
FMT visa $20. bank charge???

Anonymous - 1-16-2003 at 01:37 PM

Is there a change or about be a change in the FMT visa bank charge ($20 approx) ?? A friend claims he heard of this change on PBS radio 1/15/2003...

Steve in Oro Valley

Anonymous - 1-22-2003 at 07:44 AM

Amigos board says there was AP report out Harlingen TX that $22 tourist fee was not being charged for visits to the interior for periods less than 7 DAYS. News buffs where are you??

Steve in Oro Valley

reefrocket - 1-22-2003 at 11:10 AM

DK should be estatic! Haven't heard anyone else mention it any where. Would be nice for the short visits, with family and friends it can get pricey. People had to get FM-Ts to go to M's BBBB get-to-gethers, if at Cielito Lindo. Wonder it the same distance requirements are going to be in effect. That could be a drag if YES.

On Amigos board huh? Guess I missed it - going to look now.

capt. mike - 1-24-2003 at 06:41 AM

whats the big deal? you could get them stamped for 6 months and only $22. glad it may be gone, but $3.50 a month to go to baja is peanutz!! :wow:

Anonymous - 1-24-2003 at 01:01 PM

Ijust received this email from Fred Jones, Gloria Jones of Club Vagabundos del Mar

Steve - Thanks for your email of January 22. We always proceed to
confirm such reports in the media. Today I spoke with Tourism officials
in Baja who have seen the same reports and have checked with Migracion
in Tijuana about them. The word is that nothing has changed. Both the
72-hour provision and the fee still remain intact. We had just spent
$6,000 for a new supply of pre-paid FMTs and were more than a little
interested. Based on the assurances I have received, we are now
proceeding to spend another $6,000 to double our holdings. We do
appreciate your thoughtfulness in letting us know so promptly. Best
Regards, VP/GM Fred Jones