
Agua Caliente Canyon - Valle Chico Feb 08

bajalou - 2-18-2008 at 10:34 AM

Over the last 2-4 days I've checked out access to the hot springs in Canon Agua Caliente in Valle Chico.

Near the steel water tank

there are new posts on both sides of the roadway. On Friday Feb 15th, there was no gate or lock but signs by the road regarding passage.


We did not proceed beyond that point as were just checking access.

Road beyond tank.

On Sunday Feb. 17th, I talked to the people at the ranch mentioned in the sign. They advised me - in perfect English - that the recent rains have washed out the road and they do NOT want people trying to drive into the canyon. As the signs are several miles from the Hot Springs, it would be quite a hike to get to them,

[Edited on 2-18-2008 by bajalou]

David K - 2-18-2008 at 10:36 AM

Sounds like they are growing pot up there, again!!!

So, I guess the gang didn't try... Did you guys go up Berrendo or just Matomi?

bajalou - 2-18-2008 at 10:40 AM

I really don't think the "farm" is in operation again. They had been making improvements to the road and hot springs and constructed a banos near the up canyon parking.

Considered Berendo but time is a real factor in getting to the upper parts of these canons. We decide to just do Matomi and it took about a hour from the point where we dropped into Matomi Wash to get to the ranch.

David K - 2-18-2008 at 10:45 AM

Understood... The Spanish version of the sign says no M/Cs, Three wheelers or quads and the English shortens that to just 'off road vehicles'... So, I am guessing whoever is claiming to 'own' that canyon has no problem with 4WD autos... ??

bajalou - 2-18-2008 at 10:52 AM

I think they consider all 4WD vehicles as "Off Road" vehicles. I think that seeing Edwardo and arranging for the key would also get you permission to take your vehicles in. When they fix the road, that is.

David K - 2-18-2008 at 04:44 PM

Did 'steekers' ride along with you guys?

BAJACAT - 2-18-2008 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by David K

Oh yea i haul his fuel for his moto, and also his wife Joanna (JOJO), ride in our truck all the way,she and my familly had alot fun,I was surprise she speaks fluent spanish:lol::lol:

Did 'steekers' ride along with you guys?

David K - 2-18-2008 at 06:30 PM

She should Jose... I think she comes from the same great place your family comes from!:biggrin:

I am glad it all worked out well... They seem to be really nice people, off road racers, and he is writing a book on the history of Rancho Santa Ynez, too!