

Gadget - 3-6-2008 at 02:23 PM

We are going to do a day trail ride to Laguna Hanson.

We will leave in AM (7 ish) from San Diego, cross at Tecate and hit the dirt near El Hongo, Laguna Hanson for lunch, on through the forest to meet up with the Compadre Trail back to Rancho Veronica and back to Tecate for tacos at El Guerrito.

Anyone interested sign on

4WD is not mandatory, but good clearance and tires is.

Vehicles participating currently:
BajaLeti's Jeep Grand Cherokee

BajaWarrior - 3-6-2008 at 04:10 PM


your killing me Gadget, that sounds like a great trip, haven't been up there in years. We're taking the following week off though, you know where we'll be.....We even have an '06 F-150 4x4 that would be perfect for that trip.

I take it you won't be down for the race or will that be part dos of your trip?

Gadget - 3-6-2008 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by BajaWarrior

your killing me Gadget, that sounds like a great trip, haven't been up there in years. We're taking the following week off though, you know where we'll be.....We even have an '06 F-150 4x4 that would be perfect for that trip.

I take it you won't be down for the race or will that be part dos of your trip?

Yeah, wish you could also.

I Will be down for race.

This is a day trip to get our Daughter-in-law to be, Cheryl (our bone head son hasn't dropped the Q yet) in GSB. She has never done anything like that before.

I will be riding with Curtis Guise of, in his Trophy Tundra Pre-runner for San Felipe.

Will try and stop by and say howdy. I'm not driving so can't promise.

Gadget - 3-7-2008 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Gee, how do you think almost 4 year old twins would handle that? See if I can convince me wifey that's a good idea! Hmmmm.....

Coming from your stock, I think they would do just fine.

David K - 3-7-2008 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Gee, how do you think almost 4 year old twins would handle that? See if I can convince me wifey that's a good idea! Hmmmm.....

Frank, you get them started young!

Here are Chris (2 1/2) and Sarah (1) in my Subaru on the beach at Nuevo Mazatlan in 1991:

Gadget - 3-7-2008 at 03:05 PM

This may be off.

Had an electrical fire in GSB in the center console today while I was out on errands. Drove it to fuel up for early start Tuesday. Big mess, whole console needs to come apart to clean up extinguisher mess and repair wiring. Ground fault melt down on just re-wired finicky starter switch, my fault, improperly wired, dumb _ _ _ _ mistake. In hot water with the wife.....again :(

Silver lining in every drama, I was only 1.5 miles from home and not 150.

Updates to follow.

[Edited on 3-8-2008 by Gadget]

BajaWarrior - 3-7-2008 at 06:03 PM

Tough break Gadget, glad your ok and the GSB didn't go up in flames on the side of the road! I'll bet your working on it right now...

Maybe we'll see ya on Race Weekend, you guys are always welcome to crash at our place if you need.


Roberto - 3-8-2008 at 10:46 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Sorry to hear, maybe we can stop by this next week and check out your ride..... I'll be home all week w/the rugrats.

Things are paying off already I see ... sounds great.:cool:

Gadget - 3-8-2008 at 08:36 PM

GSB is back together. Don't want to deal with a mess like that ever again. Spent a whole day on it. My back is killing me, but at least I still have a rig to work on. :fire:

Everyone check your fire extinguisher lately? :wow:

Trip is still on if anyone wants to tag along. We're going to picnic at Laguna Hanson, then go on through the pine forest to pick up the Compadre Trail and depending on the time of day either stop for dinner at Rancho Veronica or go on into Tecate for Tacos :biggrin:

BajaWarrior - 3-9-2008 at 09:36 PM

Trip on! Go Gadget Go!

Ken Cooke - 3-14-2008 at 08:29 PM

Be sure to have your friends post photos of the trip through the Sierra Juarez. Wish I could have been there...

Gadget - 3-16-2008 at 05:21 PM

Just back from San Felipe. Trip report and some photos to follow on another thread.

This trip was fun. About a 110 mile loop from Mex 2 at El Condor and back to El Hongo at Mex 2.

Was not as green as we had hoped.

Laguna Chapala had very little water in it, maybe 1/4 or less.

Both my in-laws got rides in GSB along with our future Daughter-in-law. Lots of squeeling and grabbing for the air while we motored along. I was on point the whole time so could only get up to speed during line of sight. The brakes got a work out.

Encountered 2 graders, one coming into LC from Ojos and another working from Ojos to the top of the summit on the Compadre. Smooth sailing for a good portion for the other 2 vehicles, our Jeep Grand Chick-o-ree piloted by BajaLeti and Squarecircle in his "Goldfinger" Four Runner.

Gate to Rancho Veronica was locked, huh???

Hit El Guerito in Tecate for excellent grinds. Owners seemed VERY happy to see a group of 7 gringos pull up to eat.

Border crossing with no incidents.

No flats

Torn right front inner fender well on the Chick-o-ree when we skipped across a G-out in GSB and didn't call it for BajaLeti and she bottomed out and nearly put Mother-in law through the roof in the back seat. Ann wanted to be in GSB for the rest of the trip. Thought we had some sort of suspension issue n the Jeep when we got home, nasty clunking while cornering, found today that jack had come loose in the spare tire well. I love that!!!!

Next trail ride.....HIDDEN GARDEN. Watch for details in SF trip report. Most awesome Baja cactus garden and forest I've seen in BCN. Anyone else ever been there?

Ken Cooke - 3-16-2008 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Gadget
Next trail ride.....HIDDEN GARDEN. Watch for details in SF trip report. Most awesome Baja cactus garden and forest I've seen in BCN. Anyone else ever been there?

Where exactly is Hidden Garden? If you have coordinates, I can look it up in my Baja Almanac. Sounds interesting... :light: