
route to Tecate?

rivergirl - 1-5-2008 at 11:40 AM

This will be our fist time crossing at Tecate. (we are going in about 2 weeks) We usually take I-5 to San Diego stay there and than cross to Tijuana.
We have looked at the maps and seems we could take an alternate route avoiding LA but it would invlove a lot of Freeway changes etc. Dont know if it would be worth it or should be go I-5 to San Diego and then go to the 94?
So for those experienced what is your route??? Hows traffic?
Is the Tecate Border busy at 7:00 in the morning?

Barry A. - 1-5-2008 at 11:48 AM

Rivergirl---------Where are you coming from? (starting out from) (I don't know where "Siead Valley" is)

[Edited on 1-5-2008 by Barry A.]

DENNIS - 1-5-2008 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by rivergirl
Hows traffic?
Is the Tecate Border busy at 7:00 in the morning?

At 7:AM the 94 has a lot of crazy work traffic going both ways but it moves fast. There shouldn't be any wait going in at TKT. Just drive your own race on the 94 and enjoy the scenery.
Same with the TKT/Ensenada road. You'll get behind a few trucks on the grades but, they'll send you around when it's all clear. There's some real cool scenary on that road as well. Enjoy it.

vandenberg - 1-5-2008 at 11:56 AM

Have made many trips between Loreto. BCS and Sacramento Ca. For years, trying to avoid the LA madhouse, I take 58 east towards Las Vegas at Bakersfield. To 4 corners at 395 and then south to 15. At San Diego you have your choice to either go 805 to the San Isidro border or take 94 to Tecate, a little more complicated and lots of 2 lane driving. Going into Mexico I usually go Tijuana, but coming back north I always go through Tecate, lots faster and easier. And taking 15 north instead of 5 is maybe 25 miles farther but a lot easier drive, with lots less traffic.

[Edited on 1-5-2008 by vandenberg]

Al G - 1-5-2008 at 12:00 PM

Maybe this thread will help...maybe not.

rivergirl - 1-6-2008 at 04:26 PM

Thanks for the info... Barry A, I am about 3 hours north west of you in Redding.

It is snowing like crazy. Finally got the Computer hooked into the power from the Generator as we lost power yesterday.

fandango - 1-7-2008 at 11:12 AM

i took the tecate route for the first time a few weeks ago. from the 15 south to the 5 south to 94. it was 1 hour in travel time from the 5/94 to the border.
travel time from the border to ensenada was 2 hours.
we drove the speed limit the whole way, which is slower than any one else on the road. we did miss the bathroom opportunities at the toll booths, but there is a bathroom available for 50cents at the last US gas station, on the left.
the route is beautiful but badly burned from the portrero fire.
to avoid los angeles try the 5 south, through the san joaquin valley to the 210 east to the 15 south.

vandenberg - 1-7-2008 at 11:20 AM

Still hate to disagree with most folks. Any road on the LA side of the grapevine is congested. The 210 east is ALWAYS a traffic nightmare with bumper to bumper traffic moving at 70 mph. Not for someone coming from the sticks. The 58 route from Bakersfield to 395 and then south is longer but pretty and with time to relax and see your surroundings. Speaking from buckoo experience. Probably over 100 trips trying all the different ways.