Just wondering how some of you are able to upload decent-sized pix. Seems I'm stuck at the 50 kb limit, which makes for teeny pictures when attached
to posts...
thanks, MTaco de Baja - 5-6-2008 at 02:30 PM
One way is to have your picture hosted (uploaded and saved) on another web site like Photobucket.com, or Imageshack.com, then paste a link to the
picture location:
Well, that didn't work out as planned.....Taco de Baja - 5-6-2008 at 03:28 PM
You need a / in the last [ ] " [/img] "David K - 5-6-2008 at 05:20 PM
In the Baja Nomad Photo Gallery forum is a huge thread I started on How to Post Your Photos on Nomad...
Here is the part I posted... and a zillion other methods were added by others:
posted on 5-18-2007 at 09:46 AM
A photo that is in your computer file can be displayed on Nomad pages in certain forums where it is allowed...
The photo's file size must be BELOW 50 kbs to post here. Open your photo file ('My Pictures' or ?) find the photo you want to share and move your
mouse arrow onto the photo thumbnail... a pop up will tell you how big it is in kbs or mbs (1000 kb=1 mb).
Simply click the button labled 'Browse' just below where you type a message, and your pc will pop up a window of your photo files... simply click on
the photo you wish to post (if it is under 50 kbs). The post must have a subject or some text with the photo to post.
IF your photo is over 50 kbs, then here is one method to reduce the size, and make it a duplicate (so the original full size photo is preserved). I
thank Neal Johns for showing me.
(If the photo you want to post is already on another web site, then you may 'hot link' it to Nomad, and the size doesn't matter... unless it isn't too
big and distorts the screen. Hot linking will be described below.)
PHOTOS IN YOUR PC OVER 50 KB, click on each step:
If 'paint' isn't on your deck top, do this (click on):
a) Start
b) All Programs
c) Accesories
1) Paint (start here if 'paint' is on your desk top)
2) File
3) Open...
3a) then click on the photo to get reduced (double click).
4) Image
5) Stretch/Skew... then change the % down from 100 in both boxes in sketch to a lesser number.... (if over 700 kb try 25%, if 400 kb try 35%, if 120
kb try 70%, if 60 kb try 90%)
Continue to Click on:
6) OK
7) File
8) Save As
8a) now type in a new name for the reduced photo or add -r to it to indicate it is the 'reduced' one... this is a copy so you don't mess with the
9) Save
Now, click on file and open again, move your mouse arrow over the reduced photo and see if it is between 25 and 50 kb.
When you move the mouse over the reduced photo in the files, the kb size will show and let you know if you didn't get it low enough, or too low! In
either case, repeat the steps above... working with the original, large photo.
After you do a couple it gets pretty easy.bajamigo - 5-6-2008 at 05:56 PM
I'm in Photoshop & saving for web, but am uncertain how to alter the compression. Please advise how you ramped up my little 40 kb photo to the
quality that you reposted ?
MDavid K - 5-6-2008 at 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Matt&Mutt
Oops, forgot the slash. Here goes:
Matt, you need to click on the little box that looks like a landscape photo and enter the photo's URL in the pop up that appears... the url will start
with http:// and end with .jpg
This is for posting photos from a web site (hot linking)... no need to size below 50 kbs... Photobucket.com is a great place to put your photos for
hot linking.
Alright then....
Matt&Mutt - 5-6-2008 at 06:33 PM
Now I'm feeling really lame.
I wonder it it's too late to get a refund on my college tuition ???
MBob and Susan - 5-6-2008 at 06:36 PM
you'll get it
Hah !! Try this !!
Matt&Mutt - 5-6-2008 at 06:38 PM
Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!!
Matt&Mutt - 5-6-2008 at 06:39 PM
It's so easy !!! Thanks for the tips & the patience. Now that I've seen that clam pic so many times, I'm getting hungry !! Off to the grocery
store it is !!
Mcpg - 5-7-2008 at 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Matt&Mutt
Well, that didn't work out as planned.....