fdt - 7-10-2008 at 10:59 AM
Trampas en el Corredor 2000
Jesús Bustamante
Aunque en la imagen impera la calma, hay días en que el Corredor 2000 se convierte en blanco de delincuentes, quienes colocan rocas de gran tamaño en
el camino para obligar a los conductores a detenerse y así poder despojarlos de sus pertenencias.
There seems to be no end to all this hear-say
David K - 7-10-2008 at 06:30 PM
Looks like night time Ferna (when tourists should avoid all roads in Baja)... but sure is well lighted!!!
The Picture is Beautiful
Gypsy Jan - 7-10-2008 at 07:49 PM
But the English translation of the news story is not.
"Although it might seem very calm, there are days in which corredor 2000 becomes the target of criminals, who place big rocks in the way, forcing
drivers to stop and then they rob them."