
Avoid China Bufet in Mexicali

tio_foncho - 7-26-2008 at 03:23 PM

Customers get lead poisoning.

"Tres agentes de la Agencia Federal de Investigaciones (AFI)fueron masacrados a balazos disparados con rifles de alto poder, hace media hora cuando a bordo de una camioneta Tahoe llegaban al estacionamiento del restaurante China Bufet ubicado en Lázaro Cárdenas y calle cuarta, al oriente de la ciudad."

bancoduo - 7-26-2008 at 04:34 PM

At least it was fast. Most patrons wish they were dead.

[Edited on 7-26-2008 by bancoduo]

Yikes! Thanks for the Alert

Gypsy Jan - 7-26-2008 at 04:52 PM

(Fair warning to the humor impaired, tasteless joke coming)

Were they serving cat on the menu?

rpleger - 7-26-2008 at 06:02 PM

Did it taste a little like chicken?

jeans - 7-26-2008 at 06:09 PM

I have no idea if this is the same place we went to a few years ago. I was with a vegetarian who was accustomed to limited Spanish... the No Meat issue. However the Chinese waiters could barely speak Spanish themselves. It was a comical conversation, and not very successful.

Paula - 7-26-2008 at 06:30 PM

:lol::lol::lol: Good one Grover!

From now on I'm sticking to beef and shrimp in my chow mein.

CaboRon - 7-27-2008 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Paula
:lol::lol::lol: Good one Grover!

From now on I'm sticking to beef and shrimp in my chow mein.

You hope anyway :lol:

The Other White Meat ?


bancoduo - 8-1-2008 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by tio_foncho
Customers get lead poisoning.

"Tres agentes de la Agencia Federal de Investigaciones (AFI)fueron masacrados a balazos disparados con rifles de alto poder, hace media hora cuando a bordo de una camioneta Tahoe llegaban al estacionamiento del restaurante China Bufet ubicado en Lázaro Cárdenas y calle cuarta, al oriente de la ciudad."
Moral of story; Don't' tell your boss where your going to lunch

vacaenbaja - 8-2-2008 at 07:16 PM

I hear that they are serving
carne de lata there.....and I don't mean canned

wornout - 8-2-2008 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by tio_foncho
Customers get lead poisoning.

"Tres agentes de la Agencia Federal de Investigaciones (AFI)fueron masacrados a balazos disparados con rifles de alto poder, hace media hora cuando a bordo de una camioneta Tahoe llegaban al estacionamiento del restaurante China Bufet ubicado en Lázaro Cárdenas y calle cuarta, al oriente de la ciudad."

I have a free translator site and I pasted the above in it and hit the translate button. This is what they came back with:

""""Three agents of the Federal Agency of Investigations (AFI) were massacred to bullets shot with rifles of highly be able, does half an hour when aboard a small truck Tahoe arrived at the parking of the restaurant Chinese Buffet located in Lazarus Purple and street quarter, to the east of the city.""""

I would fire up the Rosetta Stone Program and learn a little more if the translations I get were not this comical.
