
San Diego - Gonzaga Loop Trip Report

preston - 6-27-2008 at 02:17 PM

Here goes:

Trip this year was without my son … just me and my dog. My son has a job this year…

Last year I traveled with my Porta-Bote and this year I traveling with an old Windsurfer which I have been using as a stand-up-paddleboard (SUP) … just not using the sail.

June 20th: Travel San Diego to San Felipe. Uneventful. Crossed the boarder around 2:00PM and was in San Felipe a couple hours earlier. Planned to stay at the Baja Mar Hotel … name was changed but it is the hotel adjacent to the restaurant. Price was 600 Pesos. I offered 500 Pesos. They declined so I went to the XXXXX which was about 50 yards down the street. Posted price was 600 Pesos, I offered 500 and they accepted. Sign said No Pets … but never questioned me about the dog. Hotel was very good. Secure parking, someone on duty round the clock. This will now be my 1st choice in SF. Went for a swim and a SUP. Got a lot of quizzical looks from the locals when I stood on my SUP and started paddling around.

My favorite dinner place (on the Malecon next to Baja Mar) was closed so I tried one of the places in the “food court” down the street that faces the Malecon. Tried the Camarones Pistacio …. Nothing special.

June 21st: Next morning up at dawn for a little more SUP … about 5 tents were on the beach with locals sleeping inside. Breakfast at small restaurant across from hotel ($2.75 breakfast special) … will avoid next time.

Then it was off to Gonzaga. Road to Puerticitos was in good condition (Caution: do not get overconfident as there are still lots of dips that can be a disaster at 50+ MPH.

As you approach Puerticitos you can bear right on the “new” road. Some observations:

1) The road they are putting down is 1st class (see photos).
2) The road goes for about 1 Km, then back to dirt.
3) They were working on the road ON SATURDAY!!!
4) I observed 6 huge Caterpillars grading and moving dirt … must have been 15 or so workers.
5) Already have highway signs up (for 1 Km highway!!!)

They seem to be serious about putting in this road in. I have no idea how long it has taken them to get 1 Km in (2 months?). At 1 Km per month, were talking about 6 years to Gonzaga.

Dirt road was about the same as last year …. BAD (but good). I did not pass one vehicle on the Puerticitos-Gonzaga leg)

Stopped at Punta Final but the restaurant was closed and the hotel was not recommended by a guy there (muy caliente!) so I continued on to Gonzaga. Decided to stay at Alfonsina’s rather than camp at Rancho Grande (I’m getting older and looking for a little more comfort?). Great stay for 2 nights. Food was 1st class (thanks Martha) and did a one day fishing trip with Antonio ($150 … not the greatest boat … not the greatest guide … but had a good time and Antonio was quite jovial). Antonio had no gear (stolen by banditos according to him), so we only had one set . Managed to land 8 good size triggers in about an hour. Then spearfishing for another couple of hours. Just right for me.

Weather was hot but with a slight breeze (PERFECT) and water temperature was high 70’s and crystal clear. I impressed everyone at Alfonsinas with my SUP … most everybody was drinking so standing up on a board in the water was quite impressive to all.

Only 3 to 4 other guests (slow season) so the hotel was quiet. Rates were $55/night, dinner $11 ($5 with my own fish). Alfonsinas had a sign “No Pets” … but no issue with my dog (left a $20 tip to cover any extra cleaning).

Left Gonzaga (via Coco’s) for the boarder at 8:00AM and crossed the boarder at around 6:00PM (1 minute boarder wait with Sentri card!!).

Overall, a great 4 day weekend … stress level definitely down when I travel by myself.

Met couple of guys at Alfonsinas (Mike and Tim) who were on a 2 week de-compression trip … seemed to be putting away quite a bit of beer …

Pictures to come.


Cypress - 6-27-2008 at 02:30 PM

preston, Thanks for the report.;)In agreement with the traveling alone, less stress concept.:yes:

TMW - 6-27-2008 at 05:34 PM

Does Alfonsinas have air conditioning? I assumed they didn't and avoided the place in hot weather. Was there anything going on at Coco's place? Thanks for the report.

David K - 6-27-2008 at 08:13 PM

Thanks for the trip report Preston... It is great to stay tuned into Baja this way... I am looking forward to the photos!!

Could you have meant 'Punta Bufeo' (north of Gonzaga)?: "Stopped at Punta Final but the restaurant was closed and the hotel was not recommended by a guy there (muy caliente!) so I continued on to Gonzaga"

[Edited on 6-28-2008 by David K]


capt. mike - 6-28-2008 at 06:13 AM

Originally posted by TW
Does Alfonsinas have air conditioning? I assumed they didn't and avoided the place in hot weather. Was there anything going on at Coco's place? Thanks for the report.

NO. but a few hardy souls here think Irma's ceiling fans and an open window equals AC. Not!
its brutal there july and august, the bay is a bathtub. but the fishing can be good so it's a trade off.
go in a camper RV with A GENSET AND run it. you'll be able to sleep at night.:lol::lol::lol:

Bob and Susan - 6-28-2008 at 06:16 AM

capt mike = "wimp"

it's GREAT here in the 100 degree sweatbox !!!! :spingrin::spingrin:

water is ONLY 90 degrees too:yes:

BajaWarrior - 6-28-2008 at 08:05 AM

Hey Preston,

we missed you bumping into you on the road by a day... We came through there on SUNDAY and they we're working! Drilling, blasting, concrete trucks, loaders, and these big guys.

r.BigMachinery.jpg - 38kB

David K - 6-28-2008 at 08:06 AM

Seriously Capitan Mike... July is a beautiful month in Gonzaga Bay! August is hot & humid anywhere along the gulf side... But a hot day in Baja is better than any day, somewhere else! IMO:yes:

PS Irma is no mas at Alfonsina's ... Now it is Antonio y Marta (seen here in 2006 between Elizabeth and I):

The motel and restaurant as seen from the beach side:

The view from the restaurant towards Punta Final:

[Edited on 6-28-2008 by David K]

David K - 6-28-2008 at 08:11 AM

Originally posted by TW
Does Alfonsinas have air conditioning? I assumed they didn't and avoided the place in hot weather. Was there anything going on at Coco's place? Thanks for the report.

No generator noise to be heard there (nice)... so no a/c... Electricity from natural sources like wind and sun... makes light at night, but not enough for a/c.

El Camote - 6-28-2008 at 09:51 AM

Last time I stayed, several years ago, they had a super loud wind turbine mounted near the first room at the top of the stairs - and it was windy!
Hope they've replaced that by now.

Still, I think I'd give the left one to be there now. :o

Try seven (7) months !

beercan - 6-28-2008 at 12:01 PM

I was present the day they actually started work last Sept. 07 --and have been woke many mornings with the sounds of trucks and equipment working and passing my house !!

I was also there this May when they striped and signed the new "bypass" --

By Preston

They seem to be serious about putting in this road in. I have no idea how long it has taken them to get 1 Km in (2 months?).

bajalou - 6-28-2008 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by El Camote
Last time I stayed, several years ago, they had a super loud wind turbine mounted near the first room at the top of the stairs - and it was windy!
Hope they've replaced that by now.

Still, I think I'd give the left one to be there now. :o

The prop blew up on the wind generator a few years ago - Jim, Wornout and I went down one day and took them another prop that Jim had - but don't think they installed it yet.

capt. mike - 6-28-2008 at 01:53 PM

to each their own - i like comfort and work for it.
if i want to sweat i'll go to Bob's playa where at least i know i can have FREE beer!!!!!

and a short ride to AC rooms at mulege.:lol::lol:

i have plane camped all along the SOC side june-sept and i can say that it is basically uncomfortable at night, if you drink enough and pass out you don't know the diff until you get up at 2 in the morning for a shot of water and it's hot!!:lol::lol::lol:
and when the humidity rolls in july till late sept.....fugedaboutit!!

preston - 6-30-2008 at 12:52 PM

Still working on the photos.

Yes, my mistake it was Punta Bufeo.

No AC as mentioned. I had an upstairs room and there was a slight breeze. Upstairs rooms open on the back and front so a breeze can pass through. Downstairs rooms do not have this "feature" (I think).

Temperature was not a problem for me ... it was delightful.


preston - 7-1-2008 at 02:03 PM

Hotel in San Felipe was the Chapala Motel. I had Room #6. AC was strong and not too noisy. Secure parking lot with easy access. Highly recommended.



preston - 7-1-2008 at 02:18 PM

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Photos II

preston - 7-1-2008 at 02:20 PM

Photos II

preston - 7-1-2008 at 02:22 PM

David K - 7-1-2008 at 06:32 PM

keep trying!

Desertbull - 7-6-2008 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by El Camote
Last time I stayed, several years ago. :o

That my friend is a crime..."several years ago"... What the heck? No doubt "kids"...

Mikie Baja & I are headed south for a run to San Juanico and back in the dirt...since your world is on fire up there maybe you should come with :)

We'll be towing the Tecate trailer behind us... :)

El Camote - 7-6-2008 at 10:46 AM

Ain't it the truth, amigo, but I'm getting the little guy trained up, and the bajabug prepped, for trips south of San Felipe. Camote Jr. is almost ready but removing the graffiti from the Baja bug is another matter. :lol:

Is Rancho Desert Bull built or still in the process?

I'd love to do San Juanico, never been, but I've got a biz trip to Atlanta coming up. :mad:

You're right about the fire. Tired of breathing the smoke and ash so we're up north now seeking refuge.