
New Book by Graham Mackintosh published, launch party Mar. 27

David K - 3-7-2008 at 06:01 PM

Edited post because the book is now available...

Here is an invitation from Discover Baja Travel Club to both memebers and non-members:


On Thursday, March 27th at 7:00pm, we will celebrate the long-awaited book launch of Graham Mackintosh's new book "Marooned With Very Little Beer." Come see Graham's entertaining powerpoint presentation about his two months spent on Guardian Angle Island in the Sea of Cortez. Purchase his new book that describes in detail his most recent Baja adventure.

The presentation will be held at Discover Baja's office -- 3089 Clairemont Drive in San Diego. Cost will be $3 for members and $5 for nonmembers. Call now to reserve a seat --800-727-2252.

[Edited on 3-24-2008 by David K]

bajalera - 3-7-2008 at 07:24 PM

So potential buyers are to pay $3 for the privilege of watching an author promote the sale of his own book?

Roberto - 3-7-2008 at 07:41 PM

Guess one post wasn't enough. Does this qualify as cross-posting?

David K - 3-7-2008 at 10:40 PM

Roberto, I only posted once, the second one was moved here by a moderator (?)... It was in the Baja Literature forum where the cover photo could be shown.

Lera, the cost of opening up the business so Graham can show the slide show and refreshments are covered by the few dollars collected... A movie costs $8-$10, with no guarantee you will enjoy it and no snacks or drinks...

standingwave - 3-8-2008 at 07:54 AM

Hose A, why isn't there a browse feature here?
David K, how about putting the cover pic on your website and linking to it from here?

[Edited on 3-8-2008 by standingwave]

Roberto - 3-8-2008 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by David K
Roberto, I only posted once, the second one was moved here by a moderator (?)... It was in the Baja Literature forum where the cover photo could be shown.

Well, not to beat a dead horse, but David, for the second one to have been moved, there must have been two, right?

As the word "cross-posting" indicated :rolleyes:

[Edited on 3-8-2008 by Roberto]

bajalera - 3-18-2008 at 10:01 PM

Any way you slice it, DK, people are being asked to pay a fee to see somebody hustle his own book. A new high in chutzpah (which I'm probably not spelling right).

Opening the office, furnishing snacks and whatever are expenses normally attributed to promotion and are eaten by the publisher, rather than being passed along to potential purchasers.

Where is JR when we need him!

[Edited on 3-19-2008 by bajalera]

elgatoloco - 3-18-2008 at 10:27 PM

Originally posted by bajalera
............. chutzpah (which I'm probably not spelling right).
[Edited on 3-19-2008 by bajalera]

chutz·pa Pronunciation[khoot-spuh, hoot-]
–noun Slang. 1. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall.
2. audacity; nerve.

Also, chutzpah, hutzpa, hutzpah.


[Origin: 1890–95; < Yiddish khutspa < Aram ḥūṣpā]

capt. mike - 3-19-2008 at 07:14 AM

PT Barnum had it right.
Those who "paid" for an infomercial are born every minute.:smug:

And why doesn't Mr. Mackintosh promote his own stuff here?:?: I don't believe i've ever even seen him participate on this or other forums. As witty as he is you'd think he'd want to take advantage of this arena to promote his livelihood.
I like some of his writing though. He's definitely a talent but I wouldn't sit through a sales pitch to buy his stuff unless i got a free breakfast out of it!:light:

David K - 3-19-2008 at 07:39 AM

Wow, you guys really are something!

Graham is self-publishing the book, as he did his last one... Discover Baja is helping him promote it by offering their facility... The few bucks covers expenses (staff, refreshments) as there is no requirement to buy a book there. You get a informative, humorous slide show by a Baja expert (if there ever was one).

I am helping Graham, because he is a friend of mine and while Graham is a registered Baja Nomad, he probably can do without all this drama... at this busy time...

Baja Nomad is featured in this new book because (for one) of all that crazy noise so many Nomads made about Graham killing a rattlesnake... yup, not a turtle or a bighorn sheep, but a rattlesnake! Yet, he spent a lot of energy and time cleaning up the giant mess left by the fishermen who make camp on the shore of Isla Angel de la Guarda... and none of that made an impression on the nature lovers here.

Anyway, if the three bucks is too much for a night of fun with Graham Mackintosh... then you can do something else, right?

The book cover is now on Graham's web site, along with the details of the show: as well as here:

wilderone - 3-19-2008 at 10:02 AM

I have been to many, many book promotions. This is an opportunity:
1. meet the author, which lends a more personal aspect to the story-telling
2. See his own slide show - those visuals don't come with the book.
3. Hear the author himself tell stories that don't appear in the book
4. An opportunity to ask the author questions
5. For a book collector, the opportunity to get his book, and others by the same author, signed (this is a distinct advantage to the book's value - to a collector)
6. A social event, with refreshments
7. In this instance, held at the Discover Baja office/store where there are other items for sale - maps, books, calendars, etc.
8. The fee is nominal for the unique opportunity.

I absolutely love Paul Theroux - he did a book promo in San Diego for one of his books, Fresh Air Fiend; I took photos of him, had him sign one of my favorite books, The Happy Isles of Oceana, hung on every word.
There are those who appreciate these kinds of events.

capt. mike - 3-19-2008 at 03:42 PM

;) the $3 bucks is chicken feed and not the point. If it was a marketing opportunity as well for Discover Baja club to sell their stuff concurrently with the "open house" for Graham's benefit , then they ought to be embarrased to have charged even that.
Perhaps a door "donation" collected going to the baja zoo mentioned here, an orphanage, medical charity or something else worthy might have been appropriate.
They must be penurious, or is their biz charter truly as a non profit entity - i doubt it. If there was any real value to attending beyond buying the book, other books, maps shirts and Ts et al, then the gate charge should have been more. Beyond that it is this suckers opine that no fee should have been asked and the promoters, both of them now it reads, would have split the cost of cookies and Kool-aid!:biggrin::biggrin:

wilderone - 3-19-2008 at 04:42 PM

penurious peasants

David K - 3-19-2008 at 05:24 PM

Thanks Wilderone... I hope you had a chance to chat with Graham at our Viva Baja Cactus party since you both were there? ... He is a fun person.

Mike, I just don't get it... why make a big deal out of a couple bucks. If they need to do charge that to open their doors after hours, then that's their business... It is a 'club' and we all contribute something to help the club stay open. I belonged to other clubs, and we pay higher 'beer' prices and door fees that goes to support the club and its functions. A Graham slide show is sure worth more than $3-$5!

Good grief Charlie Brown!

John M - 3-19-2008 at 05:35 PM

Anyone who attends this book promotion and thinks the few dollars "fee" is too much - just email us a photo of you at the event and we will send you a check to cover your fee. the event you are a "non-member" send us the photo and we'll send you a check for $5.00.

Limit one per customer so don't be sending us a dozen photos and expect $36.00!

Unfortunately we won't be able to attend due to prior committment but sure wish we could. (oh, by the way we are Non-Members) so we'd have to ante up $10.00 for the both of us.

John & Barb M.

[Edited on 3-20-2008 by John M]

capt. mike - 3-19-2008 at 08:50 PM

"Mike, I just don't get it... why make a big deal out of a couple bucks. If they need to do charge that to open their doors after hours, then that's their business... It is a 'club' and we all contribute something to help the club stay open. I belonged to other clubs, and we pay higher 'beer' prices and door fees that goes to support the club and its functions. A Graham slide show is sure worth more than $3-$5! ":!::!:

oh - no big deal to me either way - i am just having fun here in my own persnickety style....:lol::lol:, i just think it's being somewhat cheap to charge a cover for an obvious 3rd party biz promo, that's all. Obviously many disagree with me, went, paid and enjoyed a fine presentation from a real pro.

it's my nature to think this way coming from a long line of hard headed Dutchmen.........:O So take none of my musings seriously - it's just the internet after all - TGI free!!

Graham - 3-19-2008 at 09:11 PM

Hi Nomads--

I certainly understand all the points being made. I’m a tight-fisted ******* myself and I don’t have any money.

My new book is at Discover Baja right now. I just received them today. If you want, you can walk in and pick one up any day before my slide presentation or any day after, at your convenience. Stand there and read it awhile, chat to the staff and other Baja aficionados. If you don’t like the look of it, walk out, won’t cost you a cent.

If you prefer, visit my website and order a book. I’ll be happy to sign it and mail it to your home or P.O. Box, post and tax paid.

And I’ll be very happy to tell you about future book lectures and signings that are free. I’m giving one to the North Island Rock Club in El Cajon, April 3, and a library in DeTour, Michigan, July 30. Choice is yours.

And one more choice… feel free to totally ignore my book. Most people will.

Why don’t I post more on Nomad? That’s a really good question. Let me have a little more beer to help me celebrate the launch of Marooned… and I’ll get back to you when I’m able.


[Edited on 3-20-2008 by Hose A]

sd - 3-19-2008 at 10:58 PM

I met Graham and his wife at the Baja travel show in Del Mar after reading one of his books. I purchased his other books at the show, and enjoyed all of them.
I will be buying the new book also.
I have traveled to Baja's East Cape many times, and have driven the length 4 round trips. 3000 miles one way was my favorite.
Travel advice provided by Nomads on this forum is fantastic, and helped me find some fun spots. Like many of you, If I can't be there I like to read about, look at all the photos posted here, and of course study the map planning the next trip.
Thanks to all who take the time to post their trip details.

bajalera - 3-19-2008 at 11:16 PM

There's a principal involved here, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the penurious peasantry of which I seem to have been elected a member..

Charging a fee to watch a writer (regardless however talented and witty and clever and congenial he or she may be) promote a book would strike me as tacky and unprofessional--even if the fee were only fifty friggin' cents.

And I do look forward to getting Graham's book.

Graham - 3-20-2008 at 12:09 AM

Hi Soulpatch,

If you mean that mushroom on the cover of my San Pedro Martir book, it is Amanita muscaria, or the fly agaric. I mentioned all the fascinating mythology about it, but I didn’t try eating it myself… somewhat toxic and hallucinogenic. I needed to keep my wits about me alone in the mountains with my two “street dogs.”

The wild mushrooms that I did eat were Flammulina velutipes (enoki), which grow on the aspens, Leccinum insigne (aspen bolete), and Suillus kaibabensis which grows around pines.

My wife, a member of the North American Mycological Association, identified these edible species for me. And as long as I haven’t recently upset her, I can usually follow her advice with confidence.

And thanks sd for the kind words about my books. And I agree, at its best Baja Nomad is a great source of information and ideas.


David K - 3-20-2008 at 09:00 AM

Good to see you here Graham!

Congrats on the new book arriving... Elizabeth and I plan on being there next week... Looking forward to getting my copy of your new book.

Thanks amigo!

wilderone - 3-20-2008 at 09:40 AM

"what I want to know is how that mushroom was up at the observatory. You didn't seem to want to illiterate in your book too much and I was really looking forward to that part"

Now that is exactly why it behooves someone to attend such an event - Graham - you should have told him to just come and ask his question at the event. Then everyone there could benefit from the question asked and answered with such intimacy.

mtgoat666 - 3-20-2008 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by bajalera
There's a principal involved here, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the penurious peasantry of which I seem to have been elected a member..

Charging a fee to watch a writer (regardless however talented and witty and clever and congenial he or she may be) promote a book would strike me as tacky and unprofessional--even if the fee were only fifty friggin' cents.

And I do look forward to getting Graham's book.

I don't profess to know that the talk is a sales promotion, who knnows, maybe it will be,... but probably not. But I do know that when I saw the author talk at an event several years ago, he gave a very entertaining talk, and I would have paid much more than 3 bucks (but in the event I attended it was free, so :P). He's a very entertaining story teller, and 3 bucks is too little. He should charge 15 bucks. You pay 3 bucks and I think you're getting a below market deal.

Ken Cooke - 3-20-2008 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by David KCost will be $3 for members and $5 for nonmembers.

If it weren't for me traveling to Colombia on Saturday, I'd definitely be there to hear about Graham's new book. $3? That's less than a gallon of gas... :P

I will split it with you

thebajarunner - 3-20-2008 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by John M
Anyone who attends this book promotion and thinks the few dollars "fee" is too much - just email us a photo of you at the event and we will send you a check to cover your fee. the event you are a "non-member" send us the photo and we'll send you a check for $5.00.

Limit one per customer so don't be sending us a dozen photos and expect $36.00!

Unfortunately we won't be able to attend due to prior committment but sure wish we could. (oh, by the way we are Non-Members) so we'd have to ante up $10.00 for the both of us.

John & Barb M.

[Edited on 3-20-2008 by John M]

I don't know you guys, but I like your spirit
(in contrast to some of the rest of this thread)
When you get the bill zap me a U2U and I will split the cost with you.
I actually don't know Graham, either, although he has nicely autographed some of his books for me via David.
And, I know David, and I think this is a nice thing to do.

Ken Cooke - 3-20-2008 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by David K
Have fun in Columbia (again) Ken! Don't agree to take any packages from strangers!!!

Um, I'll talk to you sometime about what happened there in January...:O

bajalera - 3-21-2008 at 06:58 PM

Thanks so much for that explaination Wilderone.

I alwys wundered where you ritch edducated fokes get all them books. Now I kno.

Graham - 3-22-2008 at 12:06 AM

Hi Bajalera,

I think you’re making a valid point about the principle of charging even a nominal fee for a book launch event, and I thank you for making it.

Whenever I’ve given a slide presentation at Discover Baja, Hugh and Carol Kramer have kept their offices open, paid their staff overtime, and always put on an enjoyable evening with food and drink thrown in, and the audience has universally had a great time, if not listening to me, then chatting to each other and interacting with other Baja aficionados, and maybe spilling over to nearby Mountain Mike’s for a beer and a slice of pizza. So I confess I hadn’t given the principle too much thought, I was just grateful that Discover Baja had given me perhaps one of the few opportunities I’ll have to share my love of Baja and try to convey the flavor of my Guardian Angel Island experience to a very special audience.

The principles I try to adhere to are few, and mostly center on the importance of kindness and courtesy. Beyond those, I confess I can be pretty naïve and shortsighted.

If you give me a US address to which to mail a book, I’d be happy to send you a copy. If you like and have time, post a few words on Nomad to tell us what you think. No obligation. All my books have a spiritual dimension, presented I hope with a sense of humor, but Marooned goes much further. Maybe too far? I’d appreciate your honest opinion.


Sharksbaja - 3-22-2008 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
You mean I'm not the only one.......?:spingrin:

Nope. Been an amateur mycologist 20 yrs did my internship with Paul Stamets up in Shelton Wa..

Graham, have you heard of Dr, Andrew Weil? He did some serious study and experimenting with a.muscaria. He has lectured on medicinal fungus and psycotropics at many events. Most fun, Telluride Mushroom Festival.

I's love to hear or read more about your Baja knowledge of fungus. Has your wife studied the mushrooms of Baja?

[Edited on 3-22-2008 by Sharksbaja]

Baja mushrooms

Graham - 3-22-2008 at 11:32 AM

Hi Sharksbaja--

Yes, my wife is fascinated by desert mushrooms.

Who would think that even in the middle of the Baja desert one can go fungus hunting? I'll try posting some pictures of mushrooms we found in the LA Bay area on the general discussion forum--I can't seem to post pictures here.

Thanks, Graham

bajalera - 3-22-2008 at 12:30 PM

A very gracious explanation, Graham, and one that makes sense. Thank you.

I'm not abandoning the ildea that promotion costs should be funded by the publilsher, but it's obvious that an exception ought to be made in your case.

I'll accept your offer of the book, with the intent of giving you a copy of my book about the Indians and Jesuits [if I ever get it finished].

Editing note: "ildea"--was that a Freudian slip?

[Edited on 3-22-2008 by bajalera]

DENNIS - 3-22-2008 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by bajalera
ildea Editing note: "ildea"--was that a Freudian slip?

Maybe just a "sick thought' to be saved for Off Topic.

Graham - 3-22-2008 at 03:28 PM


I would love to have a copy of your book on the Jesuits and the Indians when it's published. Thanks.

Send me a US address and I'll have a copy of Marooned in the mail on Monday. You can send me an email through my website, or via U2U or however that works.

I'm sure a few Freudian slips made it into my book after two months alone on the island... Have fun with it.


capt. mike - 3-24-2008 at 01:58 PM

i'm surprized the travel channel hasn't done a special on GM and his exploits.
the little guy on the lonely planet travel series who did baja, Ian, was funny but my bet is GM would be a better show.

David K - 3-24-2008 at 03:20 PM

My copy arrived in today's mail... Graham really provides tons of details, photos, maps, and quotes out of BAJA NOMAD forums... There is even a chapter (17) titled 'Nomads'!

Good job Graham... I have started reading it... 300 more pages to go!


David K - 3-27-2008 at 05:24 PM

The book launch party & slide show is tonight, hope you RSVP'd... Pizza and Beer at Mountain Mike's after the show, perhaps?

bajajudy - 3-28-2008 at 07:20 AM

Hey, Graham
Good job!
Looking forward to reading your new title.

David K - 3-28-2008 at 10:38 AM

A very good show last night... Graham was at his best, red and white wine, salami, cheese, cookies, met Baja Nomad 'Von' and his esposa... Doug ('Baja Nomad'), and Roy 'The Squarecircle' were also there in the full house.

The Q & A after the slide show lasted to almost 9 pm, and sadly Mountain Mike's Pizza closes at 9 on Thursday... but we still had time to chat with Baja friends who were there.

Thanks Graham for another great presentation and best of luck on the new book!

capt. mike - 3-30-2008 at 09:32 AM

ok........ok.........for wine i'll pay the $3 and not b-tch.:lol::lol::lol:

David K - 3-30-2008 at 09:35 AM

I told you tht you wouldn't be disappointed!:lol::lol::yes:

Okay! I shouldn’t but I will.

Baja Bernie - 3-30-2008 at 04:33 PM

David I am amazed that you pointed to this post when I told you I was unaware of Graham’s coming out for his new book. I think it is wonderful that Graham is able to get Discover Baja to open their offices to plug his book……….as a self publishing author I basically agree with everything Graham has to offer and I know his book will do well because he works very hard to promote same…………Unlike myself who only enjoys the writing and then just tosses my stuff out and forgets it.

Most folks do not know that when I first started writing I asked Graham to lunch where he graciously allowed a novice to pick his brain….I like the man!

What amazes me is that you asked me to allow you to pick up more than one of my last offerings, “Bernie Talkin’ Baja” without attending the May 3rd Book Signing. When I offered this ‘chapbook’ for free to any Nomad it was with the idea in mind of thanking them for being so supportive of me when my wife, Lu Ann, moved on. It was also done to attract more folks to the signing so that all the other authors would benefit in selling their books.

I also stipulated that to get a free copy that Nomads (and only Nomads could get a copy of the book) must attend the Book Signing…Free is a good price—even for toilet paper.

Because you are who you are (Mr. Baja)and a friend of mine I told you that you could pick up the copies you wanted...........after the signing! Your response was rather chilly and really only referred to this post.

Just can’t seem to square your belief that any amount of money–just to listen to anyone is okay but merely attending an event meant to bring Nomads together—to support Baja authors and increase their appreciation of all things Baja—and get a free book from me ‘with’ their attendance is somehow excessive.

Sure wish you had not ‘pointed the way’ to this post because I just could not ignore it.

Edit is for this P.S. The free offer still stands for any Nomad who attends the book signing to get their free copy.

[Edited on 3-30-2008 by Baja Bernie]

David K - 3-30-2008 at 07:39 PM


Another Nomad asked me to pick up his copy (from you) because he will not be able to attend... All I asked was if I could, and that we may also not be able to attend... may I come by. I think my past assistance and web pages of every event is indication of my support for it...

I added in my U2U that we missed you at Graham's launch and you said you didn't know about it... I said it was on Nomad, near the top of Today's posts for the few weeks before it happened, I don't know how it could have been missed (besides the emails from Discover Baja)? I just mentioned that to you, that's all... Noting chilly intended. Please call me next time my U2U 'sounds' chilly, as you KNOW that isn't my style!

I have U2U'd with Keri already suggesting she may want to begin promoting the event as it is barely a month away... I am ALWAYS willing to help Baja authors... YOU know that! All one needs to do is ask, if I haven't already mentioned it on my web page Notebook or here on Nomad.

I wish you well as always... and am an easy phone call away for voice interaction!

See you at the Pyramid or afterwards...