In the thread, Another Beautiful Small Church, Taco de Baja thought he saw an image lurking in the back wall of the abandoned and maybe haunted
church. Shari talked about how she and Zoe were freighened late one night.
So, yesterday, it was back to San Roque for more pictures.
First, the part of the wall where Taco de Baja thought he saw the image.
Could be lots of images, but then we shined a bright light, and bingo, the mystery was solved as to the lurker in the church.
Seriously, we wanted more pictures of the inside because it will change very quickly. The wind was blowing like crazy and the roof is beginning to
come off.
The Madonna must have been quite beautiful in the past.
One of these coverings is already gone.
Sad to watch this building's further demise.
DianeTaco de Baja - 7-16-2008 at 11:35 AM
Could also be the ghost of Tricky Dick. I think his image is to the far right of the Madonna... Or is it Fred Flintstone?
DianaT - 7-16-2008 at 11:56 AM
Taco de Baja ---Found it
Here is where I see Tricky Dicky!
Guess we have to go back out there----not just more pix, but since you were the first to see the images, we will leave a locked collection box there
so others who see the images can leave donation.
We will be sure you receive all donations.
Such a shame we have to go out there again.
DianeTaco de Baja - 7-16-2008 at 12:26 PM
here is where I saw the 'ghosts'....
Mexitron - 7-16-2008 at 03:56 PM
You've been working too much Taco de Baja... woody with a view - 7-16-2008 at 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Mexitron
You've been working too much Taco de Baja...
or smoking something funny.....BTW, i see WC fields
When I first looked at the picture I saw the same
Keri - 7-17-2008 at 02:24 PM
thing as taco de baja and I hadn't read the whole thread yet. I see a Madonna and/or a Christ like figurewith a cross to the right side of it. Pretty
neat thing to see on a church wall isn't it. I like it,k