
Tijuana me hace feliz!

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 07:55 PM

Its been months since my last trip to Tijuana to visit my good friends, so I decided to go, party, and get the Jeep worked on all at the same time.

Last year, I was close to selling my house and moving to Tijuana for the fun, community, and living someplace with such great food. Of all my travels, Tijuana is still my favorite city in the world. Take that, Helsinki! :lol:

I split my time between visiting with my good friend Chris and his family in Soler, and getting my Jeep worked on at Willy's 4x4 shop in Playas. Chris' son Noeh and the boys went out to Baby Rock near the Plaza Rio-zone for a school-related dance party. The guys were dressed to matar.

Chris' son Noeh is standing in the center.

His buddy to the left looked kinda sad, so I made him smile for a separate photo.

Here's Chris smiling, and waiting for the kids to pull out for their night on the town.

Noeh getting ready to PARTY!

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 07:59 PM

Meanwhile, back at Willys - we had some serious work to be done to my drivetrain. My work was completed much faster than had I gone to a 4WD shop in the US, plus, I got to catch up with some very special people.

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 08:03 PM

I had some shopping to do, so Chris' wife and daughter took me out to the La Glorieta section of Soler to see what we could find. I settled on a nice 'Tijuana Mexico' baseball cap and later a t-shirt out on La Revo. Here are a few pics to share...

Me and little Nayelli in Soler w/my new baseball cap.

Down on La Revoluccion with one of the new decorations there on the street.

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 08:07 PM

Last night, we partied Tijuana style - at home, with the TV on, talking, and telling jokes en Espanol.

This is Miguel, Nayelli, and Nena (the next door neighbor):

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 08:08 PM


Ken Bondy - 6-6-2008 at 08:30 PM

Ken those are fabulous! Thanks for posting these, I really enjoyed them.

fdt - 6-6-2008 at 08:35 PM

Great report Ken and it was great having the opportunity to talk with you last night. If you ever do decide to come and live here, you would be a very welcome resident.

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by fdt
Great report Ken and it was great having the opportunity to talk with you last night. If you ever do decide to come and live here, you would be a very welcome resident.
I talked to my fiance Onelis about moving to Tijuana. Today, I received our first APPROVAL NOTICE for her to immigrate from Colombia. Maybe, when the money is good, I'll buy/rent a 2nd home in Tijuana. So many good people in such close proximity makes being there a no-brainer.

Roberto - 6-6-2008 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
I talked to my fiance Onelis about moving to Tijuana. Today, I received our first APPROVAL NOTICE for her to immigrate from Colombia. Maybe, when the money is good, I'll buy/rent a 2nd home in Tijuana. So many good people in such close proximity makes being there a no-brainer.

Won't there be some restrictions to her travel outside the U.S. for, what is it, five years?

Pics are great Ken -- I'm wondering how good your Spanish is?

Of course, I suspect you will soon have the best classroom in the world - la cama. :cool:

Ken Cooke - 6-6-2008 at 09:14 PM

Originally posted by morgaine7
I enjoyed these very much. With all the gloom floating around these days, it's refreshing to see folks just having a good 'ol time. The pics of the taller are also great. Many thanks for sharing.



Here's a few more. I'm also tired of the bad news.

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This is Nena's (Nay-Nah's) Rottweiler Pup. If you kick the wall, he'll go crazy for about 5 minutes. Yep, I timed his response when I was feeling the effects.Haha

While the Jeep was being worked on, Noeh and his friends stopped by to collect spare change for the Student Body's run for Class President. This is Noeh in the back seat of his friends' car, being his normal, happy self.

Here is a view of my front drivetrain being drained, cleaned, and refilled. The work at Willy's was very thorough, and reasonably priced.

Here folks is the key to no more dripping of oil on my garage floor. It's called 'LubeLocker' and will keep things nice and clean for the life of my vehicle.

Willy is a very accomplished part of the 4WD community in the Tijuana area, and also a very nice guy. Here, he is relaxing, while talking to Chris Glass about his upcoming vehicle event in Canyon Rosarito.

Here's the other half of the conversation - Chris Glass (a.k.a. "Fat Cat")

TonyC - 6-8-2008 at 08:58 AM

Thanks for that Ken. A happy post. You have any hook ups in San Quintin, like Willy's? Like Nena's rottie, I have a few (4) myself.

Iflyfish - 6-8-2008 at 09:07 AM

Cool post, you could eat out of that pan! I really enjoyed the pics.


Iflyfish - 6-8-2008 at 09:11 AM

My brother used to run a photo poster business at the San Jose Flea Market in San Jose, California. The business was in the family for years. It was interesting to look at the photos from different cultures. The business was there long enough to have generations of families come through. Most Mexicans did not smile for their photos, mui serioso! This was in stark contrast to the Anglos who all smiled and said "cheese".

Those are cool looking dudes! Like the cow too.


David K - 6-8-2008 at 10:27 AM

Ken there is a new movie we saw in the previews yesterday you will need to see!: Beverly Hills Chihuahua ... The chihuahuas are going to fight back and proclaim: "NO MAS!" (to getting dressed up in dolls clothes, carried around in purses or inside your shirt, etc.)

Ken Cooke - 6-8-2008 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by David K
Ken there is a new movie we saw in the previews yesterday you will need to see!: Beverly Hills Chihuahua ...

That sounds like a must-see film. Either I go for the "High-Tension" Samuel L. Jackson flick, the Latin-American documentary, or the goof ball films like "Beverly Hills Chihuahua." Great suggestion!

As for the differential cover, yes, it was very clean. The attention to detail there was superb. Not sure if there are any shops near San Quentin, but take a quick look right here at this event poster for names of shops and phone numbers, and you will probably have something close to Ensenada in terms of a good shop to work on your vehicle.

VIVA BAJA!:bounce::bounce:

bajaboolie - 6-9-2008 at 08:35 AM

Great post and pictures! Thanks for sharing. I love seeing pictures of people in day-to-day life as much as, or more, than beautiful scenic shots.

Heather - 6-9-2008 at 12:04 PM

Enjoyed your photos, in fact they looked kind of familiar. When my hubby first moved up this way from Cabo (while we waited to get him a visa), he lived in Soler. His was the last little set of apartments and then there was a vacant lot, and then the hill and the road below. This was on the inside of Soler down from the Glorietta (not the International side). A good friend of mine lives on the second to last street of Soler, and her aunt rents out apartments on the corner, again looking at the vacant lot. I think the "vacant lot" is now filled with equipment and looks like the lot in some of your pix of your friend. Does your friend rent or own?

Good luck with the visa for the fiance. Hope you're applying for the fiance visa as I hear that is much quicker than a married one. We made the mistake of getting married, first, and it took quite a while. I'm working on getting visa's for my step-sons, now, and what a hassle. Every other week I get some paper work from New Hampshire (of all places), and it's send this, send that, more money, etc., etc. I think/hope that the papers have finally been sent to Ciudad Juarez so the boys can go for the interview. Gotta get the older one out of traction, now, though, so hope it won't be too soon! Suerte, Heather

Ken Cooke - 6-9-2008 at 03:30 PM

Originally posted by HeatherDoes your friend rent or own?

Good luck with the visa for the fiance. Hope you're applying for the fiance visa as I hear that is much quicker than a married one.

Chris and his soon-to-be wife Miriam own (free & clear) in Soler. :yes:

I applied for the K-1 visa w/Onelis. Things are fast approaching, and I couldn't be happier. :yes: :yes: :yes:

Onelis and I:

Barry A. - 6-9-2008 at 03:41 PM

Ken------that is one happy and beautiful girl------and I KNOW
you can smile too, as I see your avatar :lol: :lol:

--------you are a lucky guy. (even if you don't drive an X-Terra) :yes:


Iflyfish - 6-9-2008 at 04:36 PM

She is beautiful and the smile fills the picture...the other guy.....??? Anyway, congrats amigo! Really have enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing a slice of your life.


Ken Cooke - 6-9-2008 at 04:51 PM

The peer pressure of this forum is insane! :fire: You guys need to get a life... :P

Barry A. - 6-9-2008 at 05:00 PM

Alright!!!!! Well done!!!!!! Now we are happy, and the pressure is off. :lol: