Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
"The Sea of Cortez is Ruined"..THAT IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE!!!!
So Cardon Man"Prove me Dead Wrong!!!!
I too saw the fisheries in '68 in the SOC. It is a fact that my memory is
something very flawed.But there has been a huge decline in the numbers of resident fishes. I've been here nearly full time the last 15 years. I would
love to "prove" you wrong but it is not possible. Our best professionals, scientist or those that claim to Know the condition of any fishery have been
consistently wrong. Your example;
"Yes in some Fisheries, they have been completely lost, such as the "True Cod" in the Bay at Seattle. Yes there has been a slow down and some Loss on
the Columbia River."
I lived in Kitsap county WA. from '80 to '92 and watched those two examples take place. And before that I lived in Laguna Beach and lived through the
decline of So. Cal. fisheries while the experts "protected" the resources.
I'm certainly not a trained professional in fisheries management (Is that an oxymarooon?). And I'm not saying, "The Sea of Cortez is Ruined". BUT, I
am saying that the Sea of Cortez fisheries has seen a MAJOR decline in just the 10 or so years I've lived here full time. Proof, not likely, but
opinions of the pongeros and my observations. Skeet, I'm glad your opinion/observations are so rosy. I literally pray you're right and I'm wrong.
Since "we" are a kinder and gentler Nomad today I'll just say you are a jewel. |