

David K - 1-24-2008 at 03:43 PM

A belated birthday wish and hopes of many more to come to Suzanne aka 'GeoRock' !

[Edited on 1-24-2008 by David K]

Book5 006r.JPG - 35kB

Paulina - 1-24-2008 at 04:05 PM

Happy Birthday Suzanne!


BAJACAT - 1-24-2008 at 04:26 PM

May you enccounter many rocks in your future.Happy rockday Suzanne,I will smoke a cigar in your honor next time i go to Ensenada..

Hope you have a fantastic birthday.

Keri - 1-24-2008 at 06:51 PM

and I hope to see you here again for the May 3rd booksigning. Go out and have a great day.k

4baja - 1-24-2008 at 07:19 PM

happy b day from me and my wife, is the hummer still running? will check out your place next month when were down.

GeoRock - 1-25-2008 at 07:46 PM

Thanks for the many birthday wishes everyone. I had a great time celebrating with friends new and old. Even some Baja folks made an appearance.

David, you should delete all but that last photo. I like the one where I'm in black and it makes me look thinner!

Of course, I am going to really stick my neck out here and tell all you nomads about a bet I have going with my brother, in the hopes that you will all be rooting for me.

The bet is for weight loss. He is overweight and so am I. So we were pigging out on a cruise recently and it led to this bet.

Each of us pays $300 into a kitty. Winner takes the booty. The pot will include 10 percent of all bets surrounding this bet.

Person who wins is the one that loses the highest percentile of pounds. And no, I will not tell you my starting weight.

Winner has to buy loser a bathing suit of winner's choice. I'm thinking of getting my brother a shiny gold thong speedo when he loses.

Winner also selects a song for the loser to they wear the bathing suit, carry on their shoulder a boom box that plays the song repeatedly, and walk the full length of Huntington Beach pier--up and back--near July 4th when it is very busy.
Hmmm, should I choose Rainbow Man or Macho Man, I'm too hot? Tough choice.

So, nomads, root for me. I will win. Anyone want to bet?

DianaT - 1-25-2008 at 07:51 PM

Yikes---dangerous bet. Usually men lose weight faster and easier----they just pass up one potato chip, and bingo, five pounds go!

Good Luck----if it works and you win, share your secret.


Paulina - 1-25-2008 at 08:22 PM


Check this website out for some ideas...

I'm picturing your brother in a lime green Borat suit. Check your u2u too!


Bob H - 1-25-2008 at 10:19 PM

Suzanne, Happy Birthday! I love the time several of us had fine cigars around the camp fire in Nuevo Mazatlan. I will have to get a stogie out of my humidor right now, light it up, and celebrate your birthday!

Good luck on your BET... swimming....... yes, swim a lot of laps every day.

Bob H

aha baja - 1-25-2008 at 11:27 PM

I think that suit would make a dandy water balloon launcher:lol::fire::coolup: