mariposajim - 2-22-2008 at 06:41 AM
Just returned from a couple of days at BA and a couple of days of driving. A few observations:
*Highway in good shape. Road to BA good with the last 20 miles or so dirt. Paving progressing to BA but interrupted by rains. Was surprised by lack
of traffic on highway.
* BA is a great place. Juan and Shari were fantastic hosts and I highly recommend renting one of their casas. Still can't get used to that sun
rising over the pacific ocean. Thanks again, Juan and Shari for your hospitality.
*TJ border wait about an hour noonish thursday. Why does it only take 5 minutes to cross into mexico but one hour is a great wait time to cross back
into the us? (rhetorical question: no need to answer).
SPECIAL REQUEST: I would like to get a 6/0 penn reel to Jaun. If you are going to BA and would do Juan, Shari, and me a favor, please u2u me so we
could make arrangements.
Bajaboy - 2-22-2008 at 07:25 AM
I'm headed down March 15 and would be delighted to help you out. Check U2U
shari - 2-22-2008 at 10:33 AM
Why gracias for your kind words mariposa (um is that why your webpage is pink?) and nice to see you posting! We had fun with you..tell your amigo he
owes me a bottle of brandy! Juan will be very happy with that reel. He's out fishing right now searching for the lost yellowtails.