
Magnum Ice cream bars

dean miller - 6-6-2008 at 06:50 AM

Mexican Ice Cream--Magnum Bars

A few weeks back traveling south I stopped at the large new modern Pemex gas station at Camalu. Setting behind the counter and definitely in charge was a lovely young lady by the name of Christina who had a smile as big as all Baja and as bright as the Mexican sun at mid day. In chatting in first Spanglish and later in English I discovered she had spent a number of years in Oxnard/ Ventura area and often vacationed in Pismo Beach.

She indicated they had just received a shipment of the new Holanda "Magnum ice cream bars" and suggested that I might enjoy one of them since the weather was a little on the warm side. Mrs. Miller and I also thought a great suggestion. I chose a "Classic bar" which was covered in a rich thick chocolate coating, my wife chose a "Devotion bar" which was also covered with a rich thick chocolate and nuts.

Later on in our travels we sampled the "Almendras bar" and a "Yoghurt Supremo." Once again both bars were lavishly covered with a very rich thick creamy chocolate and were equally delicious.

We made it a point to have a Magnum bar at every opportunity and with the passage of time have lost track of the actual number we consumed but our increased tightness of the waist band on our Levis indicate we had sampled almost too many.

The prices for the bars were from about $1.50 to $2.75 at Palomar in Santo Tomas, --as expected the ghost and prices of Senior Enrique Villareal aka "El bandito" lives on in his children and grand children..

I hold fast to the opinion that the Holanda Magnum bars are equal to or even better that the US produced "Dove Bar" but certainly inferior to the "Costco bar," however, Mrs Miller was not as impressed. She was under the opinion that I and she to a lessor degree were suffering from the "Dinty More syndrome; " made so famous many years ago by the pioneer Southern California diver Ron Prange which states ' The longer you are away from home, the farther you are away from home, the colder (-or hotter) you are, the wetter (-or dryer) you are, the hungrier you are the better Dinty More stew tastes.

Never-the-less I eagerly look forward to my next trip to the wilds of Baja in a few months and even more Magnum bars....After having a Dove bar yesterday I still consider the Magnum the better bar, but can't convince my wife. In order to settle the family dispute and create a degree of domestic tranquility please complete the survey .

bajaguy - 6-6-2008 at 07:04 AM

Dean.....might these Magnum Bars be found anywhere in Ensenada????? Levis have developed some room around the waist area, and since I am not in the mood to buy new pants in a smaller waist size, I thought consuming some Magnum Bars in a taste test might be a "natural" way to regain the custom fit of my pants. Also please provide more info on the "COSTCO bar"

Any photos of the taste comparisons?????

[Edited on 6-6-2008 by bajaguy]

Paulina - 6-6-2008 at 07:13 AM

Dean Miller,

This was an intertaining post. We don't eat ice cream very much at our casa, but when the urge hits hard our one weakness is for "Skinny Cow" ice cream. I'm going to keep an eye out for the Magnum bar, as I think Cody might like to try something other than a Penguino every now and then.

Regarding Dinty Moore stew, funny you should mention that. My children considered Dinty Moore a special treat, as it was only offered as Baja fare.


DENNIS - 6-6-2008 at 07:45 AM


When you are here and the urge hits, Nestles Pints, various flavors, Dollar Store next to the Pelican Store...11 pesos.

lingililingili - 6-6-2008 at 07:48 AM

How does one get a problem like yours? Room around the waist area, indeed! I love it!

Originally posted by bajaguy
Dean.....might these Magnum Bars be found anywhere in Ensenada????? Levis have developed some room around the waist area, and since I am not in the mood to buy new pants in a smaller waist size, I thought consuming some Magnum Bars in a taste test might be a "natural" way to regain the custom fit of my pants. Also please provide more info on the "COSTCO bar"

Any photos of the taste comparisons?????

[Edited on 6-6-2008 by bajaguy]

oldlady - 6-6-2008 at 08:21 AM

I have never noticed these puppies. Dark chocolate is suppose to reverse the aging process! Bring 'em on...This is what I deem a significant contribution to adapting to life in Baja!
Do you have it before or after the bacon wrapped hot dogs?
Life is short, eat dessert first?

oxxo - 6-6-2008 at 08:47 AM

Costco Bars rule! I no longer measure my waist size in inches, it is measured in number of Costco Bars I have consumed.

bajaguy - 6-6-2008 at 08:52 AM

Where are these COSTCO bars to be found????? I am on a COSTCO mission!!!!!!!!!!

cymeryss - 6-6-2008 at 08:58 AM

Mangum Bars are found all over Europe, and they are very gooooodddd, especially con almendras. This is the only ice cream bar I get when traveling in is quite popular.

DanO - 6-6-2008 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by dean miller
The prices for the bars were from about $1.50 to $2.75 at Palomar in Santo Tomas, --as expected the ghost and prices of Senior Enrique Villareal aka "El bandito" lives on in his children and grand children.

Ain't that the truth. The brother of the guy who runs El Palomar runs the store back north up the road on the other side of the checkpoint (something like Las Almandares?) It's on the east side of the road and has old tractor parts and giant tequila bottles out front, and a "rest area/Baja 500 pit stop" across the road. His prices in the store are fairly reasonable, and he just opened a bar/restaurant on the south side, built over what used to be the chicken coop. Two weeks ago we stopped in and had a snack and a drink -- chips and salsa and a margie, all good, and sampled the beans, which he flavors with chorizo. We would have eaten lunch, but I had promised the family Tacos Los Poblanos (as it turned out, they were closed, so we went to El Poblano). He was only serving food on weekends but said he'll be serving 7 days soon. While we were there, Roger Norman pulled up in his pre-runner and his crew gave my kids some stickers while they gawked at the truck.

Bruce R Leech - 6-6-2008 at 10:08 AM

having been in the ice cream business in Mexico for a few years I found out that Dove and Magnum Bars. are the same. they come from the same factory in Argentina and only the wrapper is deferent.

dean miller - 6-6-2008 at 10:30 AM

Re Costco bars...

I was introduced to the Costco bar in SD. My son and I were shopping at Costco and decided to have lunch. We ordered the normal Costco Polish dog and possibly some thing else. At the end of ordering we --he or I - noticed a sign attached to the upper left hand corner of the ordering counter cage with a picture of a Ice Cream bar.

"Lets have a bar also, $1.50 each." The lady said "I would suggest that pay for it now, eat you eat your meal and return and I will prepare your bars"...So we did.

My dutiful son returned to the counter and picked up the bars....He returned to our seats with two large actually HUGE bars covered with thick creamy chocolate and rolled in chopped almonds.

He explained that the Bars were removed from the freezer dipped in a molten chocolate then immediately rolled in the chopped almonds..They were almost too much but we managed to force them down--I was over 6 feet in my youth he is 6-3+...

I have visited several Costcos since that time for a Costco Bar--not all of them offer the bar. If they do carry it they advertise it via a small sign in the upper left hand corner almost to the top of the order in cage. I have never questioned why all Costcos don't carry the bar but suspect it is because lack of facilities or space.

It is certainly worth the hunt...

If Costco Ensenada begins carrying them we will certainly fill our small RV freezer on the way south and on the way back to the states

bajaguy - 6-6-2008 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by dean miller
Re Costco bars...

It is certainly worth the hunt...

If Costco Ensenada begins carrying them we will certainly fill our small RV freezer on the way south and on the way back to the states

If the COSTCO in Ensenada does carry them, I will be the short, old, fat guy dressed in sweats (with an elastic waistband) sitting at one of the outdoor picnic tables with a COSTCO Choco-Flan and a pile of COSTCO ice cream bars in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce R Leech - 6-6-2008 at 11:04 AM

Im going to try some of those costco bars if I can find them Dean:biggrin:

DENNIS - 6-6-2008 at 11:16 AM

Let me know if they have Pacifico flavor.

oxxo - 6-6-2008 at 11:42 AM

Originally posted by dean miller
They were almost too much but we managed to force them down--I was over 6 feet in my youth he is 6-3+...

Wimps! You're WIMPS! You haven't lived until you have consumed 2 Costco Bars at one sitting. I used to have a 34" waist, now I have a .............nevermind.:wow:

Woooosh - 6-6-2008 at 02:08 PM

They aren't hard to find in Rosarito- in fact it's all we buy. The magnum bars (in all flavors) are available in the freezer section of any of the large supermarkets in Rosarito- like the Commercial or Pelicano. Sometimes they even have them in the reach-in freezers at the check out lanes. There's only three bars in the large box though.

Hollandia ice creams have a much higher milkfat content than american ice creams- which explains why it's just so darned good. It's the dense hard type of ice cream that you almost have to chew.

David K - 6-6-2008 at 07:05 PM

MAGNUM: We had one from the mini market at the Pemex in Camalu (I think)... Very good... Not sure if it beats out a Dove Bar or Hagen Daz (sp?), but was a nice find on THE BAJA highway!:biggrin:

PS, the Skinny Cow fudge bars a really AWESOME! (see Paulina's reply above)... but hard to find... locally at Henry's or Vons (sometimes).

Aventurera - 6-6-2008 at 07:34 PM

I've been addicted to those Magnum bars for years whenever I visit Norway, and boy was I happy to find them in Mazatlan the last time I was there! Thank GOD they don't sell them in the U.S. although the Hagen Daaz chocolate/dark chocolate bars are pretty darn good as well.

Magnum bars

dean miller - 6-6-2008 at 10:37 PM

The correct spelling is Haagen Dazs --per the box

My wife stopped at the market and purchased a box of Haagen Dazs bars to night. We made a taste test and we were in agreement that Haagen Dazs bars are way down on the list...In no way can compare to Magnum or Costco- Or even Dove --Not in any way in the the running..

David --sorry to disappoint you--Save your Pesos for Magnum Bars


[Edited on 6-7-2008 by dean miller]

Acute Dinty Moore Syndrome?

jeans - 6-6-2008 at 11:37 PM

I couldn't figure out what that meant until I read the post...:lol::lol: how true! That's the only time I've ever eaten the stuff!

As for the ice cream bars...sounds like we need to get the experts together for a blind taste test :yes::yes:

Woooosh - 6-7-2008 at 11:28 AM

The name Haagen Dazs was invented in Brooklyn New York tosound fancy and upscale. No point in correcting spelling... lol

dean miller - 6-8-2008 at 05:27 AM

My eldest daughter lives in Brisbane Australia. This is her response to Magnum Bars:

"we have magnum (ice cream) bars here too. They are very rich and worth every bite...but they are much too small 100gms(ish) that is less than 4oz... OK granted I am an American, and everything is bigger in the States... "

dean miller - 9-14-2011 at 01:15 PM

An old thread ...back to life...

The US made Magnum bars appeared at the local market (Albertsons)

I purchased a box of three, around $4.00 US.

My dear wife and I, with great expectations, had a Magnum bar as an after dinner treat. They did not taste same as we recalled from years passed in Baja and Europe.

They were, according to me, smaller, 3.38 oz, (100 ml) not as much coating and certainly did not have the flavor of our beloved Baja. My wife indicated the were the same size;3.38 oz, (100 ml) I thougt the were smaller...Quien Sabe?

Any one had a Baja Magnum bar in the recent past?
How do they compare in size?
If known in taste?

What is your "EXPERT" opinion?


MitchMan - 9-27-2011 at 08:08 PM

Oh, great! Another vice picked up on this forum. My wife and I love Dove bars. Never tried Magnum bars, but, now when I go back to La Paz, I am buying Magnum bars. Trying to keep the fat and cholesterol under control, so I pace my intake of meat to allow for Dove bars. Before this thread, I have never eaten ice cream in La Paz, accept one time when I bought a quart of Strawberry Volandra... it was terrible, so I figured ice cream in Baja must suck and never considered buying any. Then this thread comes along.

Since stepping up my visits to La Paz over the last three years, I have become a beer drinker, hot chili eater, mesquite barbecuer, addicted Bajanomad participant, and now probably a Magnum ice cream bar eater and Costco Icre Cream bar eater. Yeah, thanks alot.

Pompano - 9-28-2011 at 05:40 AM



So okay, I like ice cream a bit. Magnum, Dove, Eskimo Pie, Drumsticks, Cheerios, Banana splits...ummm ...all goood.

A couple years ago Co-Pilot bought our group Magnum almond crunch bars at the highway Pemex south of Mulege. She said these were her favorite in Italy, too.

I had one yesterday near Bottineau, ND while visiting the International Peace Gardens. Crisp, cold, and GOOD. Always a treat....and no calories...(that you want to count). I'd have one for breakfast right now, but all I have is some frozen Milky Way Bite-size. Oh well...munch, munch, munch...


This old guy wobbles into an ice cream shop.

He has a hard time walking. He's hunched over.

He goes up the counter and says, "Banana Split, please."

The lady at the counter says, "Crushed nuts?"

The old man says, "No. Arthritis!"

zoesterone - 9-28-2011 at 07:08 AM

They ARE good! I don't even like ice cream much, now that Ben and Jerry's quit making Wavy Gravy. My husband used to sneak, (well, not really) down to the corner tiendita most evenings and pick up a magnum for his dessert. So creamy and lots of chocolate. Magnum forever!

El Jefe - 9-28-2011 at 08:13 AM

Paula and I always stop at the Rock and Roll Pemex at the turn in Insurgentes for a Magnum bar. Been eating them for years. Maybe it's the Dinty Moore effect and maybe not, but they always taste sooooo good after miles and miles on the road. And yes, I inevitably get chocolate on my shirt.

As to the Costco bar. Never had one, but it sounds like the Balboa Bar of my youth down on the Newport peninsula. They had all kinds of cool stuff to dip that baby in. Or if you were in a health food mode, you could get a dipped frozen banana.

dean miller - 9-28-2011 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by El Jefe

...As to the Costco bar. Never had one, but it sounds like the Balboa Bar of my youth down on the Newport peninsula. They had all kinds of cool stuff to dip that baby in. Or if you were in a health food mode, you could get a dipped frozen banana.

Memories from days and times past!

I have not been to Bal in 20 years..wonder if they will taste the same in2011 as they did in our youth?

Them was tha daz!


J.P. - 9-28-2011 at 05:16 PM

You guys got me all primed to enjoy a Magnum Bar, so while We were shopping at the local Pelican we purchased a box and on the way home we opened the box and surprise they looked as if they had pataily thawed and refrozen AWFUL LOOKING MESS oh well another time.:mad::mad:

Pompano - 9-28-2011 at 08:21 PM

Dang wrappers are EVERYWHERE!

Oh my Gawd...was that a double?



EnsenadaDr - 9-28-2011 at 09:23 PM

No Coldstone in Baja??????

dean miller - 9-29-2011 at 07:00 AM


Originally posted by EnsenadaDr

No Coldstone in Baja??????


You are trying to make an early morning JOKE?:lol::lol::lol:

There is nothing quite like a Mexican Mangum Ice Cream Bar!:tumble:

Pompano - 9-29-2011 at 09:57 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
No Coldstone in Baja??????

Is that anything like a gallstone? I had one of those...not good.

LaTijereta - 9-29-2011 at 10:35 AM

There are some good options if you make down to Loreto...

This little shop is just off the main plaza.. just look for the happy clients walking out the door with their pleasure...

wessongroup - 9-29-2011 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Pompano
Dang wrappers are EVERYWHERE!

Oh my Gawd...was that a double?



Great to see others treat their computers... like me .. :lol::lol:

Pompano - 9-29-2011 at 10:52 AM

Originally posted by LaTijereta
There are some good options if you make down to Loreto...(or Mulege?)

.. just look for the happy clients walking out the door with their pleasure...

edit: Lo siento, LaTijereta...must be the breakfast muffin kicking in. :rolleyes:

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by Pompano]

dean miller - 9-30-2011 at 02:15 AM

With all these post about MEXICAN Magnum gave me the Dinty Mooe syndrome. I needed a Mangum Bar Fix!

American made Magnum lack that certain something, they just don't taste like thier distant cousins south of the border.

So yesterday I arrived at Costco's SanLuis Obispo outside food service window at exactly 10:00 AM and was the first and only one in line. I had a short discussion with the window clerk about Mexican Magnum bars and my, by then acute Dinty Moore syndrome, so she made me a super Costco bar...Double dipped and an extra long trip through the nut bin---It was so close but still not a MEXICAN Magnum bar!

What? What I ask? is a poor slow talking, slow walking,slow thinking Central Coast Bajaphile Magnamphile to do?