
Sn Fran-TJ-Sn Quintin-GN-Sn Quintin-Sn Fran

Festus - 4-17-2008 at 02:06 PM

Thanks to BajaJudy for reminding me I owe a trip report. I drove the kids (Kirsten-16, Courtney-15 & Duncan-11) from Bay Area to Guerrero Negro to experience the whales. First trip into Mexico for the kids so they we very excited and didn't know what to expect. Uneventful drive to Sn Diego on Easter Sunday. We crossed at TJ early Monday morning. Courtney has been taking Spanish for 4 years and found enough courage to attempt to speak to one of the soldiers while I was in line for forms. All the kids were surprised by how nice the soldiers were and for the rest of the trip they chatted up the soldiers whenever we hit a checkpoint.

We stayed at Desert Inn in San Quintin the first night as well as all subsequent nights in Baja. I know I know. Bad choice but it was our first time. We will know better next time.

The drive down was a bit white knuckle until I got used to the M1 and then it was a lot of fun to drive the rest of the trip. The kids were surprised at the lack of paved roads in the towns along the way but also enjoyed the warmth of the Mexican people. We spent a couple hours walking the tourist shops in Ensenada and my oldest daughter scored a Dolce & Gabana bag (probably fake?) for under $70. She was very happy the rest of the trip as a result.

We spent the late afternoon and evening on the beach in Sn Quintin and were suprised by how may vehicles were on the beach. We felt stupid for lugging our ice chest, food and beach gear down to the beach on foot. The beach was dirtier than the kids were used to but they had fun watching the Mexican families around us and even interacting a little as opportunities arose.

We left early next morning and drove to Guerrero Negro. We passed through several military checkpoints without problem. I was surprised by the immigration checkpoint just North of GN. They took all our fruit (no big deal) and then made us drive through a poison sprayer that sprayed under the vehicle. Kind of wierd but didn't appear to hurt anything and none of us have developed cancer or anything yet as a result.

Had some great seafood in GN at a palapa stand along the main road and explored the town a bit and made reservations at Los Caracoles for a whale tour the next morning.

Later we drove out to the salt pans and the kids had fun mining their own salt and watching the ospreys in their nests.

We joined another couple from the Bay Area the next morning for the whale tour. We were aprehensive about seeing whales as some on this board had written that most whales were gone by end of March. But we saw 40 to 50 in the bay during our tour. The boat captain was great with the kids and kept trying different pods of whales until he located a baby and mother who were interested in interacting with the boat. We spent the next 45 minutes playing with the baby and getting an occassional touch on the mother as well while she hovered near the baby. The baby seemed to be having fun surging out of the water towards the kids and driver and playing with the boat by nudging it from time to time. A very special experience and worth all the long hours of driving to get there and back. If I can figure out how to do it I will attach some pics.

Later that evening we walked GN again...this time through some of the neighborhoods. The highlight was buying hotdogs from a street vendor and catching up with him on local gossip while the dogs were cooking. He wrapped them in bacon....yummy! The kids loved them.

We spent another night in San Quintin on the way back and this time drove our car down to the beach. All the locals must have been back at work as the beach was mostly deserted this time. My two daughters had fun driving up and down the beach in our Highlander while Duncan buried himself in the sand, swam (kid will swim in any water regardless of temperature) and played on the sand dunes. I just layed on the sand attempting to recover from all the driving.

The kids loved the trip and have already started begging for a return to Baja during spring break next year. Besides the whales they enjoyed the warm people, the scenery and the beaches. We will probably focus on the San Quintin area next year so we don't have to drive so much and have more time to relax and explore. Also, we never had the time or energy to do any fishing so that is a big goal for next year. I have filed all the information that many of you shared on the fishing and will revisit it when we return next year. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing so much helpful information. It really made the trip a lot of fun for the kids and me.

The kids playing with the baby whale in GN


[Edited on 4-20-2008 by Festus]

[Edited on 4-20-2008 by Festus]

Diver - 4-17-2008 at 02:21 PM

Glad you enjoyed your trip !

Next time maybe let us do the driving ...?
Stop in Ensenada for a magic purse (anything to keep the teens happy)
Head to San Quintin to the new Jardines for the night and a great meal
On to Catavinia for a few hours of hiking and exploring
Stop in GN at Los Caracoles with Sirena, eat Tiger Paw scallops
Head south through Viscaino to either Bahia Asuncion and stay with Shari
or to San Ignacio and stay at the B&B and float in the river ...

Let's see, how many days for the next trip ?? :biggrin:

Festus - 4-19-2008 at 09:17 PM

ok..I tried to add a foto Grover. I'm not sure I did it right. Help?

Iflyfish - 4-19-2008 at 11:00 PM

Cool report, those kids will be Nomads for sure. Great family trip!


bajajudy - 4-20-2008 at 07:33 AM

Great report!
So glad that you and your kids had such a wonderful trip. Yep future Nomads for sure.
Did you see a lot of sand dollarson the beach in San Quintin?

fishbuck - 4-21-2008 at 04:09 PM

Nice report. If I'm in SQ on your next trip I'll show you around a little.
Nothing wrong with Desert Inn out there on the beach. Did you make it out to the Wet Buzzard?