
Palmazul restaurant in Tijuana

elgatoloco - 4-25-2004 at 12:08 AM

Baja Barb and I were sitting around this afternoon wondering what we would have for dinner tonight and I says "let's go to Baja for dinner!" Before you can say ?vamanos" Barb is all dolled up and waiting by the front door for me.

We hit the road and soon we are crossing the world's busiest border and heading thru the streets of Tijuana to a place we have heard good things about, Palmazul.

The food here rivals many of the best places we have had the good fortune to eat at!

The restaurant is very well decorated and reflects the peninsula well. One wall in the main dining room is a reproduction of the cave paintings of Baja Sur, the area behind the bar will make you think you are in Catavi?a including boulders and boojums!

The owners had a desire to present the cuisine of Baja and they have done a great job of it.

We started with their 'Fantasy Seafood Sampler' for two. It included abalone, oysters, turban shell, chocalate clams & shrimp each prepared with individual sauces and such. It was awesome!

I had a 'traditional' Caesar salad and then we moved on to the main course. Barb had yellowtail with a seafood sauce and I had Cabreria Norte. The fish was moist and the meat was cooked perfectly. We finished the meal with a decadent dessert and flaming Mexican coffees prepared table side by the expert staff.

We can not wait to return and sample more of the extensive menu at Palmazul. This place is first class top shelf and the Herradura A?ejo maggies went down smoothly too!!

Oh yea, since the theme at this establishment is ALL Baja ALL the time everyone will be happy to know that the 'taco de pescado' is featured prominently on the menu!

Our wait at the border northbound at 10:00 PM was about 3 seconds!!!!:tumble:

David K - 4-25-2004 at 12:39 AM

My mouth is watering! Is tomorrow too soon for a repeat trip? Afterall, unless you took a GPS, you will have to show me where it is , right Matt?:yes::yes::yes::spingrin::spingrin::spingrin:

which lane did you take? (3 sec.!)

thebajarunner - 4-25-2004 at 07:36 AM

Don't tell us which line was 3 seconds, mights let the cat out of the bag.
Hey, yesterday Baja Vida and I also had a great meal. Sitting on a rock, constant spray from Wapama Falls in the Yosemite back country. We had p.b. and jam sandwiches, they were awesome.
And the decor???? Simply wonderful!
(your restaurant tip does sound good, just don't make it too good or everyone will go there)

Baja Arriba!!

elgatoloco - 4-25-2004 at 12:04 PM

DK! Probably can't amke it back until next Friday night!! :biggrin:

Yosemite back country!! You are a lucky guy! Yosemite is definitely one of the most spectacular places in the world!!!

3 seconds=all the way to the left!!

that would be the far left of the two SENTRI lanes!! :lol:

David K - 4-25-2004 at 12:30 PM

Hmmm... well, I will already be at the Pyramid Resort. Last Year, I joined the Humfrevilles and El Camote at La Fonda for dinner. Should I drive north, or will you come south? Otherwise the following weekend might be good... Think about the fiesta at Keri's...


thebajarunner - 4-26-2004 at 08:03 AM

Gato, right you are, Yosemite is wonderful, especially away from the thundering herds of people (sort of like Baja, South of San Quintin)
We built our home 4 miles East of Oakdale, on a hill, and all of the Yosemite mountains are in view from the front room and the porch.... awesome!!!
Well, at least when the yuck blows away from the sky.
Come on up, will take you on a great trail, that is a standing offer to a number of folks on this board.

Baja Arriba!!

The magic of Yosemite...

El Camote - 4-26-2004 at 10:20 AM

July 4, 1995, My first wife and I were camped in Yosemite valley. She packed an awesome picnic and we drove up to Glacier Peak which overlooks a stunning view of the entire valley, El Cap, half dome, etc.

Enamored by the view, I asked her to become Senora Camote, blaming it on her delicious and seductive sandwiches.

She still makes incredible sandwiches to this day and we can't wait to spend a future anniversary back in Yosemite.

Bajarunner, you are indeed fortunate and we'd love to take you up on that offer one of these days! :spingrin:

elgatoloco - 4-26-2004 at 07:11 PM


Wow! Thanks for the generous offer!! We would love to have a veterano show us the way! I am embarassed to say that as a native of California I have only been in Yosemite ONCE!!:no: It was mid January and we stayed at the Awahnee and snowshoed down to a grove of Seqouias!!

That was a very special trip, indeed. I can't wait to return!

Baja Days in Yosemite??

thebajarunner - 4-26-2004 at 10:46 PM

Maybe we should schedule an outing and go for it.
Last Saturday the hike was only about 6 miles total and not much elevation, a walk in the park. (4 Baja Boys seem to be more fixed on getting back to the car with the cooler in the trunk than pressing on to another vista)
We also try to do Half Dome every year, 12+ hours non-stop, 18 miles, 5000 feet up (and down)
Our house is only an hour and a half from the Big Oak entrance and we go up a lot.
If there is interest then let's schedule a Sat. or Sunday (preferably a non-NASCAR Sunday) and go for it.
There are some really nice 2 or 3 hour treks, lots of scenery, and a chance to have lunch at the Ahwanee before the 3 p.m. closing.
Or, stay in the high country, away from the crowds, and eat p.b. and jam sandwiches.
What say you'all??

Baja Arriba!!

elgatoloco - 4-27-2004 at 08:23 AM

My lovely wife Baja Barb and I would be VERY interested!:bounce: