
Car delivery to Baja Sur Late March

djh - 2-9-2008 at 05:24 PM


I'm planning to make another trip to Loreto. I am available to deliver a car southbound end of March, or deliver a car northbound the end of the first week of April. I'd also be willing to share driving either direction.

I did a similar trip right after Christmas. (Flew to LTO, bussed to Todod Santos, and drove a new friend's car TS to San Diego, and then flew home.) Nice trip, no problems (I avoid them :-), and a I made a couple of new friends who were very happy to have their car home safely & to avoid the long drive & inherent risks.

I live in the Inland NW, and could pick up / deliver to any city (with an airport) in CA, OR, WA, ID, etc.).

References available, and quite a few BajaNomad amigos.

I have a short spring break vacation. My first free "spring break" in a few years, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to get out of the snow and have a little more sunshine!! (The past 4 springs I have been touring and performing in Asia, which this year will be in May :-).

U2U if you're considering a car delivery N or S.


[Edited on 2-25-2008 by djh]


djh - 2-25-2008 at 02:02 PM

I've been asked to drive a car from Todos Santos North to Portland, OR., which I'll try to arrange... a bit of a marathon...

Now... If someone needs a car driven South I'd be set!