
Baja Boat & Shipwrecks

gringorio - 1-30-2008 at 10:14 PM

Here's a shot of an old shipwreck we found while kayaking along the Baja coast - Can you guess where?

Do you have any great Baja shipwreck photos to share? Let's see 'em!



[Edited on 1-31-2008 by gringorio]

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Punta Banda New Years week

Paulina - 1-30-2008 at 11:00 PM

Originally posted by gringorio

Do you have any great Baja shipwreck photos to share? Let's see 'em!




Paulina - 1-30-2008 at 11:12 PM

"Crazy Annies" in Bahia.


BajaWarrior - 1-30-2008 at 11:24 PM

What a shame about that trawler...

The Minnow was across from Gecko, I first saw it at least 15 years ago? Wasn't there a guy living in it or another boat that died from eating a Puffer fish?

BAJACAT - 1-30-2008 at 11:31 PM


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Paulina - 1-30-2008 at 11:43 PM

Originally posted by BajaWarrior

The Minnow was across from Gecko, I first saw it at least 15 years ago? Wasn't there a guy living in it or another boat that died from eating a Puffer fish?

Here's a photo of the back of Annie's boat, circa 1981. The story I was told is that Annie bought the boat from Papa Diaz, had it moved over on a high tide, set up on the beach. She and her boyfriend were going to live there, but never returned.


dean miller - 1-31-2008 at 12:07 AM

Boats are small enough to be transposted on a far all that has been displayed is boat wrecks..

Recall this post from several years ago;DIVING- HUSSONG- COLUMBIA- TREASURE-HISTORY

"It no secret to most "vintage" divers that Hussong's was once a divers hang out. In the 1950 & the early 1960s it was a place that was "Muy Tranquillo." The music was Strauss Viennese walzes played by a group of locals in the corner. The Maggies were huge, served with a glass and the container they were mixed in (at least to the divers) -a few sips and the Cantina was transformed into another time and another place.

Walter Hussong who (I think) was Percy's son was a very knowldgeable experienced pioneer diver and a darn good one. It was only narural that divers of the 1950s and early 1960s would check in on the way south to check on conditions or on the way back to the states to report on the diving.

Walter and Bill Hogan who owned the Underwater Sports shop in Long Beach, California, teamed up in 1956 to salvage what silver remained in the Columbia which was in 200 plus feet of water in or near the La Paz harbor. (To place this in perspective self contained (aka SCUBA) diving was only five (5) years old in the US, equipment was rudimentary crude and dangerous use and unheard of in most of Mexico)

They dove it every day for a month returning with nothing but the ships bell which Bill located 50 feet from the wreck. They "did not find the silver" = and "were poverty stricken."

HOWEVER, There is an epilog to this tale..

With in a year of returning Bill managed to purchase two large lots at the base of the Belmont pier in Long Beach and establish a huge dive operation including one of the first training pools. He then divorced his wife, concurrently losing the dive operation in the process to her. Next he established a "Divers Bar" called "Hogans" which he gave away more than he sold, In about 1960-1 (?) he packed up and moved to Costa Rica where he remarried, raised a daughter and lived the life of a gentleman famer for most of the remainder of his years, departing to to the big reef in the sky about thre years ago--But--- He "never found the treasure of the Columbia."

Walter on the other hand was living the good life in Ensenada. He was aways at the bar always avaliable to drop every thing if he recognized you to "talk diving." However, the good life caused his demise--He was killed out side a bar on the mainland--but Walter also maintained -- "never found the treasure of the Columbia."

That was a ship that was wrecked and sunk.


Paulina - 1-31-2008 at 12:19 AM

Originally posted by dean miller
Boats are small enough to be transposted on a far all that has been displayed is boat wrecks..


:yes: Now that we all stand so righfully :lol: corrected, this thread was about photos to share. Do you have any SHIP/BOAT wreck photos to add?

Talk about taking the wind out of our sails. ;)


Edit: to play with the smiley faces. Too bad there's not a yawning one for crusty old farts.

[Edited on 31-1-2008 by Paulina]

BajaDanD - 1-31-2008 at 12:47 AM

Remember this one

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Roberto - 1-31-2008 at 06:05 AM

Yes - I have some of my own photos of this, but not handy. Here's another shot.

Within one day, the taco stands had been set up, and the beach party was going on on the beach west of where Home Depot is now.

At 880 feet, maybe this qualifies as a ship?

[Edited on 1-31-2008 by Roberto]

BigWooo - 1-31-2008 at 06:19 AM

This was near Cuatros Casas. I think it was about 1992 or so. I hear it's only a few scraps of metal now:

Ken Bondy - 1-31-2008 at 07:00 AM

The wreck of the ferry Salvatierra sits in about 60 fsw in the La Paz channel between the mainland and Isla Espiritu Santo. It has made a GREAT divesite for decades, overgrown with fans and corals and loaded with fish life. It has lots of black coral, which is a little unusual for the Sea of Cortez in my experience. Here is a photo of a longnosed hawkfish in black coral on the wreck I took about 20 years ago. This is almost too much trivia for one post, but black coral is yellow when it is alive:

[Edited on 1-31-2008 by Ken Bondy]

then and now

woody with a view - 1-31-2008 at 07:29 AM

Originally posted by BigWooo
This was near Cuatros Casas. I think it was about 1992 or so. I hear it's only a few scraps of metal now:

the "Isla del Carmen" RIP..... we first saw her with nary a bird poop on her deck in the mid-late eighties.

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gringorio - 1-31-2008 at 08:52 AM

These are all great shots and stories! There's somthing powerful in photos of wrecked ships in the ocean - the power of the wind and water is truly amazing... :o:bounce:

Gadget - 1-31-2008 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Yes - I have some of my own photos of this, but not handy. Here's another shot.

Within one day, the taco stands had been set up, and the beach party was going on on the beach west of where Home Depot is now.

At 880 feet, maybe this qualifies as a ship?

[Edited on 1-31-2008 by Roberto]

Never seen this. Just amazing! How on earth, fully loaded did they get this so far in. What a screw up!

This boat has seen better days

BMG - 1-31-2008 at 06:43 PM

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Roberto - 1-31-2008 at 06:50 PM

Gadget - believe it or not, they missed the harbor! :lol::lol:

Well, not quite. They timed the entry wrong, the pilot wasn't there, they tide was coming in, before they knew it they were in shallow water, and after a couple days, they were on the beach!

Took over a month or two (at least) to get it off, too. They unloaded the containers, dredged the beach with a fancy dredger, used 4-5 specialized tugs, with multiple hydraulic winches, were in danger of splitting the hull ... you get the picture. All this equipment had to be brought in special from around the globe.

I lost track after a while, but there was discussion that the ship would be salvage.

The whole amazing story (in photos) is here:

[Edited on 2-1-2008 by Roberto]

elgatoloco - 1-31-2008 at 07:15 PM

mexican tragedy..... (redundant)

woody with a view - 1-31-2008 at 07:17 PM

it seems a south wind will disable even the nimblest of craft.....

SPOT X.....

[Edited on 2-1-2008 by woody in ob]

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Gadget - 1-31-2008 at 07:39 PM

Thanks Roberto, I can't believe I hadn't seen that. Seems like the arrogant Captain had to look for another career.

BajaWarrior - 1-31-2008 at 09:36 PM

Anyone have pictures of the wooden ship bones just north of Cielito Lindo?

Santiago - 2-1-2008 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by BajaWarrior
Anyone have pictures of the wooden ship bones just north of Cielito Lindo?

AHHHH - you're killing me. During BBBB#1 I took that shot and posted it later. Tried to find it for this thread but then I remembered that a certain someone got irate at me because I posted a photo of that person winning a, uh, contest (rightlyfuly so, I might add). I promised to delete it but instead I deleted the entire file - thus lost all my BBBB#1 photos. Well, not all.................:cool:

Salt Freighter

bill erhardt - 2-1-2008 at 08:46 AM

Here is the skeleton of a derelict in the shallows off the old pier at the salt pond on Isla Carmen

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Santiago - 2-1-2008 at 10:34 AM

Isla Angel de la Guarda

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BajaWarrior - 4-3-2008 at 07:14 PM

Here is a photo of a wreck one half of a minute before it happened.

My brother was bringing in my boat (15' Western side console w/ Suzuki 40 h.p.) if front of my beach house ( I wasn't there yet, still traveling south). He killed the motor because the waves were running up the beach and the water would become shallow. The instant he killed the motor, the boat got sideways, and boom!

He was ok though, he fell onto the sand first and here comes the boat, but between the motor and the console there was a crevace and the boat literally missed him. That is the steering wheel between his legs.

The boat was not the same after that.

Made for a helluva shot though...

[Edited on 4-4-2008 by BajaWarrior]

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Yacht with a problem

tehag - 4-3-2008 at 07:42 PM

Don't know the story, but this one was anchored off Loreto on the 27th of last month, and it looks to be pretty heavily damaged. Maybe salvaged.

Baja Warrior

bbbait - 4-3-2008 at 08:18 PM

That is classic! Awesome photo!

Not exactly a shipwreck...but close.

Pompano - 4-4-2008 at 02:54 PM

It was a boatwreck for sure, though.

It happened while we were triple-towing on a fishing trip..truck, 5thWheel, and boat behind fiver. My wife was riding in back and we each had a handheld VHF radio for communication. We had had a little friendly arguement over our destination and then she was noticably quiet for some time.

Then she calls and informs me that..."You know the boat is gone, don't you?"

After slamming the brakes and throwing all loose gear forward in the camper, I made a U-turn and headed back the way we had come. An approaching truck driver waves at me, grins and points back over his shoulder...arggh!

Luckily, it had skidded off the loney highway without crossing lanes and went gently into a wheat field. Tall wheat was the best possible landing pad for that sliding boat. I disconnected the Fiver, hooked up the boat trailer, and winched the boat back on the tiltable EZ-Loader trailer. The safety chain had busted and the winch cable hook was completely gone. I double-roped everything and hauled to nearest village.

I thought I remained very calm throughout the whole affair. :rolleyes:

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Skid marks

Pompano - 4-4-2008 at 02:55 PM

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The whole nine yards.

Pompano - 4-4-2008 at 03:13 PM

It occured to me that some might wonder what all that rolling stock looks like...almost 75ft long all told.

Here it is. We do it a lot where allowed, just don't like losing the boat anymore and it is very secure!!

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BajaWarrior - 4-4-2008 at 03:24 PM

If I were to lose my boat off the trailer I'd want to do it just like Pompano did! Smooth landing considering the alternative!

I have a triple endorsement on my license but the legal length limit for California is only 65'. With my 25' Toyhauler without tongue towing a single jetski/trailer all being towed by my Super Duty Crew Cab Longbed is right at 63'.

We use this setup for going to Lake Havasu in the summer, we can only get one jetski/trailer in the Toyhauler, and we only do it twice a summer. It is a little nerveracking not seeing the single jetski trailer behind the Toyhauler.

EMAM - 4-4-2008 at 04:30 PM

Saw this old Panga in San Ignacio on the little oasis of a lake

Rebirth of a Baja veteran

Pompano - 4-4-2008 at 07:18 PM

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BajaBruno - 4-4-2008 at 09:56 PM

EMAM, that's a beauty of a panga. Any clue what kind of wood that is?

Pampano, is that the old hull coming back?

EMAM - 4-4-2008 at 10:04 PM

Bruno, not sure what kind of wood it was, but the Panga was still sitting on the edge of the lagoon in San Igancio in Don Chon's campground when we stayed there a month ago.

Maybe it shouldnt be called a boat wreck? I'll bet someone still uses it, although it was dripping with character

A sad little boat

DianaT - 4-4-2008 at 10:22 PM

EMAM - 4-4-2008 at 10:30 PM

Saw this thing on it's side in Puerto Carranza in Guerrero negro

Then this thing was just amazing to me that it was still floating with the amount of bird crap on it! Last date registered was in December of 97 out of California
Saw it morred off of Playa El Coyote

This one was on the beach at Playa Burro. I'm not much of a boater, but dont sail boats usually have a large keel under them?

EMAM - 4-4-2008 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter

JDtrotter, I'm confused as to what that thing even is?:?:

DianaT - 4-4-2008 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by EMAM
Originally posted by jdtrotter

JDtrotter, I'm confused as to what that thing even is?:?:

Just looked like a part of a broken up boat---taken at Camp Gecko in 2005.



Pompano - 4-5-2008 at 04:54 AM

ENAM wrote: "This one was on the beach at Playa Burro. I am not much of a boater, but don't large sailboats usually have a keel under them?"

Yes, most all ocean sailboats do. Your photoed one is a MacGregor 26ft with a retractable keel. Not built for bluewater crossings, this is a bay/coastal and fair-weather sailboat. I have had two over the years and they are a lot of fun in the Bay and hone your sailing skills. My first one had a weighted keel and the second a water ballast tank. The 26 Macs are/were mass-produced in Costa Mesa, Ca. and are inexpensive. An advantage to a sailboat like this is the ability to ground on lots of sandy beaches in Bahia de Concepcion.

[Edited on 4-5-2008 by Pompano]

EMAM - 4-5-2008 at 09:45 AM

Thanks for the info Pompano, the only sailing I've done was in the Virgin Islands and our boat had a huge Keel underneith of it.

805gregg - 4-13-2008 at 06:49 PM

San Juanico

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EMAM - 4-16-2008 at 12:28 PM

Can you imagine finishing a bottle of tequila and sitting on the beach, and having that whale boat pass by you:spingrin:

Oh man would that be funny!!

805gregg - 4-17-2008 at 06:46 PM

Can you imagine a whale seeing that with people inside, maybe he would look at people as a little snack.

Bob H - 4-17-2008 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Gadget
Thanks Roberto, I can't believe I hadn't seen that. Seems like the arrogant Captain had to look for another career.

.... and another beer!

Bob H

Mexican dry dock

Bronco - 4-17-2008 at 08:12 PM

Beyond the boat is the "Blowhole"

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EMAM - 4-25-2008 at 07:14 PM

Saw this old relic peeking out from the waves while we took the dirt road to Punta Abreojos from Asuncion

By how rusted it looks, something tells me it's been here for a few years