
Yellowtail everywhere in Asuncion!Traditional Fiestas Begin!

shari - 8-15-2008 at 02:35 PM

Juan & Tim did some scouting today in preparation for the big governors cup fishing tournament on Sunday. The reeled in 8 nice size YT 15-25 lbs. in under an hour and found some good spots. Tim & Barb will be the first canadian couple to enter the derby...BArb, the first woman ever...
Here is Tim with a sample of the your hearts out amigos...sorry, I''m not usually that cruel...must be getting trollish myself!

[Edited on 8-15-2008 by shari]

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shari - 8-15-2008 at 02:38 PM

We had fun yesterday at the beach events, volleyball, tecate downing contests, and my favorite event, the dinghy races where most of em sink trying to get out through the surf before they start the race!

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shari - 8-15-2008 at 02:39 PM

these guys had to come back in and turn the boat over to get the water out and start again...they lost!

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woody with a view - 8-15-2008 at 02:49 PM


when do YT disappear for the year?

fishbuck - 8-15-2008 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by woody in ob

when do YT disappear for the year?

I'm guessing until December but ya, how long we got to get down there for some yellowtail fun?

Diver - 8-15-2008 at 05:17 PM

Last year we still caught some in later January but the bite is less.
Unless you fish with Bajaboy and then all bets are off - he communes with YT !

Speaking of which; any news on the baby yet ??
Zac has been mysteriously absent. :yes:

woody with a view - 8-15-2008 at 06:17 PM

i am requesting all nomads refrain from the area mid october as 2-8 of us MAY show up. depending, of course, on surf, fishing conditions and the ice situation at our annual fiesta +/- 100 miles upstream.

oh, don't ask...:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:light::?::no:

4baja - 8-15-2008 at 07:38 PM

shari show us something bigger then that to get us to come down(unless he has big hands) heck there catching bigger yellows off san diego right now. will be going down to BOLA in two weeks and would love to stop by there if i thought there was a chance at bigger ones. print some more pics please.

Bajaboy - 8-15-2008 at 08:08 PM

No baby yet...we have a reservation for the hospital on Saturday night. They are going to start a natural induction. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a Sunday baby...otherwise it could be a long week.

We'll keep you posted.


Originally posted by Diver
Last year we still caught some in later January but the bite is less.
Unless you fish with Bajaboy and then all bets are off - he communes with YT !

Speaking of which; any news on the baby yet ??
Zac has been mysteriously absent. :yes:

DavidT - 8-15-2008 at 08:21 PM

Funny thing about babies. They haven't learned yet to follow anybody else's schedule.:D

shari - 8-16-2008 at 08:57 AM

OK, these yellowtail are not huge but we are just happy they are here...come on's the first week of the season and they are just coming into town...this is normal for late august...biggest fish are around 20-25 lbs. The biggies are around in oct-dec but yellowtail are her till february.
Also, Tim was bushed from reeling in so many and this fish was the first one out of the hold and the only picture I took before al fish were given away so we didn't have to clean em!
Tomorrow is the tournament so I will post pics of the winning fish. Today we are off to the moto races and then a swim and then to the horse races later on...then early to bed to be in good shape for the yellowtail hunt tomorrow.

[Edited on 8-16-2008 by shari]

Diver - 8-16-2008 at 11:34 AM

No worries about bigger fish.
Last year I pulled on a yellowtail until I pulled the head clear off !
Nah, a sea lion got it but when we pulled in the head alone, it weighed 20 lbs !! :biggrin:

Santiago - 8-16-2008 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by woody in ob

when do YT disappear for the year?

My experience has been the day before I show up.........:?:

Cypress - 8-16-2008 at 12:56 PM

Glad to hear that the bite is on.:D Regarding the smaller fish. They can only get big if they live long enough.:D Too many hooks, too many nets. They're taking their toll. Mark my words, this overfishing, keeping way more than can be used, giving away the rest, will haunt those folks when their kids ask them " Where are the fish?":no:

Skeet/Loreto - 8-16-2008 at 01:38 PM

Shari: Good Luck on you Fiesta!
Keep catching all those Yellowtail! Need to take all the Littleones you can makes the Big Ones grow Bigger and Produce all the Little Ones.

Over in the Sea the FISH AE BACK IN THE THOUSANDS, sure looks as if all the Naysayers need to go back to their Sources about the Fishing being Ruined!!

Diver - 8-16-2008 at 01:49 PM

You should run for president Skeet !!
Your arguments make about as much sense as our current nominees ! :lol:

Cypress - 8-16-2008 at 01:54 PM

Skeet/Loreto. You must be on/off your meds. :O Getting hard to tell one way or the other, seems like you're drifting in and out of La-La land.:( If you have a dictionary, put your glasses on and look up "denial". Ignorance? That's found under the "I"'s.:O

Bajaboy - 8-16-2008 at 01:59 PM

No need to attack Skeet. I don't necessarily agree with his point but no reason for personal attacks.


Cypress - 8-16-2008 at 02:30 PM

Bajaboy, Personal attack? I don't even know Skeet, for what it's worth, he's got lot's of stories and knowlege about way back when.:D That's a good thing.:D He ought to write a book.:D But I do know something about fisheries.:) His concept of fisheries is wrong, dead wrong and to patronize him is doing a disservice to everybody involved.:(

Bajaboy - 8-16-2008 at 02:44 PM

Cypress, then talk about the fisheries without making statements about people on their meds. The personal attacks get my opinion. I'm all for hearing your expertise.


comitan - 8-16-2008 at 02:47 PM

Here we Go!!!!!!!!!!!:o:o:o:o

Cypress - 8-16-2008 at 03:09 PM

Bajaboy, You're right! I'm not qualified to talk about medical matters. :(My expertise? Fishing? Yea ! I can tell you a story or two. :biggrin:How 'bout going out in the morning and catching 1,500 lbs. of fish(red snapper) before noon. Hook and line, in over 100 ' of water, crew of three, those 4/0 Penns would smoke.:biggrin: Your arms would hurt! Now, under the current laws and regulations you can keep 4 fish that fit within some sort of size limit.:tumble:Expertise? Naugh!:tumble:

Russ - 8-16-2008 at 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bajaboy, Personal attack? I don't even know Skeet, for what it's worth, he's got lot's of stories and knowlege about way back when.:D That's a good thing.:D He ought to write a book.:D But I do know something about fisheries.:) His concept of fisheries is wrong, dead wrong and to patronize him is doing a disservice to everybody involved.:(

Well said!

Bajaboy - 8-16-2008 at 05:08 PM

Excellent-I'm all ears. And I do agree with much of what you say. Just hate to see people attacking one another...myself included. Please continue to inform....


Cardon Man - 8-16-2008 at 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bajaboy, Personal attack? I don't even know Skeet, for what it's worth, he's got lot's of stories and knowlege about way back when.:D That's a good thing.:D He ought to write a book.:D But I do know something about fisheries.:) His concept of fisheries is wrong, dead wrong and to patronize him is doing a disservice to everybody involved.:(

Right on Cypress. I could not agree more.

Russ - 8-17-2008 at 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
"The Sea of Cortez is Ruined"..THAT IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE!!!!
So Cardon Man"Prove me Dead Wrong!!!!
:?:I too saw the fisheries in '68 in the SOC. It is a fact that my memory is something very flawed.But there has been a huge decline in the numbers of resident fishes. I've been here nearly full time the last 15 years. I would love to "prove" you wrong but it is not possible. Our best professionals, scientist or those that claim to Know the condition of any fishery have been consistently wrong. Your example;
"Yes in some Fisheries, they have been completely lost, such as the "True Cod" in the Bay at Seattle. Yes there has been a slow down and some Loss on the Columbia River."
I lived in Kitsap county WA. from '80 to '92 and watched those two examples take place. And before that I lived in Laguna Beach and lived through the decline of So. Cal. fisheries while the experts "protected" the resources.
I'm certainly not a trained professional in fisheries management (Is that an oxymarooon?). And I'm not saying, "The Sea of Cortez is Ruined". BUT, I am saying that the Sea of Cortez fisheries has seen a MAJOR decline in just the 10 or so years I've lived here full time. Proof, not likely, but opinions of the pongeros and my observations. Skeet, I'm glad your opinion/observations are so rosy. I literally pray you're right and I'm wrong. Since "we" are a kinder and gentler Nomad today I'll just say you are a jewel.

fishbuck - 8-17-2008 at 07:59 AM

Alright all you thread jackers quit messing up Shari's thread!

Anyway, I was thinking of why B. Asuncion is so special. When I fished there with Juan. I caught my yellowtail and a bunch of other fish less than a mile from the beach. We only fished for a couple of hours and had a pile of fish in the boat.
I've caught yellowtail in alot of different places and it usually requires a long boat ride. That plus we were the only boat on the water.
That was the most pure, best feeling fishing day I have ever had.
Top that off with a sushi fest at Juan and Shari's and it's pure magic.
And Fishbuck Adventures still has seats available for a private flight down there on Sept 13-15. About a 3.5 hour flight and share expense estimate is about $250 each.
I think it's about a 10+ hour drive from the border. Flying is so much more relaxing. And way funner!:yes:

Bajalover - 8-17-2008 at 09:04 AM

Shari, great pics. Have fun with the Fiestas. Wish I could be there. YT -- ummmm!

shari - 8-17-2008 at 09:36 AM

Well, I dont know squat about the state of the fishery here or in the gulf....but I don't feel that 8 fish between 2 or 3 fishers is too much...people that have been very nice to us get their kindness repaid finally with a lovely fresh yellowtail that will feed their whole family.
I was happy to give a fish to a wonderful woman with a huge family who always feeds me when I go to her place just to ask a question or favor, and felt great to gift a nice fish to the police chief too.
We are fortunate here not to have to go far to get into fish and enjoy sharing good times and good food with our friends.

And now, the latest update from the tournament...Barb just called us on the cell from the secret spot and told us Juan caught a BIG fish...over 30 pounds that we hope is a winner!!!
Todays fish feeds the town!

Iflyfish - 8-17-2008 at 10:01 AM

Keep the pics coming Shari!

For those who are interested in the issue of how Shari and Juan use the fish that they catch, I watched them share fish with their community and serve it to their friends. I saw no waste nor over fishing. These people love their community and husband their resources very carefully. This is not true in all fishing communities in the Baja, nor on the mainland for that matter. This community and it's Cooperative are doing a great job in protecting it's vital resource. This is not true in all ports in Baja, nor on the ports on the mainland.

As to the Skeets inflamatory comments and put downs to those who are interested in protecting our enviornment, He errs when he alludes to there not being a problem in the Pacific Northwest with Salmon. The Sacramento River run was so low that the ENTIRE Pacific Coast was closed to Salmon fishing to protect this fragile run that along with many subspecies of Salmon on the Columbia and it's tributaries either are at risk for or have become extinct. The sort of polemic that he uses is inflamatory and elicits this sort of rebuttle. We live in an era of diminishing resources and anyone who does not realize this simply has their head in the sand!


fishing tourney

Porky Pig - 8-17-2008 at 10:30 AM

Shari, will you be posting the tournament results, pictures? Here on Nomads or on your website? We have about half a dozen Cielito Lindo residents fishing down there and are interested in seeing if they are the great fishermen they claim to be.
Thanks, Dave & Juanita

Cardon Man - 8-17-2008 at 10:36 AM

Skeeter... your argument in favor of thriving fish populations in the Sea Of Cortez flies in the face of the observations of every old timer I know. I have a number of friends who began commercial fishing the 'Cortez back in the 1950's long before even you arrived on the scene. To a man, they lament the massive changes in the fishery and great decline in many of the species. Sure, you can still catch a glimpse here and there of former glory. Thankfully, there are still some fantastic fishing opportunities in the 'Cortez if you know how/where to find them. But you stand alone if you believe the fishery is anything like it was "back in the day".

shari - 8-17-2008 at 10:44 AM

Hola Porky...yes, I met 3 of your compaņeros yesterday at the registration party..they are LOVIN it here and have been having a splendid experience... I will be going down to the Tournament beer tent soon to watch the boats come in and wait with baited breath to see who wins the big prize! I will be posting photos and results asap.

rbwrivers - 8-17-2008 at 11:09 AM

Can't wait for results and pics! Go Juan!!!

DianaT - 8-17-2008 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by shari
Well, I dont know squat about the state of the fishery here or in the gulf....but I don't feel that 8 fish between 2 or 3 fishers is too much...people that have been very nice to us get their kindness repaid finally with a lovely fresh yellowtail that will feed their whole family.
I was happy to give a fish to a wonderful woman with a huge family who always feeds me when I go to her place just to ask a question or favor, and felt great to gift a nice fish to the police chief too.
We are fortunate here not to have to go far to get into fish and enjoy sharing good times and good food with our friends.

And now, the latest update from the tournament...Barb just called us on the cell from the secret spot and told us Juan caught a BIG fish...over 30 pounds that we hope is a winner!!!
Todays fish feeds the town!

We don't fish and yesterday John cooked and we enjoyed a nice baked yellowtail----wonder where we got it. :lol::lol:

We were surprised to see more gringos this year--took a few very early morning pix of some of the boats going out. Will post some later. --- Shari, I am sure will post the winning fish---right now she is probably meditating with visions of Juan with the winning fish. :lol:

Has been a fun fiesta week.


Cypress - 8-17-2008 at 11:28 AM

Shari, Catching a few fish and sharing them with friends, it doesn't get any better than that.:D Your community has a lot at stake in conserving and preserving their wonderful resources.:D Beware of the gill netters, the long liners, and the night divers.:)The Sea of Cortez is like the canary in the cage, the Pacific Ocean is big, but coastal zones aren't. Good luck with the tournament, they call 'em "Fishing Rodeos" in some areas.:D

Diver - 8-17-2008 at 12:01 PM


You must never have been to Asuncion.
The coops have look-outs all up and down the beach, day and night, checking for illegal fishing.
These guys are serious about guarding, protecting and enhancing their fishing territory.
Although some depletion of the resident fish population is probably inevitable, the majority of fish caught are migrating species that are chasing migrating bait.

After a few days of no catching for me, I was thrilled when Juan offered us a nice YT for dinner !
Thank goodness there are better fishermen around than me !!

Cypress - 8-17-2008 at 12:47 PM

Diver, You're right about my having not been to Asuncion, my loss.:yes: Wish 'em all the luck in the world in maintaining their community.:yes: Coast watchers 24/7. That's a major commitment. ;) Curious. ;)If they see illegal fishing activities who do they call? What is the response?:?:

Skeet/Loreto - 8-17-2008 at 03:08 PM

Shjari: I am sorry that I started a problem with this thread.
Sometimes us Old Timers cannot keep their Temper when so much False Information is being Spread.

Good Luck and God Bless you and your Family and Friends


shari - 8-17-2008 at 05:13 PM

FYI...both fishing coops here have vigilancia...a patrol both by sea and land 24/7 which comes out of the fishermen's paychecks...but they realize the value of this as poaching has been a big problem in the past. The governor today promised more help in this area with motors and vehicles. When a poacher is caught, the marines are called to assist (they are from a local base here) to arrest at gunpoint and take the perps to jail). It is very effective.

shari - 8-17-2008 at 07:04 PM

Yfesterday, we went to the horse races which were part of the was very well attended and lots of fun. I won 2 out of three bets...for a total winning of $7!!! This was the closest race of the day.

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Iflyfish - 8-17-2008 at 10:22 PM

Skeet, It's a rare man that displays such humility and grace. I am impressed, very impressed. I hope that you continue to experience the quality of the fishing that you do as long as you can keep your tip up!
