
convoy to Gonzaga Bay

3464james - 8-10-2008 at 09:38 PM

I am new to this board and was hoping that I could find someone to convoy with from Mexicali to Gonzaga on October 11, 2008. We will return on or about the 18th of August.
Since our friend had his airplane stolen at our palapa, and one of our other friends was chased by some people in a truck, we are more cautious then we used to be.
Thanks in advance.

cabaja - 9-23-2008 at 08:03 AM


We are going to head down to Gonzaga with another truck on 09 October

Let us know if you would like to leave a few days prior.


David K - 9-23-2008 at 08:42 AM

Time travel? To Gonzaga on Oct. 11, and return on Aug. 18...??

The road south of Puertecitos is still rough... but not sure about the worm hole effect at 10-15 mph!?

woody with a view - 9-23-2008 at 10:18 AM

it's an extended vacation.

Convoy to Gonzaga Bay

3464james - 9-25-2008 at 08:29 AM

Thanks for the wake-up! I meant to say 18 October. Will discuss moving up the travel plan from the the 11th to the 9th, with the Admiral. Thanks for the response. I hope we can put this together as we look forward to meeeting you all.

Jim D.

David K - 9-25-2008 at 08:43 AM

Have a fun trip Jim!

wilderone - 9-25-2008 at 09:14 AM

"friend had his airplane stolen at our palapa, and one of our other friends was chased by some people in a truck"
wow - tell us the stories

3464james - 9-28-2008 at 07:02 AM

CABAJA, I talked to the Admiral and she said that we can go the 9th. I sent you a U2U with phone number for detail arrangements.
Look forward to meeting you.
Jim D.