Don't feel bad for Mexico. They deserve everything bad they are getting right now. They have accepted the gangs and corruption for decades- so why
feel bad when it finally catches up to them all? It had to happen eventually. It's not at all sad- it's what happens when the citizens have no balls
to stand up and demand change in their country. When they elected Hank Rhon as their Mayor- I figure they were showing us all how much they love a
good crook. Let them sit in their empty restaurants and stores for a few years to consider the results of their inaction. Oh- yeah- there's no real
problem it's the media.. that'll fix nothing. Stuck on Stupid.
[Edited on 6-26-2008 by Woooosh]fulano - 6-26-2008 at 02:36 PM
You are painting with a very broad brush. I've lived with Mexicans. The average Mexican is just as fed up with the crime and corruption as we are.
Probably even more so since there is so much more of it. They are just so powerless to do anything about it. They are saddled with a corrupt and
immoral political structure. It is so corrupt it is absolutely putrid.
"México ocupa el sexto lugar a nivel mundial entre los países con mayor presencia de crimen organizado, ya que estos grupos han logrado vincularse con
el poder político sobre todo a nivel municipal, pues se estima que hasta 60% de las alcaldías en el país podrían tener algún nexo con grupos del
[Mexico occupies sixth place in the world among countries with a large presence of organized crime, now that these groups have combined forces with
political powers at all levels of municipal governments, it is estimated that up to 60% of the mayors in the country could have some connections with
narcotrafficer groups.]
Take a look at the thread on the second amendment. Our founding fathers very wisely were afraid of a government that became too powerful. So, they
allowed the people to own weapons and form militias. Most governments are afraid of the people getting too much power, so they severely restrict the
ownership of weapons by the people. The average fulano in Mexico cannot afford to stick his head up and complain, because it will get blown off.Woooosh - 6-26-2008 at 02:59 PM
It's a broad brush because it covers eveyone in Mexico and rightfully should. They are all guilty of doing nothing. Being fed up is not the same
thing as having the balls to do anything about it. I live in a Mexican family too and they haven't done anything either- no one does. Yet they blame
the USA and everyone else.
The narco next store is everyones friend. The corrupt cop may help you someday- so don't turn him in. It's all part of a third world mentality. And
what you have is their third world result.fishbuck - 6-26-2008 at 03:44 PM
Hey, I did my part to pump some money into Tijuana!Woooosh - 6-26-2008 at 03:58 PM
I think it's hysterical that Hank Rhon is still opening his Casino in TJ at Agua Calientes (former racetrack).
I'm not surprised at all that he's doing it- I just can't figure out why he thinks anyone would go there. If you lose thusands- fine, they'll be
your best friend. But what if you shoud win? Why would anyone think they could make it back across the border with the winnings? The casino cashier
will tip off someone that you won- if it didn't go noticed at the machines or table. You're toast.DENNIS - 6-26-2008 at 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Woooosh
I think it's hysterical that Hank Rhon is still opening his Casino in TJ at Agua Calientes (former racetrack).
I'm not surprised at all that he's doing it- I just can't figure out why he thinks anyone would go there.
You know, woooosh. You know full well. They'll go there for the same reason they voted him into office. Aside from his rhetoric, he's anti- North
American and the rank and file Mexican agrees with him. He's the modern day Pancho Villa, a loved antagonist of the United States. He blatantly does
what we don't want and stands there saying he's our friend. The US eats it up.
For you folks who don't know his history, Google--- White tiger Rhon. His family is one of Mexico's biggest problems and one of ours as well.Udo - 6-26-2008 at 06:14 PM
Hank Rhon has the same mentality as many of the developers in Baja as well as the mainland. They think that us gringos will come down in droves.
But here is an addendum to this topic:
What would happen if Mexico legalized the right of citizens to bear arms? Would the next door narco or crooked cop still be a friend since now the
citizen can defend himself?
This thread could go til next year!Woooosh - 6-26-2008 at 06:18 PM
No No Dennis, I mean't American customers. They won't touch the place. But I think you are correct in that his friends will come visit his business.
That's even funnier- the narco-dollars will just go from one hand to the next and then to the next! And he can rig a few machines in the VIP area to
pay more frequent jackpots to his corrupt cops. Do nice things and get invited to the VIP room for some adult entertainment and gambling for a few
hours! Very legit looking bribery indeed! Mexcio has no idea of how to start controlling the computer chips in gaming devices that regulate payout.
I wonder if he's opening up his private zoo to the public? Would he be the Sigfried or Roy of TJ then... LOLWoooosh - 6-26-2008 at 06:26 PM
Originally posted by udowinkler
What would happen if Mexico legalized the right of citizens to bear arms? Would the next door narco or crooked cop still be a friend since now the
citizen can defend himself?
This thread could go til next year!
It's a common misconception that you can't own guns in Mexico. Another thread went into this in detail once. The gist is that you can own a gun in
Mexico if you are Mexican and a member in a shooting club. I'm sure all the bad guys belong to a club (indoor target ranges, etc). There are hundreds
of gun clubs in TJ. Depressing ain't it.