
Trip report San Felipe to Loreto and Back

sunshine - 5-9-2008 at 09:58 AM

I was finally able to convince my wife that if we decided to go to baja that it is not guaranteed that we would get kidnapped, robbed or killed. It turned out that she had a great first trip into baja.

Our first stop was San Felipe where we met up with a group of about 40 friends with whom I have been meeting for about 15 years, to hangout and party with for the weekend. We crossed at the east crossing in Mexicali in order to get our tourist cards which was very easy. (Info, there are no Mex insurance places or cambios on the US side at this crossing, you have to go to Calexico). The set up is the same a TJ where you pull into the declare lane and get out and go to the immigration office then the bank, then the office and away you go. Finding mex 5 is a totally different story. We made a few wrong turns as the signage is terrible.

Once in San Felipe we set up camp and set to relaxing with our good friends at Playa Del Sol. I was a little disappointed the restaurant was closed, but the services on the main road more than made up for it.

After three days we packed up and headed south. The road to Puerticitos (sp) was paved all way and the notorious potholes are all but gone, it is really nice. The dirt road to Gonzaga is a different story, I was on the road about 7 years ago and it hasn't improved with age. It took about 3 hours to get to Gonzaga, the gas station was open but we didn't stop as the truck has 500 mi range. About another hour and half and we were on hwy 1. We aired up and cruised into Guerro Negro.

I was surprised that there was no military check point in operation out side of town, but I did get the agricultural spray down, which I didn't pay for. We stayed a the Marlirrimo (sp) Hotel and had a nice dinner there and used the internet to catch up on some e-mails.

Had a nice easy drive into Mulege the next morning with being waved through one check point. Went out to Santispac for a couple of hours and sat in the water and relaxed, the went into Ana's and had a couple of beers and some food. Stayed at the Serenidad that night and had a great time with the bartenders, as we were the only people there. Met Don Johnson for the first time and talked with him for about an hour, quite a nice man.

The next morning we gassed up and made the trek into to Loreto. The road is in good shape all the way, but the drivers on this stretch seem to be just a little bit crazy, many people driving too fast and drifting into my lane. We were meeting friends in Loreto that are living on their boat, so we went out to Puerto Escondido to try and find them but no luck. We then turned around and went into town for a late lunch. Stopped at the Mediterraneo and had a great view and a fantastic meal. As we were sitting there our friends drove by and a we proceeded to meet up.

We stayed at the desert inn, which was horrible, these places have really gone downhill in the past few years.

The next day we moved onto the boat and got a taste of the cruisers lifestyle, which was a little too slow paced for me. We stayed in Puerto Escondido that night and kayaked around a little. It was a nice relaxing evening. The next day was more of the same, followed by a quick trip the Isla Dantzante for the night where the kayaking and snorkeling was fantastic. My wife was able to see many different aquatic species for the first time and came away really exited.

The trip then ended and we started the trek back home, Loreto to Guerro Negro. South of Viscano there was a thorough check point where the truck was searched and we were asked for our passports. One guy even had a clipboard and took down all of our info, this was new to me.

We stayed in Guerro Negro again for the night and woke up and headed out for the nasty dirt road once more. Stopped at Carmelita's on the way and boogied back to Phoenix, which took about 14 hrs.

All in all a real nice easy trip, we got to see some friends and enjoy some different aspects of baja. Everyone was really nice, and our personal safety never seemed at risk. We can't wait to go back, as is always the case.

[Edited on 5-9-2008 by sunshine]

Hook - 5-9-2008 at 11:03 AM

VERY interesting info about the thoroughness of the checkpoint WITH REGARDS TO PAPERWORK.

makana.gabriel - 5-9-2008 at 11:21 AM

What a great report!! And the pictures really added.
Many thanks.

sunshine - 5-9-2008 at 01:27 PM


I can only assume that since the main checkpoint at Guerro Negro wasn't in operation, that this one farther south has taken over some of the responsibilities.

Cypress - 5-9-2008 at 01:40 PM

sunshine, Thanks for the pictures and the report!:tumble:

Steve&Debby - 5-10-2008 at 11:17 AM

Great report and pictures.Can't wait, we will be heading down in December.Reading you report, and others makes it a long wait:(:(

Gadget - 5-10-2008 at 02:05 PM

Yep, that is Baja we all know and love.

Bummer you had to put your wife through all that to go have such a good time. :yawn:

Personally, I like un-garanteed nature of all those bad things.

sunshine - 5-12-2008 at 11:06 AM

Thanks for the replies, we had a great trip.