

David K - 5-4-2008 at 09:57 AM

This year, Bob H and Audrey joined us for a day trip to La Mision and the Pyramid Resort's 6th annual Baja book authors' signing and wine & beer tasting party.

We reached the border just after noon to find some CHP activity closing many of the lanes before entering Mexico... This delayed us about 30 minutes... there was some traffic to the Playas de Tijuana exit, then smooth sailing from there!!!

The 2 toll gates we went through were each $2.50 US ($26 MN).

I filled up the Tacoma gas tank at the Pemex on the toll road, Rosarito South... took about 16 gallons, $45 US ($10.20 peso per dollar) made the price of Magna about $2.80/ gallon, which is over a dollar a gallon cheaper than in San Diego.

We arrived at the Pyramid Resort and right away met BajaFun777 and his wife as we got out of the Tacoma... They are in the center...

[Edited on 5-4-2008 by David K]

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 09:59 AM

Better shot of Baja Fun 777!:light:

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:02 AM

Fernando (fdt) was serving the free samples of TJ Beer... a great way to enjoy the day!

TJ Beer provided Light, Guera, and Morena... Muchas Gracias!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:03 AM

Keri did another great job... and we were surprised at the size of the crowd there... Thanks Keri!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:05 AM

We then chatted with Bonni and Graham Mackintosh... Here's Bonni and Baja Angel (Elizabeth)...

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:06 AM

Fishbuck and Bob H

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:07 AM

Wine, olive oil, and more!!!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:08 AM

What a beautiful day...

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:09 AM

Guadalupe Valley was well represented..

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:12 AM

Surprised to run into our old friend, Sonora Wind... I met Jim at Camp Gecko several years ago and he was kind enough to invite my daughter and I to go fishing with him on Guillermo's Super Panga.

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:13 AM

Here's Baja Bernie adding visual details to his story telling!:lol:

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:15 AM

Bernie and Baja Angel...

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:17 AM

Elizabeth checks out the special Baja Nomad members book and Audrey is looking at one of Bernie's other books.

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:18 AM

Yes Audrey, it was you! ;D:yes:

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:19 AM

Bob H with his copy of 'Bernie Talking Baja'

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:21 AM

Marv Sherrill and Gail of the Baja Calendar were there...

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:23 AM

It was a GREAT day at the Pyramid Resort... and a bummer if you weren't there!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:25 AM

Elizabeth and I want to thank Keri and her crew for the work they do to make this event happen... GRACIAS!!!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:29 AM

On the way home, we planned on having dinner at the Half Way House... but they were reserved for a wedding party... We will need to enjoy Chef Johnny's cooking another time!

We went to Puerto Nuevo and the always great CHELA'S up on the third floor... Lot's of great chips, salsa, guacamole, ceviche to die for... all at no extra price before dinner arrived.

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:31 AM

The view from up there is great... we were the only gringos in the place, lot's of locals... which tells us that Chela's is THE place to be in Puerto Nuevo.

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:32 AM

My dinner... lobster and fish... YUM!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:33 AM

Audrey had the fish dinner... each dinner came with a crab-pasta salad!

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:37 AM

Elizabeth and Bob both ordered the lobster and carne asada... it was all very good...

Our two lobster dinners with 4 beers was about $50.

Thanks go to Doug Means (Baja Nomad) for first taking me to this place a few years ago... Always a hit.

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David K - 5-4-2008 at 10:44 AM

We came home via the Blvd. 2000 and Tecate Toll Highway (2-D)... The toll was $7.50 US (75 pesos). All very fast and easy driving.

We arrived at the Tecate border line at 6:20pm and was inside the US in 38 minutes that Saturday (yesterday) afternoon. The border officer was very friendly, scanned our passports, asked what we were bringing back (Bob's wine he won at the Booksigning), where we went... and that was it.

Sorry, but no gunfire or machetes waved at us to spice up this trip report... just good food and good friends!

Viva Baja everyone!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2008 at 11:57 AM

Looked like a great time. I loved Fdts t-shirt 'I LOVE TJ'. Very cool...

David K - 5-4-2008 at 03:02 PM

There was more Ken... It read "I LOVE TJ BEER"

Ferna de Tijuana

David K - 5-4-2008 at 03:09 PM

Here's another photo I took of a happy Ferna, surrounded by TJ Beer!

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DENNIS - 5-4-2008 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by David K
Here's another photo I took of a happy Ferna, surrounded by TJ Beer!

TJ Beer makes him invisible or maybe he's under the table, testing the goods.

David K - 5-4-2008 at 03:44 PM

It was bright, sunny, Baja day... and even though I had my camera set to auto flash... it didn't want too. So, I am sorry that everyone in the shade in these photos are so hard to see! My bad!:rolleyes:

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2008 at 04:07 PM

Originally posted by David K
There was more Ken... It read "I LOVE TJ BEER"

Gotta get me one-a them t-shirts... :bounce:

Bajafun777 - 5-4-2008 at 04:25 PM

David you are right it was a great day and even better running down from Brawley to the pyramid. Went through Tecate also then on to the toll road and jumped off to Blvd. 2000 and then up the coast on the free road to the booksigning. Had my yamaha 650 V-star and kept up with no problem as my friends were on a Harley Fatboy. On the way we did stop at La Posta Casino for breakfast and my friend won $50 with one dollar before sitting down to eat and $90 more with $5 dollars before heading on to Tecate. We also checked on one of our retired friends that lives about 5 blocks up from the park on avenue Benito Juarez but he had just left for the Valley we were informed by his yardman. We too had only good responses as people waved continously as we passed them or they passed us. No problem with any police or banditos. My wife and friends really enjoyed the event and all of the people we met. My friends have a place down in San Felipe and on have a few weeks left to enjoy it before it becomes way to hot. Ken wish you had been there so I could have introduced you to my group but next year. Fernando was really a hit with my friends as was his wife. Life is good and we should all take in as much fun as our "little pea picking hearts" will allow us to do:lol::P. Remember "No Hurry No Worry Just Fun" just a little phrase to honor our man "Baja Bernie" who was also a hit my friends. Keri was really a great hostess and makes everyone feel at home as did her daughters and I think their friends that were also maning the tables when you first got there. It was a load of FUN FUN, so next year hope more make this event. Later-----------bajafun777

Bob H - 5-4-2008 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
Life is good and we should all take in as much fun as our "little pea picking hearts" will allow us to do:lol::P. Remember "No Hurry No Worry Just Fun" just a little phrase to honor our man "Baja Bernie" who was also a hit my friends. Keri was really a great hostess and makes everyone feel at home as did her daughters and I think their friends that were also maning the tables when you first got there. It was a load of FUN FUN, so next year hope more make this event. Later-----------bajafun777

777... you said it all right there! It was a great day indeed.
It was great meeting you and your wife.
Bob H

fishbuck - 5-4-2008 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by David K
Fishbuck and Bob H

Yep, that was a great time. I just got home a few minutes ago.
Everyone was super friendly and I had fun.
I think I have been to my 1st and last tequila tasting though! I ended up passing out in the tasting room after everyone was gone. That hasn't happened to me in a very long time.

I love the Pyramid!

Ken Cooke - 5-4-2008 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Bajafun777
Ken wish you had been there so I could have introduced you to my group but next year.

I shoulda been there, too. But, I got a lot of work done around the house yesterday.

BAJACAT - 5-4-2008 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck


Originally posted by David K
Fishbuck and Bob H

Yep, that was a great time. I just got home a few minutes ago.
Everyone was super friendly and I had fun.
I think I have been to my 1st and last tequila tasting though! I ended up passing out in the tasting room after everyone was gone. That hasn't happened to me in a very long time.

I love the Pyramid!

fdt - 5-5-2008 at 08:16 AM

I was sure a lot of fun and it was great that the TJ Beer compay had no one to send down ad picked me as theire rep. It was great to be able to pour all that free beer to my amigos. the food was delicious and the tequila tasting was a blast, not many samples but the right people made it fun. For last years event I took a tequila that I thought was very good and it ended up last, this year I just looked for the cheapest (as in price) and I bought a bottle of Tequila Jarana Autentico Reposado at Gigante/Soriana for $59 pesos for a 1.2 liter bottle and it was voted #1:lol:
The weather was great and we spent the night there at a beautiful 3 bedroom unit. We cooked chorizo con huevo in the morning along with some great frijolitos. What a great weekend. Thanks

David K - 5-7-2008 at 05:22 PM

Thanks Ferna!

David K - 6-5-2008 at 08:31 AM

Okay, the NEW web page for my photos of the 6th Pyramid Resort Book Event, with links to Doug's photos and all previous Book Events, is now at and also posted on

David K - 4-30-2009 at 09:10 PM

This is what we will miss next weekend (May, 2009), as it has been postponed until 2010.

Keri - 5-1-2009 at 08:01 AM

David , Thanks for posting the pictures again and keeping us in the old memory banks so we don't forget how great the booksignings have been. Hope I can count on your help for next year,k:yes:

David K - 5-1-2009 at 08:04 AM

You bet Keri... Elizabeth and I will be happy to assist!

Bob H - 5-1-2009 at 09:40 AM

David, that was a great experience. Can't wait till next year. Let's do it again!
Bob H

David K - 5-1-2009 at 04:37 PM