
Help for the Ole Man!!!

Skeet/Loreto - 7-23-2008 at 03:25 AM

Santigo's inquiry got me to thinking and accepting the Fact that I will know longer be able to bring in the Big Fish. So I am going to sell all my rods and reels from 38 years Fishing on the Sea of Cortez.

I need some help!I have the following Rods:
Harnell ARMAC RS2 7Ft. Black in color
Pacific Ugly Stick Supreme 7 Ft Fennwick
Shakesphere Ugly Stick Fugi DPS reel Seat 7 Ft. Very light
Fenwick 7 Ft 170z S# H75308

Can anyone help me with finding the Fair Market Valve of these Rods?

I am also digging out my Reels and will list them later.

The Expensive Cutom Rod was taken by an 80Lb. Squid when my Uncle left it lying on the Gunnell of the Panga with a Lure dangling in the Water.

I will stand by any of the Equip. The Doctor just told me that I would not be able to hold onto a 40 Lb. Yellow nor cast to one on the Surface. Triple ByPass May 28th has ended my Heavy Fishing.

Anybody have any Ideas, I would appreciate your comments . Not many Salt Wter Fisherman here in the Texas Panhandle.


fishbuck - 7-23-2008 at 03:36 AM

Whoa Skeets! Sorry to hear about that. Gotta be tough to take.
You could always try Ebay. See if any rods like yours are on there.
Bien Suerte amigo!

Skeet/Loreto - 7-23-2008 at 05:04 AM

To anyone on this Fishing Board: I will sell my rods/reels for a fair and resonable Price. Would like to see a Younster get them:

Will also Donate all proceeds to the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in your name{For Tax Purposes}

Also have 3 reels will send pictures to you email if interested.



bajadave1 - 7-23-2008 at 07:40 AM

Don't be in a hurry! I had five bypassed a year ago this month.....

I'm younger than you, but Hauling in YFT, and Marlin is not a problema



comitan - 7-23-2008 at 08:03 AM


Right now you are just depressed it happens after bypass, you will get over it just start thinking positive. Yes I have been through it 4 way 12 years ago no fish to big for me, and just went diving yesterday and feel great.(good tired)

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-23-2008 at 09:13 AM

Hyrum Abif hears you my Brother. He says wait, don't sell anything yet. You will get to feeling better soon and then you can go back to La Baja and continue your fight with them pesky fish!
So Mote It Be!

Skeet/Loreto - 7-23-2008 at 09:23 AM

Thankks Borthers: Need the Lift. Glad to hear that you all have done so Well. You mean I will be able to lift more than 15 Lbs Next Year??

Santiago: From all the advice I have received it looks as if I will have to back out of that Offer.

I will try and help in anyway I can.

I do hereby Swear that I made a Mistake and therefore with draw my offer to sell my Rods.
See you in Loreto or Mulege soon as I get this Chest back in shape>

How long did it take for the Iching Feeling to go a-Away. How long did it take for you all to recove??

Thanks and God Bless Youall


comitan - 7-23-2008 at 09:45 AM


Walk,walk,walk. Take your med's, eat low fat, I think Baitcast same age as us, said he was walking 5 ,miles a day, I do 2 to 3. Your wife can be your lifesaver she needs to study low fat recipes and use them, in the beginning they won't be as tasty but later they will taste fine the low fat my wife cooks some of it I call Gourmet. Another thing since I eat low fat no more heartburn, my Doctor says it takes more acid to burn fat!!

Pompano - 7-23-2008 at 09:54 AM

Good Luck, can do it.

My old buddy, Ricardo Largo, is now 99 and going strong. His method...quit smoking, eat right, excercise, one glass of vino rojo a day, and marry a Mexican lady....but in reverse order.

DianaT - 7-23-2008 at 10:34 AM


From what I know, which is not much of anything, :lol::lol: a certain amount of depression is common after any major surgery, especially one like you had. Listen to Comitan!

Sounds a little like that is where you are---take care of it, and don't make any major decisions right now!

Selling your tackle, IMHO, comes under major decision---not allowed right now.

Walk, take care of yourself, physically and MENTALLY.


[Edited on 7-23-2008 by jdtrotter]

tripledigitken - 7-23-2008 at 10:36 AM

Don't sell them so quickly. Wait awhile. Shame not to have your gear when you GO fishing again.

I agree with the advice of one glass of vino tinto per day.

Speedy recovery Skeet!


Pescador - 7-23-2008 at 11:44 AM

Skeeter, I agree, you really do not want to sell it all. Shoot some people collect art and spend a whole lot more for some stupid pictures to hang on the wall that do not have near the memories that you have with this tackle. Put it where you can look at it and have fond memories. And as cantankerous as we know you are, you will be back to fishing in no time. It just takes longer to recover as you get older but with exercise and lifting I have seen people who thought that they would never pull on another yellowtail, go out and lick one of those big 35-40 pounders.
I have instructed my wife that if anything ever happens to me, not to sell my tackle and equipment on an estate sale or whatever because it does not bring anywhere near what it is worth, but I have watched the tackle on e-bay for years and it brings the highest price of anywhere in the used market. So if you decide and you are not up to the task of posting the pictures and all that, there are people who specialize in doing that for you for a percent of the proceeds.

Santiago - 7-23-2008 at 11:57 AM

Oh thanks a lot guys.... I was just about to get Skeeters stuff and everyone talks him out of it.....sheeesh.
(Just kidding Skeet - the above advice is accurate I think - my dad had a triple at 62 and whithin a year he was chopping wood like it never happened)

Skeet/Loreto - 7-23-2008 at 01:49 PM

Thanks to everyone who has Posted today.
You have done wonders to this ole Heart and Mind.
I have started walking and the Low Fat Diet- Had some trouble getting my sleep right but last nite had a Glass of good old Calif. Red.

SAntiago: I owe you one! Hope you go to Loreto and fish with Alvaro Murrillo. I owe you a Dinner at Domingos{use to be El Nido} Tell Domingo That Skeeter "The Chile Man "will pay for your Dinner . If you get to Loreto.


Cypress - 7-23-2008 at 01:57 PM

Skeet/ Loreto, Ever thought about advertising on the antique sites?:spingrin:

Skeet/Loreto - 7-23-2008 at 02:04 PM

Pompano:When I was in Mulege in April it reminded me of Loreto back 20 years ago. I am planning a trip later in the year and would like to stop by for a visit. Are you there in October?

Going to Noonka Sound August 16th with my Cousin on his Arrima 22. We will trailer out of Sea/Tac Area. I feel better already with all the encourgment. Hope to get a couple of Kings and maybe a "Chicken" or two.

Good Fishing.


Bruce R Leech - 7-23-2008 at 02:28 PM

Don't sell that stuff skeet. you will be using it soon enough, hang in there and don't make any drastic changes in your life right now.

acadist - 7-26-2008 at 06:48 AM

Just remember how good those low fat filets will taste! Get well soon;D
Originally posted by comitan

Walk,walk,walk. Take your med's, eat low fat, I think Baitcast same age as us, said he was walking 5 ,miles a day, I do 2 to 3. Your wife can be your lifesaver she needs to study low fat recipes and use them, in the beginning they won't be as tasty but later they will taste fine the low fat my wife cooks some of it I call Gourmet. Another thing since I eat low fat no more heartburn, my Doctor says it takes more acid to burn fat!!

Bajafun777 - 7-26-2008 at 09:41 PM

Skeet, my two uncles both had triple bypasses and both started walking every evening. They would let anyone walk with them but they do not wait for anyone, each walk about 6pm and ate no later than 5pm. They also eat a lot of vegetables, use Mrs. Butterworth instead of butter (pretty sure that this is the name) on their baked potato and vegetables, with pepper no salt (note neither liked the salt substitute stuff), fish and chicken. They both stayed away from beef and only one eats it now but not more than once a week. Both also drank a lot of water and their doctors gave them some kind of vitamin supplement which your doctor would also know. Walk every day no excuses whether you want to or not, drink plenty of water along with eating right. Remember when the going gets tough the tough get going, as your Marine call goes Hu-rah buddy. The wine is ok to start with but only one per day and do not make it too late at night when you drink it right now. Oh, by the way the uncle bought himself a boat three years after the bypass and he uses it besides his four wheeler he takes out to the dessert in Glamis. Later---bajafun777

Skeet/Loreto - 7-27-2008 at 03:34 AM

Thanks Baja Fun77 and all other Posters!!

Got my Cardilogist yesterday and he tells me that I am doing good as long as I slow down and remember that it will be November before I get rid of this Iching and scratching feeling on my Chest.

I am walking, got me a Pedometer, and it sure does feel good to get the energy going. lost 18 Lbs since the Operation and starting to feel like I am 25!!!

Going to give my self a Test on August 16th when I fly to Sea/Tac, goto Nooka Sound up by Gold River in British Columbia with my Cousin and see if I can handle a King Salmon!

Tough Day yesterday: My wife rode our 3 year old Gelding for the first Time. Was Tough not to be able to get on him and go for a little ride.
Doctor told me "Not yet", said the boat is o.k., but still stick to that 15 Lb Limit.

I appreciate all of your Words.

God Bless youALL.
