
Strange piece of news out of TJ

sanluquëna - 8-4-2008 at 01:31 PM

Last night about 8PM various passersby on avenida Revolución reported seeing an apparent kidnapping victim being driven right down the street with duct tape over his mouth. The person was about 25 and in a white Silverado pick-up with California plates. The truck also had three other persons who appeared to be armed. The victim was signaling with his eyes that he needed help.

The truck was spotted at 5th and Revolucion and was seen headed for 4th and Constitución. That is the very heart of the tourist district and is supposedly heavily guarded by police

[Varias personas que se encontraban en la avenida Revolución denunciaron que observaron a un hombre al parecer privado de su libertad, con la boca cubierta con cinta adhesiva, circulando a bordo de un vehiculo por esa vialidad.

La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Municipal informó que alrededor de las 20:00 horas de ayer, se recibió el reporte de varias personas que sobre la calle Quinta y avenida Revolución transitaba un vehículo pick up marca Silverado color blanco, de reciente modelo con placas de California, en donde se apreciaba a un hombre de aproximadamente 25 años en la parte trasera, quien tenía cinta adhesiva color gris cubriéndole completamente la boca.

Los transeúntes manifestaron que el hombre incluso trató de comunicarse con ellos a través de los ojos, solicitando auxilio.

Añadieron que en el vehículo también iban tres hombres, al parecer armados, y se dirigieron hacia la calle Cuarta y Constitución.

Los agentes de la Policía Municipal indicaron que efectuaron un operativo de búsqueda por la zona; sin embargo, no lograron ubicarlos.

Hasta el momento se desconoce si en verdad se trató de una privación de la libertad y en dónde fue.]

Woooosh - 8-4-2008 at 01:58 PM

What part of that seemed strange? That no one would get involved or help- even though close enough to understand his eye movements? That a kidnapping/carjacking/repo took place in TJ? I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often actually.

OK, and I am a little surprised too that it took place in the toursit zone- but hey, it's not even busy thee at night like it used to be- so maybe these carjackers/repo men/kidnappers were from out of town and didn't know it was a tourist zone.

Not that the narcos follow any rules- kids out crusing, schools, restaurant patrons and tourists are going to have a bad day if you get caught between them and who they are chasing down to kill.

Bruce R Leech - 8-4-2008 at 02:29 PM

I wonder how or if they know they wer not undercover cops taking a :lol:prisoner.

DENNIS - 8-4-2008 at 03:52 PM

I'm surprised that any vehicle involved in crime or crime prevention wouldn't have tinted windows.
What are those eye signals that say more than tape across the mouth?

openeyes - 8-4-2008 at 06:35 PM

Its just part of the mystery that makes Baja so enchanting for the folks on this board. The sugercoating can now commence. It is only some frat house pranks people. There is no crime or danger in TJ. :lol:

vandenberg - 8-4-2008 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by openeyes
Its just part of the mystery that makes Baja so enchanting for the folks on this board. The sugercoating can now commence. It is only some frat house pranks people. There is no crime or danger in TJ. :lol:

...........and another troll has emerged.
Tell us something about yourself. Eye color and the like, so we have an idea who we're dealing with.:biggrin:

openeyes - 8-4-2008 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by openeyes
Its just part of the mystery that makes Baja so enchanting for the folks on this board. The sugercoating can now commence. It is only some frat house pranks people. There is no crime or danger in TJ. :lol:

...........and another troll has emerged.
Tell us something about yourself. Eye color and the like, so we have an idea who we're dealing with.:biggrin:

Well. I have a large attitude and blue eyes sailor.

openeyes - 8-4-2008 at 08:07 PM

Originally posted by grover
Originally posted by vandenberg...Tell us something about yourself. Eye color and the like...

I am not quite that tall Fuzzy butt.

Sharksbaja - 8-4-2008 at 09:31 PM

But you do like it rough? Tell us more!:yes:

Now people, don't git yer panties in a twist.:spingrin:

Reader's comments

sanluquëna - 8-4-2008 at 11:28 PM

There are some hilarious readers' comments below the article on the kidnapping. Gallows humor, but hilarious. It shows that the Mexicans have some stoic humor in the face of adversity.

(1)Ya ni la burla perdonan... pasearlo por la Revu. A la próxima lo van a pasear por frente de la PEP o la PGJE.
[Now they are making such a mockery by passing down avenida Revolucion. Next they will pass in front of the PEP (state police) or the PGJE (Attorney General)].

[There's no problem, our mayor is a millionaire with the loan (TJ just got a big loan from the state for improvements), and moreover, he has 40 bodyguards and armored cars. That's the only security in our city.]

(3)Era un tour guiado por la ciudad, despues de eso seguia la encobijada para terminar el recorrido en el blvd 2000.
[It was a guided tour of the city, after that the victim continued on to finish the tour on Blvd. 2000.]

(4)No se preocupe. Presidente Jorge Ramos nos dijo que él ha creado una "zona blindado" para los turistas en la avenida Revolución. Por seguro el víctima no era un turista. Si no es así, la policía habría intervenido.
[Don't worry. Mayor Jorge Ramos told us that he has created a "secure zone" for the tourists on avenida Revolucion. Surely the victim was not a tourist. If he was, the police would have intervened.]

CaboRon - 8-5-2008 at 06:14 AM

Very funny stuff .

Is that included with fdt's tj tour ???


lizard lips - 8-5-2008 at 07:48 AM

It was my wife not some guy! I had to drag her out of Chula Vista Mall (as always) and bring her back down to Ensenada. My credit cards are maxed out but she doesn't seem to care.

Sorry for the confusion.

[Edited on 01/10/2007 by lizard lips]

sanluquëna - 8-5-2008 at 04:26 PM

Originally posted by lizard lips
My credit cards are maxed out but she doesn't seem to care.

You must have married my ex.

bancoduo - 8-5-2008 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by sanluquëna
Originally posted by lizard lips
My credit cards are maxed out but she doesn't seem to care.

You must have married my ex.
Huh? That mean you're male? If so, your screen handle is a bit... misleading.

It could be a last name. You really don't want to roust THE GULL do you:lol:

DENNIS - 8-5-2008 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Huh? That mean you're male?

Not necessarily.

lizard lips - 8-5-2008 at 05:44 PM

Yes, I am male and from the New South Wales Lip's clan.....

lizard lips - 8-5-2008 at 06:35 PM

I figured that out but just had to lighten things up a bit---:fire:

Pescador - 8-5-2008 at 06:40 PM

I must be missing something but didn't Fulano quote the papers in exactly the same way? Maybe we can have FDT question the translation and see if we don't get a real rise.
Some people change names on this board faster than I change underwear and socks.:lol::lol:

sanluquëna - 8-5-2008 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
Some people change names on this board faster than I change underwear and socks.:lol::lol:

You mean people on this board change their names only once per year?

Ay que tufu, wey!

CaboRon - 8-5-2008 at 08:25 PM

Originally posted by sanluquëna
Originally posted by Pescador
Some people change names on this board faster than I change underwear and socks.:lol::lol:

You mean people on this board change their names only once per year?

Ay que tufu, wey!

Who wears underwear in La Baja ??? :lol::lol:

Are those the same people who wear watches too ?? :lol:


[Edited on 8-6-2008 by CaboRon]