
$65 for a Mex fishing license?

fishbuck - 7-3-2008 at 05:21 PM

Is that the right amount? How much in Ensenada or San Quitin or Bola?

Cypress - 7-3-2008 at 05:43 PM

Paid $45 US last Nov. in San Felipe.:)

Diver - 7-3-2008 at 06:07 PM

$48.20 this year for the anual license.
Here is a link to the form from conapesca in San Diego;

fishbuck - 7-3-2008 at 06:11 PM

So the locals are jacking it $15 or so.
Anyone know where I can get one in Ensenada? The $45 or $48.20 one? Will they be open? Or is the 4th a holiday in Ensenada?

bbbait - 7-4-2008 at 03:29 AM

The tackle shop/conv store near the boat ramp at the Corral has them!

Phil S - 7-4-2008 at 07:09 AM

There was a time if you are a member of Vagabundos del Mar you buy the fishing licenses from them???? Also the Tourist Permits, but would need to be validated once you arrrive in Baja.

flyfishinPam - 7-4-2008 at 01:07 PM

Hi there,

what is your ultimate destination? If its BCS then I suggest you have your local outfitter buy it for you. In BCS we have the opportunity to make the payment at the state finance office which means the funds STAY in BCS. These monies go to a fund called FONMAR which is currently being used to legally overturn Norma 029 (the shark Norma). Buy your license in BCS, pay at the state, help us fisht off the abusive commerical interests and conserve the Sea of Cortez fishery.

more informaton here:

scroll near the bottom of the report.

[Edited on 7-4-2008 by flyfishinPam]

Cypress - 7-4-2008 at 01:14 PM

Bought one of those licenses.:DTotal waste of money.:o

Klondike_Kid - 7-5-2008 at 12:09 PM


I reviewed the details you mention on your report link above. Wasn't aware of the license funds channeling thingy So I guess I'll wait until I'm in BCS to grab a license. Those are some killer dorado BTW. As nice as you see even in the "old days" photos.

[EDIT after thought:] About the pics of the commercial boat: I'm no expert on Baja commfish boats (at all) but that doesn't appear to be a seiner. There is no tender/skiff and the rigging on the boat pretty much indicates its a gillnetter (or could convert to a trawler also) of some sort since there is no gear to purse up a net and lift it aboard. The deck gear are rollers and a cable drum for winching the net onto the deck and spool.

I think this actually a large gillnetter boat. It looks like that could be what its doing since I see a cork on the line coming up to the stern. But with gillnetters you may be able to surround a fish school but not actually purse them up since the nets don't work that way. You just hope they get stuck in the gillnet then haul in from one end onto the drum/spool and pick the fish from the net as they come over the stern. This leaves the bottom completely open at all times as well as the two ends pulled close together during the soak period. That's the way salmon gillnetters work up here. This would definitely work to some extent on a paddy although you sure wouldn't want to foul the net with weed by getting your gear in it. Its a mess and the fish can then see and avoid the net or swim under it. Maybe the damage to the school was not as bad as it would seem. Let's hope those dorado have BIG BRAINS in that forehead!

[Edited on 7-5-2008 by Klondike_Kid]

Pescador - 7-5-2008 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bought one of those licenses.:DTotal waste of money.:o

Now I feel guilty, I should have taken Cypress fishing. He thinks there are no fish.:?:

Al G - 7-5-2008 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
Originally posted by Cypress
Bought one of those licenses.:DTotal waste of money.:o

Now I feel guilty, I should have taken Cypress fishing. He thinks there are no fish.:?:

What? I have not caught any fish this year, please take me too....

Cypress - 7-5-2008 at 01:01 PM

Pescador, You'll be catching fish no matter what.:)

synch - 10-7-2008 at 03:11 PM

It is a convenience fee;
they find iit convenient to relieve you of $20~

Originally posted by fishbuck
So the locals are jacking it $15 or so.
Anyone know where I can get one in Ensenada? The $45 or $48.20 one? Will they be open? Or is the 4th a holiday in Ensenada?

shari - 10-7-2008 at 03:17 PM

All fishers coming to Bahia Asuncion...PLEASE get your fishing license BEFORE you come...either online or in cannot get them finance office or marina.

bajaandy - 10-7-2008 at 04:35 PM

I realize this is an old thread, but here is some good info for San Diego.

Go here:

They're at 2550 Fifth Avenue # 15 San Diego, CA.92103 Ph: (619) 233-4324

One year license is $48.20

Osprey - 10-7-2008 at 04:41 PM

More food for thought on the license issue. Just sent this in to TBF in my own name.

To: The Billfish Foundation
Attn: President Ellen Peel
Ref: Fishing Mafia Article – Gringo Gazette
Date: Oct. 5, 2008

Dear Ms. Peel,

I’m Osprey, a U.S. expat, who has lived full time for many years in East Cape, Baja Sur. I just read an article in the most recent Gringo Gazette news magazine about TBF and FONMAR and good work done to interdict fish piracy in Mexican waters. I was pleased to learn, almost a year ago, Mexico had plans for license designation, distribution and sales by specific fishing zones, to channel fishing license revenues to areas lacking Federal funds for fishery conservation and preservation.
Having fished the Sea of Cortez for more than forty years I can tell you with some authority that Mexico has a history of effective license distribution in the U.S. (travel clubs and tackle shops) but not in Mexico.
To make my point:

1. Fishing regulations held out by the current licenses have deemed to have been sufficient, that is, without need for change, for nearly 30 years.

2. Mexico ran out of fishing licenses twice in the last ten years – the whole country was without one single fishing license for over six months.

3. Near the shores of the Sea of Cortez there exist only a handful of license distribution points for a 68,000 sq. mile world-renowned fishery.

4. Mexico (most of the time) trusts no one to take cash for licenses so would-be licensees are forced to be bankers, accountants and delivery services to effect what should be a quick and easy transaction.

5. In our little bay seven fishing resorts operate 400 charter boats, offer the license as part of the charter fee --- no document is used in lieu of a proper license. A rather casual, now and then, currier “does business” with the Pesca office in La Paz and the resort is deemed good for another X client fishing days.

6. My final point is, when Mexico and marine conservation groups can find ways to make fees what they could be, what they should be, FONMAR and others might have the funds to begin to make a difference. In the meantime, Mexico is losing millions in user fees, lost to them forever by the way.

Fishermen like me find no joy in articles like the GG piece; we yearn for the day when you might redirect your efforts, help Mexico change the license model, bring in millions more in fees from responsible sportsmen who now don’t even bother with the license transaction. My perspective is from the beach. For fifteen years I have advised vacationers coming down here to fish to get their licenses from U.S. travel clubs and tackle shops – can you find a way to funnel those funds (from Mexico City) to effective regulators where the fish are?



4baja - 10-7-2008 at 06:25 PM

there about 47 bucks and if you pay more then that there worth it. we fish all the time down there and this is a cheap ticket for fun. good luck.

fishbuck - 10-7-2008 at 08:45 PM

I bought one at the Tourist info office in Ensenada. It was 48 bucks and bring exact change. The don't make change. Took about 10 minutes.

vacaenbaja - 10-7-2008 at 10:49 PM

I would strongly suggest getting your license as soon as you can, where you can find it. It lasts for a whole year from date of puchase which is way better than the California state license that expires at the end of the year during which you bought it. You never know if you can get a license in Baja and
what you will have to do to get it. Shari is right. the last time we went to Asuncion one of our party did not have his license. Could not get one in Ensenada, or San Quintin.
Ended up making a detour to Bay of LA after calling them up and finding out that we could buy them there. It took us an hour in and an hour out plus a two hour wait while they found a copy machine that worked and the bank to open to pay the transaction. Sometimes the offices will be closed in Ensenada due to time of day, holidays etc. Same goes for your tourist card. Get it done ASAP.