
camping trip to Agua Verde/San Javier Mission

shari - 3-22-2008 at 07:18 PM

Juan & I managed to escape for a few days to warmer water and no internet! We went to our secret beach near Agua Verde...the road is nasty but the beaches deserted. We enjoyed swimming and snorkeling and scarfing down delectable ocean goodies like scallops & urchins which by the way are great with a bloody mary and a good book.

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 07:22 PM

We also were treated to a wonderful lamb BBQ with a local family there...if you go there you can easily get a lamb or little goat for very cheap..around $15...which feeds about 10 people. This is my very favorite place to camp in all baja as there are no traffic noises or people and is safe, clean and gorgeous. the store is very sell stocked too and people are very friendly.

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 07:29 PM

But when the wind then rain hit, we packed up and headed north. It was very helpful to get a good weather report from the cruisers on the VHF radio net at 8:00 am on channel 22 from Pto.Escondido. We camped that night on a nice little beach there but when the winds whipped up in the morning, we moved on again...this time heading for the the San javier Mission just south of Loreto. The drive in was a bit long and hour and a half...but the village is beautiful and the mission is impressive. We made friends with some of the old timers who were born there over 79 years ago and enjoyed their stories about the area and how the mission was built. These old timers are so facinating and it is sad to see that thier children have moved on, leaving these mission villages and the elders are struggling to survive there. I hope someone is taping their stories! I enjoyed photographing the mission and area. There is a lovely little guest house there too...I highly recommend staying overnight.

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 07:33 PM

We had a nice lunch at the restaurant then headed back. We found a fantastic place to swim a few miles from the mission...a set of wonderful potholes of clean fresh of which was big enough to swim in and nice and warm...we spent a good long time there...a "don't miss" kind of experience.

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 07:35 PM

this was the most relaxing swim i have had in a long time...such a remote, quiet, peaceful place...and luckily they sold cold tecate at the mission which went down realllll smooth as we sun dried ourselves on the warm rocks.

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 07:40 PM

So I was glad in the end for bad weather on the gulf as we were forced to head inland which resulted in finding another wonderful baja treasure. We are home now and went to our other secret local beach yesterday for our last day of rest before Juan starts abalone season this week. Sorry we missed bajaboy and chubby girl though...I hope everyone had a lovely easter break.

standingwave - 3-22-2008 at 09:22 PM

looks like you had a great trip, Shari - nice swimming hole!

shari - 3-22-2008 at 09:52 PM

reminded me of the Sooke Potholes with warmer are a couple more pics of the mission door & window

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 09:52 PM

I just loved the lovely shapes

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shari - 3-22-2008 at 09:53 PM

this was a little capilla at one of the ranches nearby

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BAJACAT - 3-23-2008 at 11:19 AM

Thanks for sharing, Shari,how far is the swimming hole from the mission?.and in what direction.

TMW - 3-23-2008 at 11:55 AM

Thanks for the report. I have never seen that much water thru there. A great drive from hwy1 by the mission and out to the west. Love your pixs.

Fred - 3-23-2008 at 12:37 PM

Thanks for the report and pic. That place is still on by "to do" or should I say "bucket" list.

Steve&Debby - 3-23-2008 at 09:47 PM

Nice pictures , we were there in december. Wish I was there now.

capt. mike - 3-24-2008 at 07:29 AM

when is abalone season?!
can we buy them or is it a protected co-op thing for wholesale like langostas?

another great reason to put pac side on my list for travel. :tumble:
i had no idea.

Bajagypsy - 3-24-2008 at 09:06 AM

So glad you two got to go on a relaxing get away.

shari - 3-24-2008 at 09:41 AM

this swimming hole is about 10 miles before you get to the mission. NOw, abalone season opens in Asuncion this week and you can buy it from the coop if you are a millionaire...or if you treat us real good, Juan will cook you up some here...they give the fishermen a few a week to eat. yummy

jorgie - 3-24-2008 at 09:58 AM

Do they have Abalone in Sooke ???