
La Paz Ferry

BMG - 5-8-2008 at 11:01 PM

Ana and I recently took the ferry over to Topolobampo to visit her father on his 86th birthday. It was a great way to travel. We decided to leave the car at home, so can't say much about the procedure if you want to take a vehicle, but it looked quite organized getting trucks, trailers and cars loaded and unloaded. Just get your paperwork for the car done a few days in advance.

We bought our tickets in advance at the La Paz ferry office. You can also buy tickets at the terminal. They told us to be there by 11AM for the 1PM departure, but we wouldn't get there that early again unless we were driving.

Luggage is checked, with every piece tagged and tags checked as luggage is taken out at the other end.

We were told to get seat assignments, which we did. Our seats were right in front of the wide screen TV.

After a bit of exploration, we decided to sit in the lounge. Very comfortable seats. Nice table to read or play cards. Cerveza was a surprise. I figured since they had a captive market prices would be high but they only charged M$15. They also had live entertainment as well as movies on the TVs.

A lunch/dinner is included with your ticket price. The food was okay. You could also bring your own meals or snacks if you want.

Nice observation deck on top.

One problem with the schedule is that the ferry arrives in Topolobampo sometime around 10:30PM. There's not much in Topo although we did see some motels on the highway to Los Mochis, but we had already made reservations in Los Mochis. We figured we would catch a taxi from the terminal to the hotel, but we met a nice young fellow that was traveling home and he offered us a ride with a friend that was picking him up. It's been a long time since I've ridden in the back of a pick-up. Ana sat up front with the young couple that picked us up.

The hotel was adequate, but the restaurant was closed by the time we got there and we were starved. We found a taco stand not too far away and they re-opened and made us some dinner. Otherwise, I may have wasted away.

The next morning we caught a cab to the Tufesa bus terminal and bought tickets for Cd Obregon. We've traveled by bus before in MX and they are very comfortable.

We did a bunch of visiting (I think Ana may be related to everyone from Hermosillo to Navajoa) and then headed back home. We took the bus back to Los Mochis and then a taxi (call one, quite a bit cheaper than getting one out in front of the bus station) to the ferry terminal. We forgot about the hour time change so we were running late getting to the ferry. The taxi driver pushed it for us and ended up getting stopped for speeding. He paid his M$40 fine and we were off again. Made it in plenty of time.

Because the ferry departs sometime between 11PM and midnight, we reserved a cabin. Very nice and clean.

We had our meal and hit the sack. Slept like babies. Next morning we woke up and we were docking. Caught the bus into La Paz and took a cab from the station to home.

oldlady - 5-9-2008 at 06:14 AM

BMG...Thanks for the great pics! We have been thinking about doing this (if we ever stop working on the darn house), your post has now got me looking for house sitters to take care of the dogs and cats.

David K - 5-9-2008 at 06:25 AM

Excellent trip report!!!:bounce:

bobw - 5-9-2008 at 07:23 AM

who knew? I never would have guessed that the ferry was that decently appointed.

the ferry

capt. mike - 5-9-2008 at 07:30 AM

Now that's one of the most useful posts i've read here ever.
i have always wanted to do the ferry with my SUV.
a few Qs please,
1. is topolobambo the same terminus Santa Rosalia uses?
2. i see the bed in the suite was narrow, are they 2 and they're twins? how much extra for the sleeper?

ok - i see 2 beds, thx. cost?
3. how long is the trip? hours.
4. i see a small car is about $100 Us and pax are $75 PP, right? so like approx $250 for a one way with your car? sweet!
5. is there a web site?
6. how far is topolobambo south of Guaymas??

this is a great way to drive baja from AZ, go to La Paz 1st ferry and home Santa rosalia ferry.

[Edited on 5-9-2008 by capt. mike]

Thanks for all the comments.

BMG - 5-9-2008 at 08:49 AM

I put the answers to your questions inside the quote box.

Originally posted by capt. mike
Now that's one of the most useful posts i've read here ever.
i have always wanted to do the ferry with my SUV.
a few Qs please,
1. is topolobambo the same terminus Santa Rosalia uses?

>>> I think the Santa Rosalia Ferry goes to Guaymas, not Topolobampo.

2. i see the bed in the suite was narrow, are they 2 and they're twins? how much extra for the sleeper?

ok - i see 2 beds, thx. cost?

>>> The cabins will sleep 4. Top bunks fold down. Cabins are M$760.

3. how long is the trip? hours.

>>> The ferry leaves La Paz at 1 PM and arrives in Topolobampo about 10:30 PM.

4. i see a small car is about $100 Us and pax are $75 PP, right? so like approx $250 for a one way with your car? sweet!

>>> Correct, the charge for the vehicle does not include the driver or passengers.

5. is there a web site?

>>> Don't know.

6. how far is topolobambo south of Guaymas??

>>> Not sure but here are some ballpark drive times. Topo to Los Mochis - 25 minutes. Los Mochis to Obregon - 3 hours. Obregon to Guaymas - 1.5 hours.

this is a great way to drive baja from AZ, go to La Paz 1st ferry and home Santa rosalia ferry.

[Edited on 5-9-2008 by capt. mike]

capt. mike - 5-9-2008 at 09:06 AM

thx again BMG. i found info at a cabo tourist website just by a google on la paz ferry.
wow, its a bit farther from Guaymas than i thought.

so if you get a cabina that price is on top of the std ticket? that part not clear - or if you get a cabina it covers tickets for 2, 4 ??

oldlady - 5-9-2008 at 09:11 AM

Website is:

BMG - 5-9-2008 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
thx again BMG. i found info at a cabo tourist website just by a google on la paz ferry.
wow, its a bit farther from Guaymas than i thought.

so if you get a cabina that price is on top of the std ticket? that part not clear - or if you get a cabina it covers tickets for 2, 4 ??

The cabin is in addition to the ticket price. You don't need a cabin on the eastbound trip since it's mostly during the day. The westbound trip is overnight. A lot of people sleep in the lounge or the TV room seats but unless you can sleep with constant noise and upright, the cabin is worth the extra money. They don't let people lay down on the bench seats in the lounge.

I also made a mistake on the departure time from La Paz, it's 3 PM not 1 PM.

[Edited on 5-9-2008 by BMG]

Udo - 5-9-2008 at 09:23 AM

That was a superbly informative report...especially the photos.
Looks like the ferry ride for our 44'RV & 24' trailer will be close to $US 1,000.00.
Lots cheaper than driving around.

Again, thanks for the travelog!

Baja&Back - 5-9-2008 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
thx again BMG. i found info at a cabo tourist website just by a google on la paz ferry.
wow, its a bit farther from Guaymas than i thought.

so if you get a cabina that price is on top of the std ticket? that part not clear - or if you get a cabina it covers tickets for 2, 4 ??

It's 250 miles from Topo to Guaymas. On a bumpy tollway.

The Guymas - Santa Rosalia ferry is a different company. Website is:
Ship is not as clean & comfortable as Baja Ferries. Costs more, too.

The cabina is extra charge in itself & not worth having eastbound. Westbound - yes.

If taking a vehicle, go straight to the terminal instead of buying tickets downtown. See Aduana first to get TIP (Temporary Import Permit), then terminal ticket office. Allow 4 hours.

Hope this helps.

Natalie Ann - 5-9-2008 at 09:50 AM

I've been quite curious about that ferry, never pictured it to be quite so nice.
Excellent report, BMG - I learned a lot. Thank you.


Hook - 5-9-2008 at 11:10 AM

Part of our retirement plan in Sonora is to utilize the Wrangler and the ferries and all of our camping gear to do some extended trips into Baja, especially in the warmer months of August and September. Mostly the Pacific Coast at that time of year, of course.

I finally have a vehicle that wont cost me an arm and a leg on the ferry.

Gauntlet...........what Gauntlet???

Great ferry report...allow me to add a few tid bits...

CasaManzana - 5-9-2008 at 11:05 PM

We always go to Zihuatanejo from December to March cuz it's so friggin' cold here in Mulege. We use this ferry just for the reasons posted...always a great experience with five years history now for us. Here's a hot tip if you are going to do this to the mainland...USE THE MOTOR MOTELS. They are always just outside of the citys. Case in point- when getting off the ferry at Topo, and about half way into Los Mochos, on the right side is a motel called POPEYE. The sign out front reads- 3 HOURS=150 PESOS. Trust me, on the mainland these motor motels are your best deal going. The Popeye will give you 8 hours for double the price- $300. They ALWAYS have a garage for your car in front of your room. The Popeye has an electric garage door and you get the remote. They have 56 rooms that turn over 2-3 times/night so the guys with radios and the gulf carts that run around are reallyy busy, but it's quiet anyway. For an extra 100 pesos ($400 total) you can have a room with your own swimming pool IN YOUR ROOM. They have four of these rooms with a pool at your bedside. The first pix is taken from our bed...and in bad taste I post another one...please forgive me but you have to get the flavor of this place. When traveling to and from Zihuatanejo each year we always pick out the Motor Motels. They are alway the cleanest and nice- so far only the Popeye has a bedside pool. The price is almost alway 2X the posted rate if you wish to stay all night. AND they always have a room service for drinks delivered to a swinging/revolving drink door. Agian- this pix is from our bed

At the foot of your bed...good or what...

Sorry...but please forgive me..the devil made me do it-

Anyway, you Get the idea of a place to stay after arriving at Topo at 10:30m at night after the La Paz ferry

Hook - 5-9-2008 at 11:17 PM manzanas in that last photo???

Great info..........great courage! Bravisimo !!!!!!!

One thing's for sure, I wouldnt spend a second ANYWHERE in Topo after dark. The place is creepy; looks like Tweaker City. That all seems to change once you get on the straightaway to Los Mochis.

[Edited on 5-10-2008 by Hook]


Baja Bernie - 5-11-2008 at 04:41 PM

I remember you talking about visiting Lady Ana's dad...if you had told me that you were going by Ferry I would not have been able to mail one of your guests tax returns in by the appointed time....because I would have been angling for an introduction to Ana's ride on the ferry.....Did one to Mazilan years ago.

Thanks again, for being such great hosts.

lingililingili - 5-13-2008 at 02:45 PM

Bernie you are sooooo welcome and my dad would love to meet you any time and would love to take you to his beach house in Las Bocas!

Next time we will let you know well in advance.


tripledigitken - 5-13-2008 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by CasaManzana
The sign out front reads- 3 HOURS=150 PESOS. Trust me, on the mainland these motor motels are your best deal going. The Popeye will give you 8 hours for double the price- $300. AND they always have a room service for drinks delivered to a swinging/revolving drink door. Agian- this pix is from our bed

Anyway, you Get the idea of a place to stay after arriving at Topo at 10:30m at night after the La Paz ferry

By the hour and a stripper pole. You gotta love that.


BMG - 5-14-2008 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
I remember you talking about visiting Lady Ana's dad...if you had told me that you were going by Ferry I would not have been able to mail one of your guests tax returns in by the appointed time....because I would have been angling for an introduction to Ana's ride on the ferry.....Did one to Mazilan years ago.

Thanks again, for being such great hosts.

Bernie, you would have been more than welcomed to join us on the trip. We would have enjoyed conversing with you some more and finding out how good your gin rummy game is.

Talking to others who have taken the Mazatlan ferry, it sounds like the Topo ferry is newer and nicer.

You can probably enjoy two 'firsts' on your next trip down. 1: The La Paz / Topo Ferry. 2: A stripper pole in your motel room.


Baja Bernie - 5-14-2008 at 02:12 PM

Not really sure I am up to a stripper pole---anywhere!

Roberto - 5-14-2008 at 04:31 PM

Room by the hour, pole, DISCREET garage right next to the room. What do YOU think these hotels are for? :lol::lol:

CaboRon - 5-15-2008 at 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Roberto
Room by the hour, pole, DISCREET garage right next to the room. What do YOU think these hotels are for? :lol::lol:

It is the same reason that you can draw a curtain to conceal your car .... so if the wife drives by she won't see it.

Yes, in mexico a Mo- tel is for the trades :lol::lol:

If you are looking for family values stay in a Ho- tel.

Strange isn't it... you think it would be reversed ... the Ho- tel being for business ladies and their clients. :lol:


Ford - 6-9-2008 at 11:09 PM

I am planning on driving a 29' center console with a 9' beam from Las Vegas to Cabo area. I have driven the Baja before in a Ford Expedition and was nearly blown off the road by trucks headed in the opposite direction. That is one narrow road with no shoulder. So I got the idea to maybe drive to Topolobampo and take the ferry to La Paz. It seems like it will cost just under a $1000 but maybe it is worth it if the road down the mainland is much better. Any thoughts?

BMG - 6-10-2008 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Ford
I am planning on driving a 29' center console with a 9' beam from Las Vegas to Cabo area. I have driven the Baja before in a Ford Expedition and was nearly blown off the road by trucks headed in the opposite direction. That is one narrow road with no shoulder. So I got the idea to maybe drive to Topolobampo and take the ferry to La Paz. It seems like it will cost just under a $1000 but maybe it is worth it if the road down the mainland is much better. Any thoughts?

I have driven both the mainland and Baja highways. The mainland toll highway is much wider and almost all 2 lanes in each direction and mostly divided. It is a better high speed highway.