
La Salina Houses For Sale?

howat - 7-1-2008 at 11:45 AM

I noticed these 15 or so older homes on the water between Angel's Camp and Puerto Marina Salina the other day while taking a walk. Are there any for sale, the cost and laws for a foreigner owning one?

DENNIS - 7-1-2008 at 01:02 PM

If they are, I wouldn't take one for any low price. Look what's happening just to the north and across the highway. High-end houses popping up right and left. A timeworn beachcamp in that vicinity doesn't stand a chance. When the economy improves, that place will be dead'n stinkin.


snorklebob - 7-1-2008 at 01:04 PM

Hi Howat,
My understanding is that those houses belong to 2 partners and are not for sale. I've heard that they use them for family functions and are planning on holding on to them for 10yrs or so. I know a person who works for them. There are several ways to hold property in mexico. WE have a place at Angel's as well as a place in Punta Chivato. Both are different ways of ownership.
See ya @ the Pig Roast!