
Baja 1000 trips

jeffropenn - 1-20-2008 at 05:58 PM

Some friends of mine and myself wanna see the 1000 in Nov. R there any places that put together trips? No touristy sideshow package, we want the hard-core experience of the 3 days the race is going on. Been to Cabo several times, never further north than San Jose del Cabo. Thanks.

bajalid - 1-20-2008 at 06:11 PM

this year i think its going to start in mexicali.Last nov. we where in ensenada two days before it started and it was jam pack all hotels and r.v parks where full. Crazy time ,lots of parties.Go on your own,all you need is the town and pit stops to go and see for yourself.Try the score website for info.Good luck and have a great time!!!! WE DID

TMW - 1-21-2008 at 08:26 AM

As bajalid said check out a month or so before the race for calender of events and race map etc. With a race map you can plan your locations. Most likely a loop race out of Ensenada. If it does run out of Mexicali hotels will be even harder to get because they don't have that many. If it runs near San Felipe that would be a good bet for a hotel. However in any event be prepared to camp if necessary and stay off the race course during the race, park near and watch. Get a radio and listen to Weatherman but unplug the mic unless an emergency happens near you.

Gadget - 1-26-2008 at 02:30 PM

Even year (08'). Should be a peninsula run, Ensenada to La Paz.

Roberto - 1-26-2008 at 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Gadget
Even year (08'). Should be a peninsula run, Ensenada to La Paz.

Egg-sackly! 07 was an aberration because of the anniversary.

Odd years=loop course
Even years=down the peninsula

TMW - 1-26-2008 at 03:58 PM

The SCORE race dates are Nov 19-22 which is a Wed thru Sat and your right, that indicates it's a run to La Paz or Cabo again. Loop races are Thurs-Sun. I'll be retired by then so I plan to prerun the entire course where ever it goes.