
Fish head soup?

Santiago - 1-12-2008 at 08:40 AM

I haven't found a receipe that seems right for Baja fish head soup. Everything on the net seems to be southeast Asia. Last time I was in baja I gave two yellowtail heads to a local, saw him the next day and asked him if his esposa made fish head soup and he got this very dreamy, faraway look in his eyes. I wanna go there too.

DENNIS - 1-12-2008 at 09:02 AM

On one occasion here in Baja, I sat at a dinner table watching my host pick the eyeballs out a fried fish's face and eat them. I don't ever remember being involved in a cultural chasm such as that moment.
Now, Santiago wants to eat fish heads, maybe in preparation for the coming depression.
Santiago......Maybe if you ask The Gull, he can shed some light on the subject.

Oso - 1-12-2008 at 11:09 AM

I do that all the time, it's the best part of the fish. I usually spit out the little hard white center but the soft part of the eyeball is delicious. The cheek doesn't have a lot of meat (unless it's a big fish) but what's there is very good. Throwing away the head is a huge waste.

Paulina - 1-12-2008 at 11:14 AM

I like them fried entero, the fins taste like potato chips.


Oso - 1-12-2008 at 12:27 PM

# 1 cabeza de pescado
# 1 cebolla
# 2 tomates medianos
# 1 hoja de laurel
# 1 ramo de perejil
# 1 pizca de pimenta negra
# 3 cucharadas soperas de aceite de oliva
# 4 cucharadas soperas de arroz
# 1 cucharada sopera de zumo de limón.

Modo de preparación:

Cocer la cabeza del pescado en 2 litros de agua. Añadir también la cebolla, el laurel, el perejil, el tomate, la pimienta. Tapar y dejar cocinar. Cuando esté cocido, retirar la cabeza del pescado y reservar. Triturar todos los ingredientes restantes. Llevar nuevamente al fuego y añadir el arroz. Entretanto retirar la carne da cabeza del pescado y añadirla al caldo cuando el arroz una vez cocido. Añadir el aceite, el zumo de limón y servir.

Pompano - 1-12-2008 at 12:43 PM

An early childhood memory was a huge pot full of lake trout heads simmering away. The aroma reminded me of that other 'special' fish dish....lutefisk. The cheeks were always a treat. Interesting sights and tastes for a young kid just learning to hurl.

[Edited on 1-13-2008 by Pompano]

DENNIS - 1-12-2008 at 01:48 PM

YUCK....BARF.....PUKE.....Gimme a Big Mac anyday.

windgrrl - 1-12-2008 at 01:51 PM

Oops! sorry I thought you said fish head SONG;D.

bajajudy - 1-12-2008 at 01:58 PM

Where did you find that hilarious video?
I loved it!

windgrrl - 1-12-2008 at 06:46 PM

Hi, Judy!

I saw it on our Much Music (our version of MTV) many moons ago. I can't remember a joke to save my life, but have never forgotten this song!

We'll be in Baja in a few days - look for the guy with the flat top and the gal with the candy-apple red helmet (all the Canadians wear helmets) on the water near Vela. Other than that, I'll be at La Palma for Super Burros or sopes many p.m.s!

shari - 1-12-2008 at 06:58 PM

Boy Oso, I'm glad you aren't my husband or we would have always be fighting over the eyes! Ask any of our guests...I love to watch thier faces scrunch up when I gulp down the eyes and roll my eyes heavenward...they just don't now what they are missing they! I for one am glad no one likes em so I always get both!!! Now head soup is easy, just put what you want in the pot and add the heads...delicioso

fdt - 1-12-2008 at 10:20 PM

Fish heads and tails are the best for sopa.

bajalera - 1-17-2008 at 11:07 PM

Pompano, did you ever eat lutefisk? The two grocery stores in the town where I grew up each had a barrel of it sitting outside toward the end of the year, and my girl friend and I used to hold our breath when we passed by them on our way to high school because they were so stinky.

I've always wondered what lutefisk tastes like--sure has to be better than it smells..


Sharksbaja - 1-18-2008 at 01:33 AM

Just what did you folks think makes that fish soup/stock tastes sooooo good. It is true that the richer fatty tissues are on the front end of a fish but includes the thin belly section too.

You can make a fish stock stew or soup easily. You can make up a bouquet garnish(herbs in cheesecloth) and boil with the head and bones.


Here is a quick and easy method for a fish head soup

Take the head and bones of a nice size and place in LARGE pot and fill 3/4 with water.
Boil for 30 to 60 minutes min stirring occasionally to remove bits.
Remove bones.
Add: 5-6 large cut up potatoes 1"-2"
2-3 large onions chopped large
4 big carrots chopped big
1 leek stalk sliced 1/4"
any other veg u like

Add: 3 tbs of Wooster sauce
1 tbs blk pepper
Some Kosher salt or ?
1 Tbs each=
Oregano Marjoram Thyme whatever u got

Bring back to boil for 30 min

Add: 1-2cups white wine
1 cup rice
2 more cups of water

Bring back to good boil

reduce heat simmer 20 min or more

salt to taste

This recipe can be modified so many ways but is always good. The more meat on the fish bones the better.

Easy hearty campsite stew. Even pseudovegetarians will enjoy.;D:coolup::cool:

[Edited on 1-18-2008 by Sharksbaja]