
San Roque, a different way.

DianaT - 3-30-2008 at 05:16 PM

This is one way to reach San Roque from Bahia Asuncion.

Waiting, waiting

Our dogs join the run

Our visiting friend, Bill, decided to run to San Roque from our home. It is an alternative, I guess. :rolleyes:

He tried to stay as close to the beach as possible. Once he hit some very soft mudflats and sunk above the kness. :O He had to turn inland a little at that point, but then back to the beach.

The beach patrol stopped and questioned him, but no problem since he did not intend to stop along the way and poach any lobster. We were able to stay in radio contact most of the time, except when we hit a couple of spots on the road to San Roque---we drove out the traditional way. But it seems like Shari back in Bahia Asuncion was able to pick up his radio when we could not. Good to stay in contact.

He was delayed helping a local family stuck in the sand with their Susuki---strange, but it is was almost the exact spot where we got stuck the day before---oh, dear, I forgot. John and Bill said we were never stuck. We were just delayed and parked in four deep holes in the sand watching the tide come in---silly me. :lol::lol:

All in all, Bill estimates that it was about 8 miles. With all the delays, it took him about 3 hours.

So, if you want a different route to take to San Roque, this is it---sorry, no GPS was along. Just follow the coast. :yes:


[Edited on 3-31-2008 by jdtrotter]

[Edited on 3-31-2008 by jdtrotter]

Iflyfish - 3-30-2008 at 07:07 PM

Any excuse you can find to post a pic, please do, I love your images.


Packoderm - 3-30-2008 at 10:25 PM

I love the blue in the pics. Oh how I wish I was at the beach cabin right now.

Sharksbaja - 3-31-2008 at 01:08 AM

:O What a cool place to get a workout! Kudos to him!!

shari - 3-31-2008 at 08:25 AM

I often ride Martillo out to San Roque along the beach route which is amazing...the whale watching on horseback is cool because we travel about the same's fun to beachcomb on horseback...that mudflat area is actually a little lagoon caused by the rains in the fall, it's just beginning to dry out now and ya just cant' get through it. We are off to San Roque for the next couple weeks as abalone season has opened today and Juan is fishing out of San instead of hours at the computer, I will be playing my violin and getting some reading in...good thing nobody is around to cringe. I'll be checking mail every couple days don't worry about us, we're just off the grid.

Bajagypsy - 3-31-2008 at 08:43 AM

jdtrotter those pictures make me very very homesick, please post more!

shari, you are one lucky lady to be spending time in San Roque, I would even be there while you practice your violin!;)

Diver - 3-31-2008 at 08:58 AM

Yes Gypsy, it was only 100 yards or so from that spot on the beach where Mr. Gypsy speared that Halibut in 4 feet of water! You guys are definitely "charmed" in San Roque.

DianaT - 3-31-2008 at 09:06 AM

Seems like San Roque is a favorite for many----we never get tired of going out there.

Shari asked us to pick up a couple of chairs at their San Roque House, so we just had to sit in them for a while on the front porch and stare out over the ocean before we could take them back. Had to make sure they were still good. :lol:


Bajagypsy - 3-31-2008 at 09:36 AM

Diane, I'm sure it has a hardship you were willing to do!!!! ;)

DianaT - 3-31-2008 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Bajagypsy
Diane, I'm sure it has a hardship you were willing to do!!!! ;)

It really was a hardship. After sitting, staring, and falling into the Baja Rapture state, we could hardly get up or lift those wicker chairs into the truck. Surprised we made it back to Bahia Asuncion. :tumble:


EMAM - 4-16-2008 at 12:44 PM

Diane, Cindy and I would have to agree with you that as much as we like Asuncion, we Love San Roque.

I think Shari has the best of both worlds being as her and Juan live in Asuncion, but have a get-away cabin just through the desert in San Roque.

Of all the places we've seen in Baja, I think we like San Roque the best for the simple fact of all the things it doesnt have...People, Electricity, Shops, and just about anything other than a georgeous view of the protected little cove.

shari - 4-16-2008 at 01:02 PM

And Martillo can be FREE again....we have the whole ranch out at the cabin now! Shami and Lucy are lovin the beach and kitties are busy chasing the mice around. Ahhhh the good life...OK enough computer time...we're heading back to san roque now that I got my Nomad fix!

Bajagypsy - 4-16-2008 at 01:15 PM

Take me with you.......................................