Originally posted by Baja&Back
Well .... The pond is actually across the street from the mision, behind the dam. Logical place for it - behind the damn, I mean. The seaweed is
actually river weed, growing furiously because the cows pee in the creek. The town pigs actually do wade in the creek, eating the river weed and
peeing in the creek. It's all actually true!
The head pig (pighead??) actually follows an old lady, who limps, around town all day like a dog.
If you walk upstream, you will find the spring from which the town gets its water. The wierd white stuff lining the bottom of some pools is pig hides
being soaked. There are fossils embedded in the creekbank.
The mision is the only one in Baja with a round pink nave. (There's a joke in there, for sure!!!)
Gonzaga is a very worthwhile drive, easy in a passenger car. Try it sometime! |