
I am back!!!

BajaCactus - 6-13-2008 at 02:03 AM

Hello my friends...

First of all an apology for being absent and off the grid for so long... but I had to take care of some very complicated administrative requirements by Pemex at the BajaCactus Gas Station, that forced me to dedicate most of my time to solve it. This was supposed to be resolved within 2 months and it finally took me almost 8 months to finished.

But it seems we are done... I hope... jejeje.

A couple of news at BajaCactus:

1.- We now have a US phone number which rings at BajaCactus: (619) 694-1082... please take into account that English spoken personal is very, very difficult to come by in El Rosario and, at the moment, we only have a bilingual employee from 4:00pm to 12:00pm (PST), most of the week.

2.- There is now a WiFi HotSpot active at BajaCactus, with more than 6Mb download speed... "FREE" for everyone staying at BajaCactus Motel (just ask for your access code at the frondesk). I would also like to grant free access to every BajaNomad passing through, as long as they identify as a BajaNomad member at the frontdesk... now, how will you identify yourself?...I do not know, ask Doug.... jejeje. A small note on this WiFi service: the wifi signal is unlocked, you can connect without any password nor username, but you will not be able to browse the Internet without one, except for a few pre-configured sites, like the BajaNomad site.

3.- I have been working on the BajaCactus website also, it should be ready within 3-4 weeks (well, at least a part of it). I will be happy to exchange links with anyone, so please let me know at info*at* if you are interested.

4.- We are now taking American Express cards at both the Gas Station and the Motel... Visa, Mastercard and others are coming very soon again (we used to received Visa/Mastercard last year but we had to suspend them temporarily).

5.- We are about to start the construction of the BajaCactus Store in 3-4 weeks... including some re-thinking and re-designing, result of some very good comments and advice from some of you... THANK YOU!!!

6.- And finally... at last the approval for the new Gas Station restrooms arrived from Pemex... now the problem is that I do not have the sufficient economical resources to construct the restrooms and Store at the same time... so I will make a small renewal of the interiors of the actual restrooms soon, until I am able to construct the new ones.

I hope everything has been fine here and I will try to be a little bit more active on cyberspace from here on.

An apology to anyone who tried to contact me in the past and I was unavailable, but it was imperative for us to comply with the new Pemex regulations and I was the only one in our business who had the expertise to pull them off... very, very time consuming.

A big hug to all of you,

Antonio Munoz
"Where the Baja is so much more than a dream..."

P.S.: I will post the current fuel prices this weekend.

[Edited on 6-13-2008 by BajaCactus]

Capt. George - 6-13-2008 at 04:48 AM


We Nomads appreciate all your hard work, and improving the facilities at your places of business that we will be using while on the road in Baja!

cap'n g

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-13-2008 at 05:12 AM

Welcome back BajaCactus. This last April (2008) when I was in El Rosario to visit with Mama next door for a week I stopped in to see If I could find you to say hello but alas you were no where to be seen. Maybe next time I come down to see Mama I'll find you in. I met my brother Jimmy's Sister-in-Law when I came in for gas with my brother Sany. I talked to her a while until she ran me off because she got to busy to chat with me.:lol: I hugged and kissed her and wished her well. Take care and again I hope to see you the next time I am down to see Mama.


[Edited on 6-13-2008 by ELINVESTI8]

Bob and Susan - 6-13-2008 at 05:27 AM

i was there twice this month

your staff on the diesel side was excellent and they should be commended

they are VERY professional

woody with a view - 6-13-2008 at 05:39 AM

see you this afternoon.

David K - 6-13-2008 at 07:19 AM

Welcome back amigo!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:

We sure have been thinking about you and Lorenia... very happy to see you post again.

Paulina - 6-13-2008 at 07:34 AM


Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Welcome back, mi amigo

thebajarunner - 6-13-2008 at 08:17 AM

Missed your gas price posts and your other notes about items of interest in Baja.

Free WiFi in El Rosario???!!!
(I think the Apocalypse is upon us)

Our gang took over most of the motel in Feb and it was very gracious hosting, as usual. Not a lot of night life in ER in Feb, but then we already knew that.

And the petro station was functioning well, as per usual.

Hope the economics allow the upgrade on the banos, and soon..... you will note that I have not even mentioned the urinal, in this post.... ooops, guess it just slipped out, so to speak.

Glad to have you back, and hope they will believe me at the desk when I claim to be a Nomad.

shari - 6-13-2008 at 08:25 AM

Welcome Back Antonio y felizidades complying with Pemex must have been a pesadilla. I can imagine how busy you are with all the projects you are an amazing man...te felizitamos hermano.

cabobaja - 6-13-2008 at 08:50 AM

Have booked 3 rooms for Sunday night. First stop on the way home to Elias Calles.

DianaT - 6-13-2008 at 08:55 AM

Great to see you back----have stayed there a few times recently. Still always say we wish there was a chain of Baja Cactus Motels up and down Baja----now that might cost a few bucks.

Glad you are going to redo the restrooms at the gas station---know that you have wanted to do so for some time.

Good luck and hope you are there sometime when we are.


toneart - 6-13-2008 at 12:15 PM

Good to see your posts again, Antonio! I will never forget the kindness, concern and care by you and your staff when I had gotten so sick eating Crab Burritos in (you know where). The Baja Cactus Motel is the best in all of Baja, Amigo! :yes:

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-13-2008 at 12:24 PM

Toneart you sly devil you. :lol:

CaboRon - 6-13-2008 at 02:05 PM

Hola Antonio,

And welcome back from the land of bureaucratic mindlessness ...

At least rest one day before tackling that web site.



David K - 6-13-2008 at 05:49 PM

El Rosario Festival is postponed until next year (2009)...

I received an email today from Kim Williams who owns the gift shop (fossils, maps, rocks) on the southbound side of El Rosario... it was about Antonio and the festival so I am mentioning it in this thread...

Without Antonio's efforts, the town just didn't seem able to put it together. Here is a short piece of Kim's email regarding it:

"... we will not be having a Rosario Festival 2008...but hopefully by next year whatever responsibilities to Pemex - Antonio had this year will be taken care of and we can move toward another event with his full participation in 2009. I am always on board whenever he is ready to proceed."

BajaNomad - 6-13-2008 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by BajaCactus
I would also like to grant free access to every BajaNomad passing through, as long as they identify as a BajaNomad member at the frontdesk... now, how will you identify yourself?...I do not know, ask Doug.... jejeje.


How about :


Very nice to have you back sir.

May I have a (postal) mailing address for you and/or Baja Cactus?


bajadogs - 6-14-2008 at 12:14 AM

worked for me -
printed out fine and will begin swinging my authority everywhere. (with the new badge)

¡Muchos gracias Antonio!

thanks Doug

edit to thank Doug

[Edited on 6-14-2008 by bajadogs]

Thank you...

BajaCactus - 6-14-2008 at 12:27 AM

It is quite nice to feel welcome here once more my friends.... THANK YOU!!!

Doug... that badge will work great!!!... I will print one and instruct my staff to acknowledge it when presented at BajaCactus.

On the other hand, the BajaCactus US Address is:

2498 Roll Dr. Ste 102
San Diego, CA 92154

Will get back soon with the fuel prices.

"Where the Baja is so much more than a dream..."

I can't believe I'm the first to say this

rogerj1 - 6-15-2008 at 01:04 AM

If you're Baja Nomads, where are you badges?

Badges? to ******* hell with your badges. We don't need no stinkin badges!

[Edited on 6-15-2008 by BajaNomad]

Bob H - 6-15-2008 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by rogerj1
If you're Baja Nomads, where are you badges?

Badges? to ******* hell with your badges. We don't need no stinkin badges!

[Edited on 6-15-2008 by BajaNomad]

:lol::lol::lol: Reminds me of JR!.... :yes:

Welcome back Antonio! It's fantastic what you are doing. You are amazing.
Bob H

bajalera - 6-15-2008 at 07:27 PM

An official Baja Nomad card, with a number on it and everything--what a great idea.

Thank you, Doug!

BAJACAT - 6-15-2008 at 09:12 PM

Bien venido Antonio