
Baja Boys conquer Hetch Hetchy

thebajarunner - 4-24-2004 at 09:40 PM

Bajarunner (far right) and Baja Vida (second from right) after Yosemite outing.
It ain't Baja, but it is pretty special!

Baja Arriba!!

Is that how y'all line up politically?

BajaVida - 4-27-2004 at 07:49 AM

Politically correct

thebajarunner - 4-27-2004 at 02:38 PM

Baja Vida, what are you hiding behind your back???
Yep, on the right, is right, a synonym for "correct"
Left, on the other hand (so to speak) has connotations of "left out"
by the way, what are you hiding behind your back???

Baja Arriba!!

Debra - 8-3-2006 at 07:50 PM

I just knew you guys were cute! (I still just don't see an Opera lover there.....(go figure!) LOL!

"M" or someone ("M" does it best!)... just has to put another get-together going...that is so much fun!


Baja Bernie - 8-4-2006 at 08:02 AM

Throw the guy with the white socks, far left, out of the club.

The guy on the left...

thebajarunner - 8-4-2006 at 11:36 AM

That is Scott.
He is officially known, within the Baja Boyz, as MoPaT,
the Minister of Planning and Tidiness.
All campout gangs need a MoPaT.
Otherewise the whole thing just degenerates into a typical "guy's campsite" but with MoPaT along, well, things stay orderly and proper...

Debra, maybe he only pretends to enjoy opera....

BajaVida - 8-4-2006 at 11:56 AM

could it be a ruse?

SiReNiTa - 8-5-2006 at 02:43 PM

cool i'm actually volunteering in a program for restoration and we are going to the sierra nevada alliance conference next week anything you guys want to be said???

thebajarunner - 8-5-2006 at 11:29 PM

Yeah, you can tell them to tear down the damn dam.. and pronto.
Putting a dam in a national park is about as enviro ethical as cutting down all the boojums in Baja for firewood.
It sucks!!!
And, just so San Francisco can have a clear, cold, cheap glass of water.