
Gonzaga Paving

BajaWarrior - 2-4-2008 at 07:44 PM

Has anyone heard the progress of the new pavement from Puerocitas to Gonzaga? A buddy was told it was complete all the way to Gonzaga. They had to take the road around Puertocitas then join the coast?

Already done? No way!

BAJACAT - 2-4-2008 at 10:42 PM

Noooo, the insanaty,that road wasn't meant to be pave,there will come the graffiti to El Huerfanito ,trash all over the road to Gonzaga Bay.Please tell me this is a nightmare,and Im about to wake up:no::no::no::no:


This suck lol, I hope is only a rumor...

Gonzaga bay trip Memorial Day 5-07 072.JPG - 46kB

Gonzaga-Puertecitos road

BAJACAT - 2-4-2008 at 10:44 PM

Gonzaga bay trip Memorial Day 5-07 085.JPG - 49kB

Von - 2-4-2008 at 10:45 PM

I hope its a rumor too man that would kill it!

rts551 - 2-5-2008 at 06:50 AM

4 months ago they were working on the bypass around Puertecitos but had not started the paving South of there. I don't think it is due to be completed until 2009

[Edited on 2-6-2008 by rts551]

rts551 - 2-5-2008 at 07:00 AM

equipment working on the road in Nov.

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gringorio - 2-5-2008 at 09:32 AM

Yeah, we saw the same thing ... :no:

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tattuna - 2-5-2008 at 09:32 AM

I hope they never pave that road! It takes me 2 hours to travel the 48 miles of rugged road but that just makes it a sweeter reward at the end.

I'll be goin down there for a kayak fishing trip this April. I'll be sure to post some pics.

Bob H - 2-5-2008 at 10:53 AM

The money is there for completion by the end of 2008. So, it's gonna happen this time!
Bob H

rts551 - 2-5-2008 at 12:34 PM

They have a long way to go in 12 months....

The Wonderer - 2-5-2008 at 01:30 PM

rts551------Don't you mean 11 months?

rts551 - 2-5-2008 at 01:31 PM

Time flies when your having fun. Yes 11 months

Bob H - 2-5-2008 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Time flies when your having fun. Yes 11 months

Actually, after going back and reading what I saw, the paving project is funded and work will BEGIN in 2008. I stand corrected.
Bob H

Mango - 2-5-2008 at 02:08 PM

I drove it last year for the first time. I was glad I did when I did.

11 months? Seems like a short time to complete it; but, I have often been amazed at the speed of some construction projects in Mexico.

They put up a Mega store in Mexicali, final grading to grand opening, in what seemed like one month. Under and overpasses have been built in Mexicali very rapidly in the last few years as well.

While I hate to see the "progress" it sure will be nice for those of us that cross in San Luis or Mexicali. It will allow me to get to Bahia de LA, etc.. without having to drive through San Quentin and Ensenada, or bounce along slowly to Gonzaga as I tear up my car.

This will change Baja. Not just along this corridor; but, it will eventually open a newer, faster, and shorter trucking route to mainland Mexico and the USA. This will in turn bring more goods and services to Baja and it's expanding population centers.

The world we live in changes over time. Its not just Baja or Mexico - It's happening worldwide. For good or bad, we get to choose and often pave our own paths.

Hook - 2-5-2008 at 02:45 PM

I hope it will be more than one inch thick asphalt like the first paved road to Puertecitos.

larry - 2-5-2008 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Mango

This will change Baja. Not just along this corridor; but, it will eventually open a newer, faster, and shorter trucking route to mainland Mexico and the USA. T

Well, I think it will change Gonzaga, and undoubtedly for the worse. Gonzaga is one of the few spots that I have ever been to that is really difficult to get to--and therefore a very special place to me and others.

I don't think it will bring the changes you are thinking however to the rest of Baja. The road from Gonzaga to Highway 1 is still pretty tough and I don't think you are going to see a huge increase in through traffic.

rts551 - 2-5-2008 at 07:00 PM

I believe the new pavement goes all the way out to Mex 1.

Bob H. - I believe I read where it is 2009 for a finish. Even that is pushing it.

rts551 - 2-5-2008 at 07:14 PM

One of these South of Puertecitos was for sale. better buy it now!!


[Edited on 2-6-2008 by rts551]

David K - 2-5-2008 at 07:16 PM

The new pavement will go all the way to Mex. 1 at Chapala... to complete Mex. 5 from Mexicali to Laguna Chapala... Thus provide a direct route to the state capital to the lower half of the state and short cut to Baja Sur for both Mexicali and ALL of Mainland Mexico!

Now, to make it a 'real' highway, someone's got to level out those crazy steep vados between San Felipe and Puertecitos! Right now, it is just a desert road with asphalt and needs to be driven at 40 mph or less!

Von - 2-5-2008 at 08:06 PM

Politicians are going to keep ALL the 20 million pesos there spending on this project.

My uncle told me so he knows people up there.hahahahahah!

The road will never reach mex!1. hahahhahah!

tripledigitken - 2-5-2008 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Von
Politicians are going to keep ALL the 20 million pesopeoss there spending on this project.

My uncle told me so he knows people up there.hahahahahah!

The road will never reach mex!1. hahahhahah!

With 20 million pesos that won't get a paved road to Gonzaga! :bounce::bounce::bounce:

wilderone - 2-6-2008 at 09:27 AM

Yes, let's hope the government pulls out all the usual tricks and diminishes the available money for paving. Keep Baja bumpy!! (new bumper sticker??)

David K - 2-6-2008 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by wilderone
Yes, let's hope the government pulls out all the usual tricks and diminishes the available money for paving. Keep Baja bumpy!! (new bumper sticker??)

Good one!!!

rts551 - 2-6-2008 at 09:45 AM

Hope you are right. I enjoy this road.

[Edited on 2-6-2008 by rts551]

[Edited on 6-19-2024 by BajaNomad]

David K - 2-6-2008 at 09:50 AM

Heading north between Papa Fernandez' and Punta Bufeo, last year...

David K - 2-6-2008 at 09:51 AM

Heading north between Punta Bufeo and Okie's Landing, last year...

David K - 2-6-2008 at 09:53 AM

Heading north between Okie's Landing and El Huerfanito, last year...

David K - 2-6-2008 at 09:54 AM

Between El Huerfanito and Puertecitos, last year...

David K - 2-6-2008 at 09:55 AM

Entering Puertecitos, from the south, last year...

DianaT - 2-6-2008 at 10:10 AM

And for those of you who do not want to ride your bike on the main road, the Gonzaga road is great.

He had started in Argentina and was headed back home to Switzerland via Siberia (few plane hops involved.) But a great road to ride.

Hope Springs Eternal, But not this time.........

MrBillM - 2-6-2008 at 10:56 AM

Having seen some of the work, I'd be willing to bet serious money that this time is for real. The problem with any bet would be the timetable since Mexican schedules (like all things bureaucratic in Mexico) tend to be VERY flexible.

This one's going to happen. Accept it. Life moves on. There will be serious development and serious money invested in Gonzaga. The road has been the only impediment. I look at it favorably because "Maybe", just maybe some of the South of SF development will head there instead. Unlike the area North of Puertecitos, Gonzaga is IDEAL for Upscale development.

I'm hopeful and I'm not even a Barakman.

Hook - 2-6-2008 at 01:34 PM

The road has been the only impediment.

So this area has an abundant water source?

Oso - 2-6-2008 at 01:40 PM

Recent local news in SLRC is that a 4-lane is going in towards El Golfo that will connect with the new Costera to Rocky Point at about El Doctor (where the permanent reten is now).

rts551 - 2-6-2008 at 02:27 PM

As I understand it, the new El Golfo - Puerto Penasco road is to encourage California travel to the mainland and promote development along the way. This is at least according to the Arizona papers.

wilderone - 2-6-2008 at 03:24 PM

"Unlike the area North of Puertecitos, Gonzaga is IDEAL for Upscale development."
For most big development to become successful, you need air transportation by the major airlines. You won't have that for Gonzaga. San Felipe has been growing for 40 years - and it's still a small town - and it has everything Gonzaga has.

HUH ? No comparison.

MrBillM - 2-6-2008 at 04:25 PM

I first travelled to Gonzaga Bay (Alfonsinas) in 1972 and made many enjoyable trips there over the years after my Best Friend bought a casa there a couple of years later. There is NO comparison between San Luis Gonzaga Bay and San Felipe that favors the latter unless you're thinking of Grocery stores and other urban sprawl along with TDMP.

Don't get me wrong. I like San Felipe and I have been going there since Thanksgiving 1966 when it was a much more attractive (and cleaner) place. I've had my casa in Percebu since 1982 and I love it there.

wilderone - 2-7-2008 at 10:39 AM

Yes, a big difference between the two as viewed by someone like yourself who appreciates those differences. But for someone who simply wants (1) beach, (2) restaurant, (3) craft markets, (4) bars, mariachis, dancing, (5) some fishing, there is no reason to travel for another 3 hours to get to Gonzaga. The bulk of tourists that make a development successful (development is NOT gringos with leased palapas), are from Canada, Texas, California, Arizona and a small foreign segment from all over the world, and they all FLY in and out for a week vacation with no hassles, and their hair dryers. They're not campers. And there's already plenty of places for them to go in Mexico. And elsewhere. And Gonzaga is already wall to wall palapas. They'd have to evict all of them just to squeeze in a high-rise hotel, air strip, and a couple restaurants. Need a boat dock - can't have those tourists getting their shoes wet. Won't happen. My dad had a palapa there in the 70's - shared with a couple guys from LA. I flew in with him a couple times when there were only 1/5th the clutter on the beach that there is now. 30 years later and not much difference. (As far as I'm concerned, it's too crowded - not my style anymore.) Remember the development rumors for Punta Final - at least 3 years ago. They'll pave the road, the hotel prices will double, people will stop coming, the road will succumb to potholes, and it will go back to the status quo. I'll give that cycle 6 years.

Mango - 2-7-2008 at 02:22 PM

I think people are too centered on Gonzaga here. While I'd prefer the road to remain as it is, it's not going to stay the same forever.

The Mexican government wants to pave this road so they can better develop the entire region, not just Gonzaga. Gonzaga is merely just a stop along the road. The main reason for paving this road is to improve access to all of Baja from the mainland US and larger Mexican towns like Mexicali and Hermosillo.

I am sure some areas north of Gonzaga will be developed and areas like Bahia de los Angles will see an influx of tourism and development as well.

It's not what I want; but, it is what will happen. It's hard to blame the Mexican government for trying to connect Baja to the rest of Mexico instead of just San Diego; although, I suspect they are far more interested in money they will get from future development than anything else.

Cypress - 2-7-2008 at 02:35 PM

Glad I was fortunate enough to make the trip down there to Gonzaga and on to Chapala, was a ruff ride, but it was fun.:D It'll still be fun when they pave the road, just won't be as bumpy.:D

ncampion - 10-21-2008 at 01:37 PM

Would like to revive this old thread. Any one have any current information on the condition of the Puertecitos to Gonzaga road and the Gonzaga to Hwy 1 road?

CaboRon - 10-21-2008 at 01:53 PM

rts551 please resize

BajaWarrior - 10-21-2008 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by ncampion
Would like to revive this old thread. Any one have any current information on the condition of the Puertecitos to Gonzaga road and the Gonzaga to Hwy 1 road?

Hi, I started this thread but the last time we were there was June. They had paved maybe two miles but most of the work is consumed by bridges and grading.

Once those are complete the straight sections should pave quickly.

But yes, anyone been through there since June?

Udo - 10-21-2008 at 05:32 PM

Originally posted by tattuna
I hope they never pave that road! It takes me 2 hours to travel the 48 miles of rugged road but that just makes it a sweeter reward at the end.

I'll be goin down there for a kayak fishing trip this April. I'll be sure to post some pics.

Could you please also post some photos of your fishing yak?
I am looking for some ideas on how tp set up mine. I have a Hobie Aventure Island.

David K - 10-21-2008 at 05:34 PM

Originally posted by BajaWarrior
Originally posted by ncampion
Would like to revive this old thread. Any one have any current information on the condition of the Puertecitos to Gonzaga road and the Gonzaga to Hwy 1 road?

Hi, I started this thread but the last time we were there was June. They had paved maybe two miles but most of the work is consumed by bridges and grading.

Once those are complete the straight sections should pave quickly.

But yes, anyone been through there since June?

YES, Elizabeth and I drove it on Sept. 1 (2008) and did a nice photo filled trip report here on Nomad describing the road and showing the new pavement around Puertecitos...

Go to the trip reports forum here on Nomad... The trip photos (with captions) are also in this web page: and can be found with all my other recent trip pages at below the links sections...

I was there last week

beercan - 10-21-2008 at 06:37 PM

The road is not paved past Puertecitos. It is graded for another two miles . At this rate the road may be finished by 2020 !!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

PabloS - 10-21-2008 at 09:06 PM

This was a good part of the road to Gonzaga in 1981:o

dao45 - 10-22-2008 at 01:34 AM

I don't know but I blew all 4 shocks out of my Exterra .But Im getting new ones and gonna do it again.Just wish Coco would be there
how do you spell shocks

baitcast - 10-22-2008 at 07:54 AM

I know I do this every time this subject comes up but runs from Puertecitos to Gonzaga in the early 60,s would take anywhere from five to six hrs,one year after alot of winter rains a little over 8:lol: and the surprising thing is my wife actually started enjoying the drive!

David K - 10-22-2008 at 08:21 AM

Road crew (1 man, worked for tips) south of Puertecitos in the late 1960's. We saw his wheelbarrel and shovel with a sign in '67... This photo from Cliff Cross' Baja Guide c1970

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David K - 10-22-2008 at 08:22 AM

Heading north from Gonzaga in 1974...

[Edited on 10-22-2008 by David K]

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David K - 10-22-2008 at 08:25 AM

Here I am driving down one of the steep grades in my Myers Manx dune buggy, 1974 (age 16). My last tiime over the old road was in '79... Then over the new road in '85/'86 as it was still being built.

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baitcast - 10-22-2008 at 08:50 AM

I forgot about the road crews:lol:,at the top of some of the grades there would be a tincan stuck on a brush and a bit of a sign,we would always leave something.

David K - 10-22-2008 at 05:08 PM

Yah, aren't these old Baja dirt road memories great!:light:

baitcast - 10-22-2008 at 05:47 PM

David that pic in 74 is the one my wife and kids had to walk up I think when I had the VW,its the one with the dreaded ledge.:o

David K - 10-23-2008 at 08:50 AM

Yah, the people who never experienced the 'Gonzaga Grades' or 'Three Sisters', etc. have no idea!

When they complain how bad the new road is (that doesn't even require 4WD), I just smile and remember the pre- 1985 road (or goat trail)!

[Edited on 6-18-2024 by David K]

David K - 6-18-2024 at 02:10 PM

The paving was completed, 13 years after the roadwork began, 2007-2020.