
Bodies found near Rosarito

jodiego - 5-19-2008 at 07:47 AM

Just heard on the radio this morning that they found 4 bodies in "a remote canyon south of Rosarito". Apparently all four were american citizens. No other info at this time.

fdt - 5-19-2008 at 08:30 AM

Note says one of the victims was found executed at Colonia Mina wich is in Primo Tapia inside a recent model vehicle.
Four other executed persons, 3 afroamericans and one white woman aparently foreigers, these were found wish shots to the head on the infamous Blvd 2000.
As a side note (of mine) Blvd 2000 is the worst for safety, most dead are found there.

Taco de Baja - 5-19-2008 at 09:07 AM

I wonder it the banditos have moved from the toll road to Blvd 2000, and this was a robbery gone bad.....The victims were in a recent model Cadillac with CA plates. So much for that being a “safer” route to take. :(

Any bets on when will the U.S. News pick it up, if ever?

Gadget - 5-19-2008 at 09:35 AM

I don't know. Everyone talks about the Blvd 2000 being a fast and easy route in either direction. Could it be the bad guys know this also and its a quick and easy way to dispose of their foul doings from elsewhere?

I sure wouldn't drive it at night alone to find out if my thinking is correct.

fdt - 5-19-2008 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Gadget
Everyone talks about the Blvd 2000 being a fast and easy route in either direction.

Not everybody, does "Take the free road" sound familiar? :rolleyes:

jodiego - 5-19-2008 at 10:03 AM

Originally posted by jodiego
Just heard on the radio this morning that they found 4 bodies in "a remote canyon south of Rosarito". Apparently all four were american citizens. No other info at this time.

More info. 3 men and a woman in a cadillac with California license plates shot to death. 3 were afro-american. found over the weekend.

Gadget - 5-19-2008 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by fdt
Originally posted by Gadget
Everyone talks about the Blvd 2000 being a fast and easy route in either direction.

Not everybody, does "Take the free road" sound familiar? :rolleyes:

Thats our path and we're sticking to it.

Hook - 5-19-2008 at 10:37 AM

WOW !!!!! Gauntlet sprawl.

Odd that a valuable vehicle like that wasnt taken. Hmmmmm.....................

If this hits the US press before Mem Day weekend, it'll change some plans.

And if the relative remoteness of BLvd 2000 makes it a likelier spot for this kind of stuff, what of the more remote Tecate to Ensenada stretch??

Maybe the perps are counting on disappearing into safe houses in the urban jungle.............

Woooosh - 5-19-2008 at 10:50 AM

Why the surprise about Blvd 2000. Many of us have been cautioning o this board since that road opened last year that it was unsafe- especially at night.

fdt - 5-19-2008 at 11:09 AM


mtgoat666 - 5-19-2008 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Woooosh
Why the surprise about Blvd 2000. Many of us have been cautioning o this board since that road opened last year that it was unsafe- especially at night.

why do y'all think it's unsafe? because it is quiet and and isolated?


bajaguy - 5-19-2008 at 11:50 AM

fdt - 5-19-2008 at 12:11 PM

Entre sus pertenencias se encontró una licencia de conducir del Estado de California a nombre de Libey Gianna Craig, con domicilio en 11262 Lalanior, La Mesa, California 91941.

rts551 - 5-19-2008 at 12:25 PM

And it couldn't have been drug smuggling gone bad could it? After all they were US citizens immune from that kind of thing

Gadget - 5-19-2008 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by Woooosh
Why the surprise about Blvd 2000. Many of us have been cautioning o this board since that road opened last year that it was unsafe- especially at night.

why do y'all think it's unsafe? because it is quiet and and isolated?

Um, that would be how I'm thinkin.

Woooosh - 5-19-2008 at 01:56 PM

... and because it's been totally isolated for many years while the road was being completed on the beach end. Don't stop for anyone on that road that doesn't drive a black and white federal police vehicle. And if you do drive it at night and see fires in the road ahead- turn around and go back... they are waiting for you.

I'm still confused about the Narco raid at SDSU where they said the price of cocaine was now $28/gram down from $125/gram in the 80's. They have to move four times the drugs to make the same money they did twenty years ago. Is there that much supply or is demand for cocaine down?

fulano - 5-19-2008 at 03:44 PM

It's interesting to read the readers' comments posted in the two Mexican newspapers linked on this thread. These are Mexicans who are posting. The largest part of them are lamenting what the crime is doing to tourism in Mexico, especially Rosarito and Tijuana. The next largest group of posters are complaining about the ineffective Mexican government and police.

Interestingly, the comments of Americans in the SDUT are almost identical to what the Mexicans are posting. It seems the two peoples -- Mexicans and Americans -- are both thinking and saying the same thing.

Hook - 5-19-2008 at 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
... and because it's been totally isolated for many years while the road was being completed on the beach end. Don't stop for anyone on that road that doesn't drive a black and white federal police vehicle. And if you do drive it at night and see fires in the road ahead- turn around and go back... they are waiting for you.

I'm still confused about the Narco raid at SDSU where they said the price of cocaine was now $28/gram down from $125/gram in the 80's. They have to move four times the drugs to make the same money they did twenty years ago. Is there that much supply or is demand for cocaine down?

I cant imagine cocaine is that cheap but I imagine that the much lower price of meth vs. cocaine is probably putting downward pressure on cocaine pricing.

robrt8 - 5-19-2008 at 04:44 PM

Check this update:
Looks like they were gang-bangers driving a stolen car.

Taco de Baja - 5-19-2008 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by robrt8
Check this update:
Looks like they were gang-bangers driving a stolen car.

and they were not even "gringos" except for maybe the woman....

The Gull - 5-19-2008 at 05:33 PM


1. Car stolen from the US
2. Occupants have records with local Mexican authorities
3. One woman with a DMV address in US (citizenship?)
4. Executed

These are the facts so far. Let's watch how they get twisted and reshaped.

Popcorn anyone?????????

CaboRon - 5-19-2008 at 05:43 PM


DENNIS - 5-19-2008 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by fulano

Interestingly, the comments of Americans in the SDUT are almost identical to what the Mexicans are posting. It seems the two peoples -- Mexicans and Americans -- are both thinking and saying the same thing.

Amazing but, so what. Nothing will change till the government waterboards every cop on every payroll and takes the initiative. A skirmish here and there is nothing more than entertainment. What has changed in the last year? Nothing. The beat goes on.

surfer jim - 5-19-2008 at 06:08 PM

Justice is served.....if I was car owner I wouldn't be crying on the outcome.....

Paulina - 5-19-2008 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by surfer jim
Justice is served.....if I was car owner I wouldn't be crying on the outcome.....

No, but I sure wouldn't want that car back!


Udo - 5-19-2008 at 07:52 PM

I don't know who blew what out of context, but just in case some of our readers don't habla the lingo...which all of us Baja Travelers should:
The three guys killed were Locals (one of the guys killed had a nickname of KILO...)and the woman victim has (US) ties.
This is according to the post by Taco de Baja linking to the paper El Mexicano.
And from my personal Mexican sources on the US side (whom may or may not have involvement) tell me of a retaliation hit a few days ago at a ranch near Rosarito. Nothing about BLVD 2000.
I DON'T KNOW WHO IS RIGHT, SINCE THE MEXICO PRESS IS GIVING SOMEWHAT CONFLICTING REPORTS, BUT I HAVE A TENCENCY TO BELIEVE MY SOURCES, AND HE SAYS THE CAR WAS STOLEN FROM THE SAN DIEGO AREA. I don't want to come off as an authority on the subject, but just happen to be in the right place at the time the subject came up.

Hook - 5-20-2008 at 09:17 AM

La Times is reporting this AM that only the female was American. The others were Mexicans, not afro-americans.

Aventurera - 5-20-2008 at 09:27 AM

The Mexican newspapers are reporting that the American woman was 28-29 years old and had a record of three arrests in the U.S. for Health & Safety Code violations (read 'drugs') including drug trafficking, one arrest with time served for trafficking of humans, and also one arrest in Mexico for carrying a concealed weapon. There was also a drug syringe found in her purse (which is the only bit of the above info that the U.S. press has reported so far.)

Of the Mexican guys with her, two of the three had confirmed arrest records as well in both the U.S. and Mexico.

wilderone - 5-20-2008 at 09:29 AM

"This is a serious fight," said President Felipe Calderon. "It is a war and it implies effectively that we must assume the consequences. The question is whether we should persevere and continue forward or simply remain in our offices and duck our heads."

Finally putting the narcotraffickers' war into this context would suggest that a few bodies will be found here and there. And it will continue, much like any war. Tijuana is the war zone. We all know this.

woody with a view - 5-20-2008 at 10:13 AM

hardly any reason to feel a loss for these four piles of shi'ite.

story in the UT said the owner of the stolen cadillac has not been found.

what goes around......:yes:

edit:spelling, again!

[Edited on 5-20-2008 by woody in ob]

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-20-2008 at 10:46 AM

As long as it is people in the illegal drug business being knocked off I could care less. Heartless I know, but true.

jodiego - 5-20-2008 at 12:25 PM

The "official" story came out in the SDUT this morning and I feel the need to apologize for my initial report. In an effort to get this story to the Nomads, I relied on a report from KPBS radio yesterday morning. In the wake of all the bad stuff that has been going on in Northern Baja, I felt it important to get this info out as soon as I heard it (don't I sound like a reporter trying to substantiate his sources??). As reported by several of you already and the SDUT this morning, the 4 were not all americans and the 3 men were not black as I stated. It's pretty obvious to me and to a lot of you that there was foul play involved in this crime as opposed to the initial sense that 4 innocent American tourists were gunned down for no apparent reason I'm curious if we will ever get a follow up story and or the true particulars of this case north of the border. Sorry for the inaccuracies.

The Gull - 5-20-2008 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by jodiego
The "official" story came out in the SDUT this morning and I feel the need to apologize for my initial report. In an effort to get this story to the Nomads, I relied on a report from KPBS radio yesterday morning. In the wake of all the bad stuff that has been going on in Northern Baja, I felt it important to get this info out as soon as I heard it (don't I sound like a reporter trying to substantiate his sources??). As reported by several of you already and the SDUT this morning, the 4 were not all americans and the 3 men were not black as I stated. It's pretty obvious to me and to a lot of you that there was foul play involved in this crime as opposed to the initial sense that 4 innocent American tourists were gunned down for no apparent reason I'm curious if we will ever get a follow up story and or the true particulars of this case north of the border. Sorry for the inaccuracies.

Sad to say that the major LA radio stations reported the same way as you picked up the news yesterday. The difference is that they won't have the integrity or decency to apologize or recognize that false reporting can happen, even by accident, and that proof of claims is important.

The radio stations ran out to the street and asked idiot passerbys in LA what they thought and of course they were shocked and appalled and their LIVE REPORT words compounded the "wire service report".

There we have the quality of American journalism rolled up into this "story".

ILikeMex - 5-20-2008 at 12:44 PM

From the SOSD article: "The four people found in the canyon probably were killed 10 to 12 days ago, based on the decomposition of the bodies, Gonzalez said. An earlier report that all the victims were U.S. citizens and the men were black was incorrect.

The car in which the dead men were found is linked to a California man who was reported missing in February and has not been located, Gonzalez said. "

Your skin trurns black when you decompose which probably led to the inital misidentification of race. I think the owner of the Cadilac has the same fate as these 4 folks too.

woody with a view - 5-20-2008 at 12:46 PM

3 black guys and a white chick in a stolen caddy?

racist first impressions?:light:

[Edited on 5-20-2008 by woody in ob]

jodiego - 5-20-2008 at 12:53 PM

Going by the assumption that a lot of the current crime spree we are witnessing involves a lot of bad people, it is this exact type of story that I snicker about because I know it will keep more and more people away from the border area and although I realize that no tourists is bad for business, no tourists is great for me and all of the rest of you that enjoy a not-so-crowded baja. I was even glad to see a recent story about some killings in Mexico City, becuase I knew that a lot of gringo's clump Mexico into one big out-of-control country. Their loss.

motoged - 5-20-2008 at 12:54 PM

Originally posted by woody in ob
4 black guys and a white chick in a stolen caddy?
racist first impressions?:light:

Corpses in a gully for over a week can look pretty dark....could be mistaken first impressions....:light:


Aventurera - 5-20-2008 at 05:19 PM

So this morning the Mexican Army shot a U.S. Marine who blew through a military checkpoint in Rosarito. It seems he's alive, but I'm sure the U.S. media will have a field day with this one too!

[Edited on 5-21-2008 by Aventurera]

The comentarios

The Gull - 5-20-2008 at 05:36 PM

The ones that follow the report are totally cool. Got some people with some opinions going.

Udo - 5-20-2008 at 05:42 PM

Good thing the Mexican Army is a bad shot. Nothing was said in the Mexican paper as to weather the Marine was in uniform or civies.
Hard to tell what set off the Marine to blow the stop. Popotla is a low-key stop and they generally flag through any one with a US plate.

Aventurera - 5-20-2008 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by udowinkler
Nothing was said in the Mexican paper as to weather the Marine was in uniform or civies.

Ah, but Mexico there is no anonymity...see below for photos of the Marine. (Turns out he didn't even get hit by a bullet, just broken glass from the windows of his truck.)

ELINVESTIG8R - 5-20-2008 at 07:49 PM

What a lucky DUMB ***. I bet he does not run the next checkpoint he comes to. When he gets turned over to the Shore Patrol and gets back to his base you can bet his Commanding Officer is going to have a big piece of his *** in the form of an Article 15 Non-Judicial Punishment. This would be the bare minimum where he will receive a fine and a possible reduction in rank. Mexican Marine VS. American Marine how ironic. How Funny!

[Edited on 5-21-2008 by ELINVESTI8]

[Edited on 5-21-2008 by Hose A]

Aventurera - 5-20-2008 at 08:10 PM

Ha! I love the pic!!! Yep, he's gonna be in big trouble, especially since he was supposedly carrying a bulletproof vest and several cartridges for an assault rifle in his truck. One can assume they were USMC issued and that they should not have been travelling across the border in a private vehicle. I have to admit that it does my heart good to see him hanging his head, as most of the Marines I've known (including my own cousin) tend to be c-cky little things! :P

Von - 5-21-2008 at 08:47 AM

I bet the Mexican army planted everything, I know my people they love to do this stuff!

Woooosh - 5-21-2008 at 11:02 AM

my two cents...

If the Marine had a gun magazine or bullets in his vehicle he was screwed whether he stopped at the checkpoint or not. Maybe he knew there would be a problem and ran the checkpoint.

Who would have thought the Mexican Army would shoot up a tourist vehicle the week before the summer season starts. I would have thought they'd chase and persue- but not shoot to kill (well- if they had any marksmanship skills).

On the four bodies found story- a neighbor who rents local houses out for parties knew the group. He said the girl was a heroin addict and the four went to Tecate to rip off two kilos of heroin from a drug dealer. They got what they deserved and actually a bullet to the head was better than losing their heads.

I do wonder which canyon the body of the missing owner of the vehicle is in- I'll look around this afternoon when I head out for a trial ride.

motoged - 5-21-2008 at 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Von
I bet the Mexican army planted everything, I know my people they love to do this stuff!


I don't know what you are trying to say.....

It seems like the jarhead planted himself....


bancoduo - 5-21-2008 at 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Von
I bet the Mexican army planted everything, I know my people they love to do this stuff!
:?: I thought you said you were a x-marine on another thread a while back. So now you're a Mexican:?::lol:

The Gull - 5-21-2008 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
my two cents...

If the Marine had a gun magazine or bullets in his vehicle he was screwed whether he stopped at the checkpoint or not. Maybe he knew there would be a problem and ran the checkpoint.

Who would have thought the Mexican Army would shoot up a tourist vehicle the week before the summer season starts. I would have thought they'd chase and persue- but not shoot to kill (well- if they had any marksmanship skills).

On the four bodies found story- a neighbor who rents local houses out for parties knew the group. He said the girl was a heroin addict and the four went to Tecate to rip off two kilos of heroin from a drug dealer. They got what they deserved and actually a bullet to the head was better than losing their heads.

I do wonder which canyon the body of the missing owner of the vehicle is in- I'll look around this afternoon when I head out for a trial ride.

Nice of the neighbor to rent out a house to them for drug parties. Nice neighborhood you have.

DENNIS - 5-21-2008 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
On the four bodies found story- a neighbor who rents local houses out for parties knew the group. He said the girl was a heroin addict and the four went to Tecate to rip off two kilos of heroin from a drug dealer.

Just casual information he picked up in his daily rounds, I suppose.

rts551 - 5-21-2008 at 07:43 PM

I can't believe the BS that comes out after these things get reported. Baja is not the problem,,, Its the idiots from up North that we need to watch out for!