
Mexico freezes prices on 150 food products

fulano - 6-18-2008 at 01:48 PM

President Felipe Calderón announced price freezes on 150 food products.

He's trying to hold down inflation, but I think this is going to blow up in his face. Most times when a government imposes prices freezes, it causes an immediate shortage of the food items. Producers who cannot pass on price increases usually just stop producing, rather than lose money by selling for less than their costs. It also causes shortages as people start to hoard the food.

That is precisely what is happening in Venezuela right now.

flyfishinPam - 6-18-2008 at 03:54 PM

interesting comments under that story.

Woooosh - 6-18-2008 at 08:06 PM

How can they afford to subsidize both gas AND food? A relative of mine heard something on the MExican news about Switzerland having to pay Mexico mega-bucks in a some settlement.

Does Calderron have the power to control prices at membership retail stores like CostCo too? Then again- it'd be pretty stupid to shop there if the prices were higher and the quality similar.

I know the poor have it hard- but why can't Carlos Slim do foods drops or something? What's he doing with all his money anyways? I heard an interview with him once and he said the difference between him and Bill Gates is- "I don't give away my money". A real badge of courage there. Well- Mexicans could use a break from the man who owns most of the overpriced services that monopolize all latin and south america. Then again, maybe Venezuela will come into the picture soon and help here with gas (like they did in Boston a few years back) or even food.

Witht he Great FLood of 2008 wiping out the bradbasket of america- food prices, for everyone- are going to hurt.

[Edited on 6-19-2008 by Woooosh]

fulano - 6-18-2008 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
A relative of mine heard something on the MExican news about Switzerland having to pay Mexico mega-bucks in a some settlement.

What your relative heard was the Mexico got back from Switzerland about $77 million that Raul Salinas stole and hid in bank accounts there.

That will cover Mexico's gasoline subsidy for about 1 day.

fulano - 6-18-2008 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by fulano
Originally posted by Woooosh
A relative of mine heard something on the MExican news about Switzerland having to pay Mexico mega-bucks in a some settlement.

What your relative heard was that Mexico got back from Switzerland about $77 million that Raul Salinas stole and hid in bank accounts there.

That will cover Mexico's gasoline subsidy for about 1 day.

comitan - 6-21-2008 at 01:22 PM

More on the price freeze.

* Por I. By I. Saldaña / I. Saldana / I. Becerril / E. Becerril / E. Ortega / M. Ortega / M. Otero

El Financiero en lìnea The Financial l ì nea

México, 20 de junio.- El secretario de Economía, Eduardo Sojo, negó que el gobierno federal retome el esquema de pactos o de control de precios. Mexico, June 20 .- The secretary of Economy, Eduardo Sojo, denied that the federal government return to the outline of covenants or price control.

Precisó que el anuncio de la Concamin, de congelar los precios de distintos alimentos en lo que resta del año, es sólo un acto voluntario que se suma a las acciones del gobierno. He pointed out that the announcement of the Concamin, to freeze the prices of various food in the remainder of the year, is only a voluntary act that joins the government's actions.

El secretario del Trabajo y Previsión Social, Javier Lozano, reconoció que este programa podría no ser satisfactorio para toda la población, pero es una medida en el sentido correcto. The secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, Javier Lozano, acknowledged that this program might not be satisfactory for the entire population, but is a step in the right direction.

La cobertura de los productos que mantendrán su precio inalterado aumentó a 164 presentaciones y podría llegar a 180, informó Ismael Plascencia, dirigente de la Concamin. The coverage of products that will keep unchanged its price rose to 164 submissions and could reach 180, reported Ismael Plascencia, leader of the Concamin.

Claudio X. Claudio X. González, presidente del Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios, dijo que el esfuerzo que realiza la industria es sólo para ayudar a que la inflación no se dispare. Gonzalez, president of the Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios, said the effort being made by the industry is only to help that inflation is not firing.

Armando Paredes, líder del CCE, explicó que muchos sectores no pueden mantener sus precios, porque importan sus materias primas o insumos, lo que les resta margen de maniobra. Armando Paredes, leader of the CHP, explained that many industries are unable to maintain their prices because they import their raw materials or inputs, which subtracts them leeway.

El presidente Felipe Calderón afirmó que "los 150 productos" cuyos precios serán congelados hasta el 31 de diciembre, son alimentos de la canasta básica. The president Felipe Calderón stated that "the 150 products whose prices will be frozen until December 31, are the basic basket of food. (Con información de El Financiero/APB) (With information from El Financiero / APB)

bajaguy - 6-21-2008 at 01:36 PM

Is there a list of the food/food products???

beachbum1A - 6-21-2008 at 06:18 PM

Don't worry Terry, Pacifico will definately NOT be on the list!

bajaguy - 6-21-2008 at 06:25 PM

OK, I'm better now.........:lol:

Woooosh - 6-21-2008 at 11:07 PM

Will they talk about limiting what food items/amount tourists can purchase? Apparently a person at PeMex suggested that gas purchases be limited. If grain prices shoot skyhigh- would Americans travel to Mexico to shop for food at Mexican-subsidized prices?

I'm seeking to understand where is Mexico getting all this money. The gas subsidy program has no set end- the food staple price stabilization is for six months. They could have done so much more for Mexico with those billions. I know the mexican people need and appreciate the break- but a little forward-thinking revenue planning would have gone a long way. If they had only built a few refineries for their crude they could have been sitting pretty.

Onteh good side. As long as people stick to the facts- not listen to a few loudmouths at PeMex - people will keep coming down to Baja. After all- it's summer and people want to hear reasons to come on down and fill up on the wayback!