often now than CSL. It's much safer. You still have to watch for cows in places but there are a lot less of them, and the oncoming drunk drivers have to cover a lot more real estate to run into you.

Bajahowodd - 9-14-2009 at 04:57 PM

Thanks for the update. No question that the improved highway makes it so much easier to go to La Paz for shopping, and what not. But it is a two way street. If I lived in Todos, which I wish I did, I would also welcome the improved access to La Paz.

BCSTech - 9-14-2009 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Von
If I were you Id get a lot then get a trailer or a little bungalow whatever tickles your belly......good luck with the crime its just getting worse down there from the look of things.
Wherever there's poverty, there's crime. The poor economy and H1N1 flu scares have hit Mexico hard. Many tourist- or construction-dependent businesses in small towns like TS have cut back or closed down completely so there are more people out of work, more poverty, and more... you guessed it.

Thanks for all your replies!

Nicole - 9-15-2009 at 10:19 PM

Thanks to all of you who have responded! Have spent the past two winters in TS - my toddler daughter and I making the 3300+ mile trek solo. We LOVE it there and "crime" has thus far never been a problem - was truly wronged by my American landlady last year though! But great friendships, amazing fresh food, and rejuvenating blue skys more than made up for it. Still on the lookout for a little piece of Earth to call home. Love to walk on the beach so west of the road through El Otro Lado anywhere from La Cachora to Las Tunas would be a dream come true... Please keep us in mind! Cheers.

BFS - 9-17-2009 at 11:53 AM

Hi Nicole,
My neighboor is selling his house (actually he wants to sell it but hates real estate people so hasnt actually put it on the market yet) in Las Brisas. Its a little on the ugly duckling side but has a fantastic view of the Pacific in the distance. Rooftop deck and with some TLC could be a great little house. It is sorta close to the "pila". If you are interested let me know and I will put you in contact with the owner (he lives in California and visits from time to time).

good luck