
Rest. Mauricios - Rosarito

Paulina - 8-11-2008 at 01:01 PM

Mauricios in Rosarito

Not the beach, but 32 mi. south of the junction to Bahia de Los Angeles.

We stopped at Mauricios for breakfast. We were told there wasn't a menu available, so we both ordered juevos con machaca and coffee. When Dern went to pay the bill, he was told $200 p. :o

Ten dollars each for breakfast is a bit out of our league.

There is a mural painted on the wall in the restaurant that used to show a lightning bolt hitting the tourist ship and the airplane, but the local trucker that was painted as heading down the highway was safe from the rayos.

They've since painted over the bolts, but the price of our breakfast (which wasn't all that) still reflects the obvious sentiment towards the Gringos.

There were truckers eating there and I can't imagine that they were paying the same price for their meals.

We won't stop there again, but head further south to La Casita.


Cypress - 8-11-2008 at 01:40 PM

Paulina, Yea, I'd have to pass on a $10US breakfast. Are you Canadian by any chance?:biggrin: